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You wouldn't believe me traduction Espagnol

757 traduction parallèle
I told you you wouldn't believe me!
¡ Ya dije que no me creería!
I suppose ifI tried to tell you thatI wasn't that no more you'd believe me, wouldn't you?
Supongo que si intentara decirte que ya no soy así me creerías, ¿ no?
Why, if I told you how often I wished I had you like this, you wouldn't believe it. Why me?
Si te digo cuánto he esperado esto, no me creerías.
You wouldn't easily believe things against me, would you?
¿ No creerías cualquier cosa que se dijera sobre mí. Verdad?
No, and let me tell you something. My husband wouldn't believe it either.
- Le digo una cosa, mi marido tampoco me creería.
I tried to tell you that and you wouldn't believe me.
Intenté decírtelo, pero no me creíste.
You wouldn't believe me, Tom.
No me han creído, Tom
Say, if I told you the story he told me... you wouldn't believe he could be so dumb.
Si te contara la historia que me contó a mí... no creerías que pudiera ser tan tonto.
And if I said I really love you, you wouldn't believe me?
Si dijera que te amo de verdad, ¿ no me creerías?
I wouldn't bear it if you didn't believe me.
Lo que no puedo soportar es que dudes de mí.
Because they wouldn't believe me any more than you did.
Porque no me creerían más que Vd.
You wouldn't believe it, the dead spit of me.
No lo va a creer, pero la muerte ya no me asusta.
And you wouldn't believe me.
Y no me creía.
- I knew you wouldn't believe me.
No me crees. Lo sabía.
- You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
- Si te lo digo no me lo creerías.
Well, I did and she wouldn't believe me. And that's something I want to talk to you about.
No me cree, y de eso quería hablar contigo.
You, too, at the first, making me believe you wouldn't betray him.
Tú también, después de hacerme pensar que no lo traicionarías.
You wouldn't believe it, but music does something to me. That kind of music.
Esa clase de música.
You wouldn't believe me when I told you.
No me creyeron cuando se lo dije.
Whatever you say, I wouldn't believe it.
Me digas lo que me digas, no te creeré.
You wouldn't believe it. Poubennec told me about your troubles.
Ya lo sé, me lo contó Poubennec.
I wouldn't believe you no matter what you told me.
No creería nada que me dijeras.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Si te lo dijese, no me creerías
Tell me truthfully why you are on this boat. You wouldn't believe me.
- No me creería.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
Si se lo dijera no podría creerlo.
You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you.
No me creerías aunque te lo contara.
- Ah, you wouldn't believe it...
- Oh, me lo creeré, sí.
You wouldn't believe this, Em, but I've got nothing in that valley.
No me creerás, Em, pero no tengo nada en ese valle.
Well, I could explain, I suppose, but you wouldn't believe me.
Podría explicarles, supongo, pero no me creerían.
Or I wouldn't be keeping you from a Turkish bath, believe you me.
Pero eso no quiere decir que me intereses lo más mínimo.
If you only knew how much I liked you, You wouldn't try to make me believe that Grandy -
Créame, si supiera cuánto me agrada Ud. Le suplico que no hable de esa forma...
You wouldn't believe me if I told you I needed another attorney.
No me creería si le digo que necesito otro abogado.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
"¡ Es increíble!"
I tried to tell you that I wasn't any good for you but.. You wouldn't believe me.
Intenté decirte que no te convenía, pero no me creíste.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
Si se lo digo le costaría trabajo creerme.
I wouldn't none if you give me any reason to believe that I could trust you
Llévame contigo, no te molestaré, te lo prometo.
If I told you, sir, you wouldn't believe me.
– Si lo dijese, no me creería.
Because you wouldn't believe me.
– Porque no me creería.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
- Usted no me creería.
You have confidence in Dr. Cargraves, me, the General... we wouldn't ask you to do anything we didn't believe in.
No te pediríamos que hagas algo en lo que no creyésemos.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
No me creerías si te lo dijera.
- Oh, you wouldn't believe me.
- No va a creerme
You wouldn't believe it, Gus, but I want you with me wherever I go.
No lo creerá, Gus... pero quiero tenerle conmigo donde quiera que vaya.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
Si te lo dijera, no me creerías.
You wouldn't believe me.
No me creería.
Nanny wouldn't believe me, would you, Nanny?
Nanny no quería creerme, ¿ verdad, Nanny?
I wanted to confess. He told me they wouldn't believe me and they'd find you guilty, too.
Quería confesar, pero me dijo que nadie me creería y te culparían a ti también.
You wouldn't listen before. You wouldn't believe me.
No quisiste escucharme ni creerme.
- You wouldn't believe me, and...
- No me creería.
You got me, the kid here's got something so important that he can't tell anybody but you, on account of, "I wouldn't believe him".
Ahí está... El chico tiene algo tan importante, que tiene que hablar con usted. Piensa que no le creeré.
Once before you wouldn't believe me.
Ya antes no me creíste.

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