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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You were awesome

You were awesome traduction Espagnol

278 traduction parallèle
- You were awesome!
- ¡ Has estado extraordinario!
Teresa, you were awesome behind the furnace.
Teresa, estuviste colosal detrás de la caldera.
You were awesome!
Fue asombroso.
God, that was so good. You were awesome.
Dios, fue tan bueno, eres tan bueno.
You were awesome, Dad.
- Estuviste fenomenal papa.
As a villain, you were awesome.
Como villana, eras formidable.
Dad, you were awesome.
- Has estado fantástico
You were awesome.
Estuviste genial.
You were awesome.
Estuviste magnífico.
You were awesome in all the school plays.
Eras fabulosa en las obras de la escuela.
You were awesome out there hanging upside down from that tree and shit
Estuviste genial ahí colgando de ese árbol y, joder...
- You were awesome last night.
- Anoche estuviste increíble.
You were awesome. You earned the finale.
Tu desempeño fue increíble, te ganaste el final.
You were awesome.
Usted fue impresionante.
- You were awesome.
- Estuviste genial.
You were awesome! - We did it!
Estuviste genial.
You were awesome, little man.
Eres grandioso chiquillo.
You were awesome.
Tú estuviste fantástico.
Tru, you were awesome!
¡ Tru, eres increíble!
Oh, baby, you were awesome.
Cariño, estuviste estupenda.
You don't get it. You were awesome out there.
No entiendes. ¡ Corriste increíble!
- You were awesome!
- Estuviste estupendo.
You... you were awesome.
Estuviste genial.
You were awesome.
Has estado impresionante.
Oh, baby, you were awesome. - No.
Carinio, estuviste estupenda.
Dude, you were awesome, Kyle.
Tío, eres increíble Kyle.
You were awesome, Token!
- ¡ Estuviste increíble, Token!
Hammy, you were awesome, my man!
¡ Hammy, eres asombroso!
You were awesome!
¡ Te salió fabuloso!
You were awesome.
Estuvimos bárbaro.
- Dude, you were awesome.
- Flaco, estuviste maravilloso.
You were awesome. I would have followed you anywhere.
Eres maravillosa.Te seguire a cualquier lugar
[Man # 2] We were aware that, you know, he is our father... but he had this awesome power... that he could decide on somebody's life or death.
Sabemos que es nuestro padre pero que tuvo un poder enorme. Tenía poder sobre la vida de las personas.
- You were particularly awesome.
- Estuviste impresionante.
I mean, you guys, you two were just awesome.
Quiero decir, chicos, Ustedes dos eran Simplemente impresionantes.
Oh, Joe. You were so awesome. You really kicked their butts.
Estuviste increíble le diste a todos.
No wonder you were so awesome.
No es de extrañar que fueras tan impresionante.
You were right, dad, scouts is awesome. Yeah!
tenias razón, pá, los escouts es genial. si!
Ruby, estuviste fantástica fuiste como una pequeñisima y blanca Ray Charles
/ Awesome The last time I saw you were....
- Fantástico, la última vez que te vi, tú estabas...
You were so awesome on the radio today.
Estuviste asombrosa en la radio hoy.
I knew you were gonna burp, but the vomit thing was awesome!
Sabía que ibas a eructar, ¡ pero eso del vómito estuvo increíble!
You guys were awesome.
Son increibles.
We were just talking about how awesome you are today
Estábamos hablando de usted.
You were all, "I can be late." That was awesome.
Diciendo, "Si puedo llegar tarde." Fue asombroso.
I heard you were smart, but I had no idea you were such an awesome teacher.
Me habían dicho que eras muy lista, pero no sabía que fueras una profe tan genial.
Well, the way that it ended with us, y'know I kinda built it up and then I pulled the plug out of nowhere and I mean, you were really cool, and y'know, and it was awesome the way you took my virginity like that and all and I... Y'know, I just...
Bueno, por la forma en que acabó lo nuestro, ya sabes cómo yo lo empecé y luego tiré del enchufe sin más y entiéndeme, eras realmente maja, ya sabes y fue imponente el modo en que tomaste mi virginidad y aún así y todo yo sabes, simplemente...
Well, you were right, man. She's awesome.
Tenías razón tío, es genial
- You almost had it. - Dude, you were awesome.
- Casi lo hiciste.
- You were so awesome!
- ¡ Estuviste impresionante!
Now I'm really screwed. 'Cause you were all awesome.
Estoy en apuros, porque estuvieron estupendos.

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