And as usual traduction Français
598 traduction parallèle
I called at your hotel again this morning and as usual they said you were out.
Je suis passé vous voir. Vous étiez sortie.
My name is Lutz, and as usual Professor Juttner, you will be late.
Mon nom est Lutz, et comme d'habitude professeur Juttner, vous serez en retard.
Get taken on the yard, if you can, and report to me as usual.
Faites-vous embaucher.
How would it be to take the straw away from them and tell them... they got to turn out just as many bricks as usual.
Force-les à faire des briques sans paille. C'est assez méchant?
- And come back broke as usual.
Après cet en-cas, on ira prendre du bon temps à terre.
And they're almost twice as large as usual.
Ils sont deux fois plus gros que d'habitude.
As usual, you've got the dirty work to do, low flying, machine gunning infantry strafing supply trucks and any shock troops they try to bring up.
Comme d'habitude, vous avez un sale boulot : vol à basse altitude, mitraillés par l'infanterie... Vous mitraillerez les convois de ravitaillement et toutes les troupes de choc qu'ils font monter au front.
The police are tipped off as usual... They search the ship as usual, and find nothing as usual.
La police fouille le navire, mais ne trouvera rien.
And so we'll be on the air, as usual, next Wednesday night.
Nous serons à l'antenne mercredi prochain, comme d'habitude.
Everything's as usual, and better.
Tout est comme d'habitude, et même mieux.
He stands in battle and gets shot at so that sanctimonious little skinflints like you can run around in safety doing business as usual.
Il a été blessé pendant que des cafards de votre genre continuent leur commerce!
As usual - hear earthquake... and naturally expect to find number two son responsible.
Comme d'habitude, entendre tremblement de terre... et naturellement penser que fils nº2 responsable.
The twins, as usual, are on opposite sides, and so their votes pair.
Les jumelles sont dans des camps opposés, donc leurs votes vont de pair.
And you, as usual, lost your head.
Et toi comme de juste, tu as perdu la tête.
He went to the theater as usual, and she gave him his walking papers.
Elle a dû lui dire de partir.
Teaching Adele, as usual. As usual as a new heaven and a new Earth... and you go on teaching Adele as usual.
Il y a un nouveau paradis et vous instruisez Adèle?
You go and work as usual.
Va travailler.
- That's right. - Our motto is "Business as usual", but we feel wartime ain't a usual time and business as usual is dishonest.
La devise de cette ville est "Les affaires comme d'ordinaire", mais nous pensons qu'être en guerre n'est pas ordinaire et que mener ses affaires comme d'ordinaire est mal.
I got out at Ketchworth and gave up my ticket... and walked home as usual, soberly, and without any wings at all.
Je rentrais à la maison de mon pas habituel. Calmement et sans ailes.
Now I know where you spend your evenings. And nights. Wrong, as usual, Georges.
- Georges, avez-vous déjà vu une aussi splendide créature?
As usual. Grumblers and malcontents.
On tue Robert Macaire!
And she says to tell you she'll be over... oh, over tonight same as usual.
Elle viendra vous voir ce soir.
Well, I trot around, same as usual, to collect her weekly dime and what do you think happens? Sell, sir, she gives me two dimes.
Quand je suis passé pour encaisser... elle a payé pour deux.
Same as usual, a lecture on eating and then what you decide.
Comme d'habitude. Un laïus gastronomique et tu choisiras.
Business as usual, and don't weaken. Yeah.
et surtout, tiens bon!
- As usual. And yours?
Comme d'habitude.
and the usual ending. Thank you. Will you see that Dr. Gifford gets this as soon as possible?
Veillez à ce que le Dr Gifford le reçoive le plus vite possible.
As usual, there had gathered at Ye Olde Schnooker and Schnapps Shoppe a group of rustic lads, the Sleepy Hollow boys.
Comme d'habitude, à la taverne du village, étaient rassemblés les gars de Sleepy Hollow.
You'll have a nervous breakdown, and find yourself at the asylum as usual.
Vous allez faire une crise et vous vous retrouverez à l'asile.
And try to be happy and nice and don't shout about it as usual.
Et sois gentil, ne crie plus comme avant.
Well... that I could go to rehearsal today at 10.00 o'clock sit as usual at my usual place and do my job.
Laquelle? Me rendre à la répétition, à 10 h. Reprendre ma place et mon travail.
Make your announcements as usual, and wait calmly for this evening.
Faites vos annonces comme si de rien n'était.
One other thing, we gotta make it look good downtown. I gotta be free to move around and do my job as usual.
Encore autre chose, je veux être seul dans le centre, pour être libre de mes mouvements et travailler.
And tell Allen we're getting out the final edition as usual.
Dites à Allen que le journal sort comme d'habitude.
As usual, they made a clean getaway... but this time they left a trail I thought we could follow... and as I was marshal of Silver City, I decided to get up a posse to track them down.
Comme d'habitude, ils filèrent aussitôt fait, mais... cette fois, ils laissèrent une piste queje pensais pouvoir suivre... et commej'étais le marshal de Silver City... je réunis un détachement pour partir les retrouver.
Ptolemy says that Trolius's ship, which was carrying the war booty of the Phoenicians, consisting of gold sesterces, packed as usual in stoneware pots called amphoras, sank in this very spot... and that no one
Ptolemee relate que la galere amirale de Trolius qui contenait dans ses flancs le tresor de guerre des Pheniciens, constitue par des sesterces d'or, enfermes selon la coutume dans des jarres de gres denommees amphores, coula a cet endroit precis... et que nul, jamais, depuis, ne sut ce qu'etait devenu le tresor de Trolius.
A fine, soft day in the spring it was when the train pulled into Castletown, three hours late as usual, and himself got out.
C'était un beau jour de printemps. Le train entrait à Castletown avec trois heures de retard comme d'habitude. Il en sortit.
And also, as usual There was Anna's party after the opening.
Et comme toujours, Anna nous reçut après la représentation. LE SOLEIL BRILLE POUR "SUNNY RIVER"
I wanted to play in a covered-court tournament and, as usual, she didn't want me to go.
J'avais un tournoi, et elle ne voulait pas que j'y aille.
As usual, I was only joking and you fell for it
Tu prends tout au sérieux. Je plaisantais.
One evening after working long and late, as usual, Boxer and Benjamin made a curious discovery.
Un soir, comme ils rentraient à la ferme après les autres, comme d'habitude, Malabar et Benjamin firent une curieuse découverte.
As for gold and silver, better than usual.
Les profits ont été meilleurs que d'habitude.
"And after deducting the usual percentage for the bombed areas." "The proceeds to be distributed as prizes." "Are the greatest since the inception of this lottery."
Et après déduction du pourcentage habituel pour les fonds partenaires, les recettes qui seront répartie en prix, sont les plus importantes depuis la création de cette loterie.
And I will follow you. And tell you what to do, as usual.
Je te suivrai... en te disant ce qu'il faut faire.
And I bet, as usual, I can't find a place to park my car.
Et je vous parie que je ne trouverai pas à me garer.
Well, yeah, yes I know that Uncle dick and Auntie May will think I've done it on purpose as usual, but- -
Je sais que Dick et May penseront que je l'ai fait exprès.
And I'll beat you, as usual.
Je gagnerai.
And you'll cheat, as usual.
En trichant.
And you don't know where, as usual.
Et vous savez pas où, c'est pratique.
The ceremony will be celebrated with the usual feast in the Cathedral on the main square, where my sister got married as well as Alberto and Fedora.
La cérémonie sera célébrée avec le faste habituel dans la Cathédrale, sur la place, où ma soeur s'est mariée...
And it's worth £ 5,000 to you, and that's payable as usual on delivery.
C'est ton problême, Young.
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as of now 16
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as of now 16
and as i recall 25
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as usual 953
usual 64
usually 803
and a half 160
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as usual 953
usual 64
usually 803
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and all that stuff 21
and all the while 36
and all of a sudden 204
and all this time 50
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and actually 119
and also 645
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and all this time 50
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and actually 119
and also 645
and all that 128
and afterwards 122