And as of now traduction Français
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And as of now they want you alive.
Et d'ailleurs, ils vous veulent vivant maintenant.
I give them a portion of my crop for three years, and as of now, I own my farm free and clear.
Je leur donne une partie de ma récolte pendant 3 ans et je reprends ma ferme sans aucune dette.
You had no problem telling me I'm cute in the middle of a business meeting, so why don't you skip the politeness right now and tell me?
Tu m'as dit sans problème que j'étais mignonne au milieu d'un rendez-vous, alors, pourquoi ne pas me le dire franchement?
You don't have to decide until Monday, and between now and then, you can eat a lot of pie.
Tu n'as pas à décider avant lundi, et d'ici là, tu peux manger beaucoup de tartes.
Okay, I heard every word of that, and you're out of your mind. What did I do now?
Bon, j'ai tout entendu et t'as perdu la tête.
We're gonna have to put a pin in that for now because as of this moment you and I are the perfect couple, OK?
On oublie ça pour l'instant, car à partir de maintenant, toi et moi, on est le couple parfait.
I mean, you know, it's probably nothing, but... one of the lion's went missing yesterday and now Abby's boss he just disappeared as well.
Ça n'a peut-être rien à voir, mais... ils ont paumé un lion, et maintenant, c'est le patron d'Abby qui est introuvable.
That won't matter because by Jake's calculations, based on the amount of kegs and liquor you bought, you should be running out, just about now.
Peu importe, car d'après les calculs de Jake, au vu des quantités d'alcool que tu as achetées, tu devrais manquer d'alcool, tout de suite.
Uh, so, what I've realized now is that you can get away with a lot of bad rhymes when you're cute and 5.
Je réalise maintenant que tu peux t'en sortir avec beaucoup de mauvaises rimes quand tu es mignonne et que tu as 5 ans.
Now you know why you found traces of latex in my throat and mouth, Abby.
Maintenant tu sais pourquoi tu as retrouvé des traces de latex dans ma gorge et ma bouche, Abby.
And I don't know, call it relationship growing pains, but if you would like to spew back at me now - - you accused me of being shallow and using you to get ahead.
Et je ne sais pas, appele ça la souffrance d'une relation qui grandit, mais si tu pouvais me dégueuler dessus en retour maintenant. Tu m'as accusé d'être superficiel et de t'utiliser pour réussir.
I'm not quite sure how to respond to that, other than to say, you've had two wonderful dates with this woman. Uh, you're at the precipice of kissing. And it just seems... wrong for her now to be dating your clock radio.
Je ne sais pas trop quoi répondre, à part que tu as eu deux rendez-vous géniaux avec cette femme, et vous avez failli vous embrasser et ça me paraît... déplacé qu'elle sorte avec ton radio-réveil.
For now, I can offer you the following : A decent lot next to the governor of Krasnodarskiy state, and note that you will own the surface, as well as all of the valuable minerals
Pour l'instant je peux vous proposer un lot pas mal à côté du gouverneur de la région de Krasnodar, et notez que non seulement la surface mais tous les minéraux vous appartiendront.
See now if you talk as though you talk in front of TV.. .. we will cut you and make Biriyani in a cooker.
Voyons maintenant si vous parlez comme à la TV quand on vous découpe pour vous cuisiner en Biriyani.
And now not only is she totally unimpressed, but after I'm gone, she'll remember me as the idiot who was dumb enough to jump into a tub of cement.
Elle n'était pas du tout impressionnée, mais maintenant, quand je serai mort, elle se souviendra de moi comme de l'idiot qui a sauté dans une cuve de ciment.
But now, in private I must confess to you, as someone who once enjoyed Your Majesty's confidence and friendship, my deepest belief that if Your Majesty saw fit to be reconciled with Queen Catherine the divisions and hurts of your kingdom would at once be healed.
Mais maintenant, en privé, je dois vous avouer, en tant qu'ancien confident et ami de Votre Majesté, que je crois au plus profond de moi que si Votre Majesté se réconciliait avec la reine Catherine, les divisions et les plaies de votre royaume cicatriseraient aussitôt.
Now, archbishop, as principal minister of spiritual jurisdiction in our realm I ask you to determine, once and for all, my great matter.
À présent, en tant que principal ministre spirituel de notre royaume, je vous demande de statuer sur ma grande affaire.
Now that you took that chip, I'm going to be left with one bite of sandwich and no crunch.
Maintenant que tu as pris cette chips, il va me rester une bouchée de sandwich sans chips.
Now you can read it over the course of the year, turn in bi-weekly book reports for extra credit, and as long as you meet your deadlines, you'll remain eligible to play.
Vous pourrez le lire tout au long de l'année et me rendre des résumés toutes les deux semaines. Tant que vous tiendrez les délais, vous pourrez jouer.
Oh, publisher of the magazine group, corner office, designer swag- - mia mason, to think, you started as my assistant, and now here I am working for you.
Oh, éditrice du groupe, bureau d'angle, des rideaux de décorateur... Mia Mason, mon assistante à tes débuts, et aujourd'hui, je travaille pour toi.
Now, we don't need to get everybody, just 75 to 80 % of high risks and then we've achieved herd immunity.
Tu n'as pas à vacciner tout le monde, seulement 75-80 % des personnes à risque. Et nous parviendrons à une bonne protection du "troupeau".
Now you won't know when, and you won't know who, but I'm going to take one of them as my lover, and I'm ing to do things with him that would curl your toes.
Tu ne sauras pas quand, tu ne sauras pas qui, mais je vais prendre un de ces hommes comme amant et je vais lui faire des choses qui te feraient dresser les cheveux sur la tête
Now, I don't know what any of you are gonna end up doing in your lives, but I can guarantee you that there will come a day where you have a decision to make, and it won't be as easy as deciding between a heart valve and a gas chamber.
J'ignore à quoi ressemblera votre carrière, mais je peux vous garantir qu'un jour viendra où vous aurez à prendre une décision. Et ce sera plus difficile que de choisir entre la valvule cardiaque et la chambre à gaz.
And now, as a condition of my rehabilitation, I hand these out to people.
Et maintenant, comme condition de ma réhabilitation je dois donner ça aux gens.
And now you put up decorations as a way of remembering her.
Et là, vous décorez la maison en sa mémoire.
See, right now we've got you pinned as a member of the H.E.M. Brotherhood and got enough on tape to convict you of both trafficking and money laundering.
Dès maintenant, on peut vous épingler pour liens avec la confrérie H.E.M. Et nous avons assez d'enregistrements, pour vous accuser de trafic et de blanchiment d'argent.
Now, at the age of forty-five, I realised that my father had lived in the same city as me all this time and that his name was Artur Kertesz.
Aujourd'hui, à l'âge de 45 ans, j'ai appris que mon père avait vécu toutes ces années dans la même ville que moi et qu'il s'appelait Artúr Kertész.
Now that I've given you your babies and your Xerox machine, should I throw in a couple of elephants?
Tu as tes bébés, ta Xerox, veux-tu aussi deux éléphants?
And as of right now, it's not mine, it's yours.
Ce n'est donc pas la mienne, mais la vôtre.
Now, since no one knows when or if the poison has been released, until the box is opened, the cat can be thought of as both alive and dead.
Puisque personne ne sait si et quand le poison a été déversé, jusqu'à l'ouverture de la boîte, on peut considérer que le chat est à la fois vivant et mort.
Just like Schrodinger's cat, your potential relationship with Leonard right now can be thought of as both good and bad.
Tout comme le chat de Schrödinger, on peut considérer ta relation potentielle avec Leonard comme bonne et mauvaise.
I realize you're good now, samantha, and you're no longer subject to the temptations the rest of us feel, but don't you judge me for something you've done a thousand times.
Je sais que tu es bonne maintenant, Samantha, et que tu n'es plus soumise aux tentations que nous ressentons, mais ne me juge pas sur quelque chose que tu as fait une centaine de fois.
These people start to remember their deepest desires, their fantasies, as if they were real, as if they had been fulfilled and are now part of their memory.
Ces personnes se rappellent des désirs enfouis, des fantasmes récurrents, comme des faits réels. Comme si elles les avaient assouvis et les gardaient en mémoire.
You see, I'm a part of it now, and I'll always live as long as you remember it.
J'en fais partie, maintenant. Et je vivrai tant que tu t'en souviendras.
Now, John Edgemont wants to tell his side of the story to that jury and you know as well as I do that i can't put him on the stand if I know he's guilty.
Maintenant, John Edgemont veut raconter sa version des faits au jurés et vous savez aussi bien que moi que je ne peux pas le laisser aller à la barre si je sais qu'il est coupable.
As of now, General Grande only you will be in possession of a set of the T-virus and the T-vaccine.
Dorénavant, Général Grande vous êtes le seul en possession du T-virus et du T-vaccin.
You stay with it, W, because I can tell you straight as A meets up and mates with B, you are one of us now.
N'en déroge pas, car aussi vrai que 2 et 2 font 4, tu es un des nôtres maintenant.
So, what, you caused the most traumatic experience of my life, and now you're telling me that it's not your fault?
- Alors, quoi, tu as causé l'expérience la plus traumatisante de ma vie, et maintenant tu me dis que ce n'était pas de ta faute?
As long as I'm here... say a woman kept a box of keepsakes from men she knew, and the man in her life now said to get rid of it.
Puisque je suis là... Disons qu'une femme garde une boîte de souvenirs d'hommes qu'elle a connu, et que l'homme dans sa vie actuelle lui demande de s'en débarrasser.
You have something of mine, And now I have something of yours.
- Tu as quelque chose à moi, et maintenant j'ai quelque chose à toi.
This is sue ellen jasper... reporting to you live outside the santa barbara national savings bank... where an as-yet-unnamed assailant has attempted to steal over a million dollars worth of diamonds and is now holding hostages inside.
depuis la Caisse d'Épargne de Santa Barbara, où un homme encore non identifié a tenté de voler plus d'un million de dollars de diamants et retient à présent des otages.
Alright, we're gonna bring Eric in now, and let's all be as supportive as we can and show him lots of love.
Bon, on va faire venir Eric. Soutenons-le autant que possible et montrons-lui notre amour, OK?
'Cause there's been a lot of times where we've been hanging out as a group, and if Genny says, "Hey, we need to be there now,"
Beaucoup de fois, on était en groupe, et si Genny disait :
And now, as I enter the waning side of my life losing everything is like the sun going down on me.
Maintenant que ma vie est sur son déclin, tout perdre, c'est... "... like the sun going down on me. "
And as most of you now know, I had a secret weapon.
Et comme vous la savez à présent, j'avais une arme secrète.
as of now, my combi. the combination of my amplification mirror optics and unique software logarithms make a consumer-grade solar cell 10 % more efficient.
A partir de maintenant... la combinaison de mon miroir à amplification optique et du logiciel unique de logarithmes rend la consommation d'une cellule solaire 10 % plus efficace.
Look, when I wanted a story, you stayed true to the code of your office, and now, I'm staying true to mine.
Ecoute, quand je voulais des infos, tu as suivi l'éthique de ton bureau, et maintenant, je suis la mienne.
Warehouse and Emporium. As an unwanted result of a recent lawsuit, I am now in possession of hundreds of palettes of crudely painted, not-so-funny plywood cutout folk art, and it's just waiting to transform your uncut, trash-strewn lawn into a living canvas that tells passers-by, "Hey, everyone, a real funny bugler lives here."
Suite à un récent procès perdu, je suis en possession de centaines de palettes de silhouettes tape-à-l'œil, ridicules et kitsch, qui n'attendent que de transformer votre pelouse dégueulasse en toile vivante inspirant :
Now, I'm gonna read this, reminding our listeners that the source has not yet been identified and early analysis has identified this as possibly a hoax of some kind.
Je vais la lire mais je vous rappelle que la source n'est pas identifiée et à première vue, ça pourrait être un canular.
And as the full implications of the number of dead and injured and the destruction to property became apparent, it's also clear that the South now has a serious security problem of its own.
Alors toutes les victimes, la quantité de morts, et la destruction de propriété est évidente, il devient clair que le Sud a de sérieux problèmes de sécurité.
Now, I'm gonna write one of you up for murder in the first degree, and one of you as an accessory.
L'une de vous sera accusée de meurtre avec préméditation, l'autre, de complicité.
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as your friend 23
and as you know 78
and as i said 17
and as for me 30
and as i recall 25
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as of now 184
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and as far as i can tell 27
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as such 83
and as 20
as of now 184
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and always will be 33
and all 124
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and at the time 25
and always will be 33
and all 124
and another thing 192
and at the end of the day 45
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and at the same time 75
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and actually 119
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and all because of you 16
and after 142