And his mother traduction Français
2,665 traduction parallèle
And his mother ever more beautiful...
Et sa mère est encore plus belle....
He's an idiot, and his mother won't let me eat bacon.
C'est un idiot et sa mère m'interdira le bacon.
His da was a cutpurse, most likely, and his mother, a whore.
Son père était un voleur, et sa mère devait se prostituer.
William and his mother have taken Maud's side, for the time being.
William et sa mère sont du côté de Maud, pour le moment.
He has no children, and his mother is dead.
Il n'a pas d'enfants, et sa mère est morte.
And his mother, well, all she wanted was to hold her little boy in her arms.
Et sa mère, eh bien, tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était tenir son petit garçon dans ses bras.
Preston Scavo had returned from his trip with a beautiful souvenir, and his mother would soon wish he hadn't.
Oui, Preston Scavo était rentré de voyage avec un beau souvenir. Et sa mère allait bientôt souhaiter que ce ne soit pas le cas.
And his mother.
Et sa mère.
Charlie and their friend Hunter stayed with White Mike... the night of his mother's funeral.
Charlie et leur ami Hunter sont restés avec White Mike après les obsèques de sa mère.
But his father and mother are on some boat, and they'd be pissed.
Mais son père et sa mère naviguent quelque part et ils seraient fâchés.
His wife dies and then the same thing happens to your mother.
Il a perdu sa femme. Ensuite, sa fille unique lui a fait vivre un véritable cauchemar.
He left his parents, and married your mother.
Il a quitté ses parents... pour aller vivre avec ta mère.
- And I reminded him of his mother.
- Et je lui ai rappelé de sa mère.
Think about it. He said his mother was captured and his father...
Réfléchis, il a dit que sa mère a été enlevée...
- He lives with his mother and she's married now.
- Il vit avec sa mère.
She thought it was pretty funny, and she's dating a guy and she's older than his mother.
Elle a trouvé ça drôle, la mère de son copain est plus jeune qu'elle.
She's his mother, and I'm not contributing much in the way of money, so- - So what?
C'est sa mère, et je ne participe pas trop financièrement, alors... Alors quoi?
Maybe Ricky keeps cheating on you because he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, because being in a relationship with you jeopardizes his relationship with his son and with his son's mother.
Ricky te trompe peut-être, car il ne veut pas s'engager avec toi, parce que s'engager avec toi compromet sa relation avec son fils et la mère de son fils.
We know that the Goa'uld had brainwashing technology, could make a man turn against his mother and be proud of it.
Les Goa'uld maîtrisaient le lavage de cerveau. De quoi vendre sa propre mère.
And I called his mother and told her in Swedish what a great guy her son was.
Et j'ai appelé sa mère et lui ai dit que la grande suédois qui était son fils.
the mother lefi the set and the father Whispered in his ear and said, "OK, your mothers dead." ( laughing )
Et puis mère a quitté son père et mis murmure à l'oreille : Ok, votre mère est morte. ( Rires )
You know a samurai is so loyal and Jason is so loyal to his mother.
Vous savez, les samouraïs sont très fidèles et Jason était très fidèle à sa mère.
And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.
Adam donna à sa femme le nom d'Ève parce qu'elle fut la mère de tous les vivants.
His mother more or less deserted him, got remarried and went to London.
Sa mère l'a abandonné, s'est remariée, est partie à Londres.
And that my father turned in his gay badge when my mother turned in her Jewish badge.
Que mon père renonça à son homosexualité quand ma mère renonça à sa judaïté.
He couldn't bear being rejected by his mother and his siblings.
Il n'a pas supporté que sa mère et ses frères le rejettent.
He went back home to visit his mother something got screwed up and now he has to leave.
Il est rentré voir sa mère, et maintenant il doit repartir.
The problem is, when you're his girlfriend, You're also his mother and his maid And his nurse.
Mais quand on est sa copine, on est aussi sa mère, et sa bonne, et son infirmière.
Besides the fact they have not spoken to each other since Dante divorced his mother and cut him out of the will?
Ils ne se parlaient plus depuis que Dante a divorcé de sa mère et l'a déshérité.
He is the sole support of his mother And his newborn sister.
C'est le seul soutien de sa mère et de sa sœur nouveau-née.
I have a son. I had a fling five-and-a-half years ago with his mother, and a month-and-a-half ago, she moved back to Berkeley and introduced me to him.
Je suis sorti avec sa mère y a 5 ans et demi, et y a un mois à peu près, elle est revenue à Berkeley et me l'a présenté.
His mother spoke Spanish, his father spoke French and Creole and him, the language of the street.
Sa mère parlait espagnol, son père parlait français et créole et lui, le langage de la rue.
let me show you Arush family I'm Arush's father and I'm his mother
Iaissez-moi vous montrer Ia famille Arush Je suis Ie père d'Arush etje suis sa mère
I told Chuck I wasn't his mother and that he deserves someone better than me.
J'ai dit à Chuck que je n'étais pas sa mère. Et qu'il méritait mieux que moi.
A boy sees his father falling apart, And then, another soldier moves into the house And provides support and comfort to his mother.
Un garçon voit son père s'effondrer... et un autre soldat emménage dans la maison... et fournit le soutien et le réconfort à sa mère?
And one call from his mother.
Et un de sa mère.
Of her father and his lover and her mother and father...
Son père, sa maîtresse... Son père, sa mère...
My husband's in Lebanon with his mother, and my daughter moved out.
Mon mari est au Liban avec sa mère, et ma fille a déménagé.
The youngest in a large family, his mother's illness had been kept from Thierry, and after her death, the sense that he had missed such an important event stayed with him.
Le plus jeune d'une grande famille, la maladie de sa mère lui avait été cachée. Et après sa mort, l'impression d'avoir manqué un évènement si important resta en lui
We actually watch him his mother and I.
Il nous en fait voir a sa mere et moi.
He likes people, he loves his mother, he works with children and he doesn't stumble through life stinking of whiskey and KY Jelly.
Il aime les gens, il aime sa mère, il aide des enfants et ne vit pas sa vie en titubant et en empestant le whisky et le lubrifiant.
And he's with his mother?
Et il est avec sa mère?
And he's not losing his mother too, ok?
Et il ne perdra pas sa mère aussi, ok?
See, his mother and I are having marital problems.
Sa mère et moi, on a des petits problèmes dans notre mariage.
- and nursing his sick mother.
- et en s'occupant de sa mère malade.
I don't want to put Preston in the middle, but I am his mother, and I will fight for his best interests till the day I die.
Je ne veux pas lui infliger ça, mais je suis sa mère et je me battrai dans son intérêt jusqu'à ma mort.
It is too hard for Preston to choose between a mother and a girlfriend, so once I am his wife, choice will be much easier.
C'est trop dur pour Preston de choisir entre sa mère et sa petite amie, alors quand je serai sa femme, ce sera plus facile.
He was too like his mother and a nastier woman never drew breath.
Il ressemblait trop à sa mère qui était le mal incarné.
His mother is alive and he lives with her.
Il vit avec sa mère.
That is the nightmare being lived by David Maurice Brooks, His mother, his family and friends.
Ceci est le cauchemar vécu par David Maurice Brooks, sa mère, sa famille et ses amis.
How come he's friends with you and not the mother of his baby?
Et il l'est pas avec la mère de son bébé?
and his brother 20
and his father 24
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his father 24
and his friends 16
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his girlfriend 18
and his name 26
and his son 20
his mother 223
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240
his mother 223
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240