As of tomorrow traduction Français
397 traduction parallèle
As of tomorrow, I shall have my lunch elsewhere.
A partir de demain, je déjeunerai ailleurs.
As of tomorrow I'm broke.
Demandez moi plutôt demain, je suis brisé.
As of tomorrow, November 14th,
Dès demain, le 14 novembre,
Accordingly, I am informing you that you're dismissed as of tomorrow.
Je vous informe donc que vous êtes renvoyée à compter de demain.
As of tomorrow you don't have to come to work.
À partir de demain, vous êtes dispensé de venir.
Not having to come to work as of tomorrow is supposed to be a favor, eh?
Comme si c'était une faveur de ne plus aller travailler demain.
As of tomorrow, you're the star.
Dès demain, tu es la vedette.
And then you think about this. As of tomorrow evening, mcnulty is going to be loaded.
A partir de demain soir, McNulty sera plein aux as.
And tomorrow you will stay home as a sign of national mourning.
Et demain, vous ne viendrez pas en signe de deuil national. - Ouais!
Notify me as soon as S Broadcasting makes the announcement of the personnel changes tomorrow.
Informez-moi dès que S Broadcasting fera une annonce sur les changements demain.
If you ain't out of town by tomorrow morning you won't ever leave it except in a pine box.
Si t'as pas quitté la ville d'ici demain, tu la quitteras plus qu'en costume de sapin.
And at sunrise tomorrow, as my chieftains are assembled in the temple below, you two and your compatriot, Sir Nayland Smith, will have the pleasure of entering your Christian heaven together.
Et demain, au lever du soleil, alors que mes chefs seront réunis en bas dans le temple, vous deux et votre compatriote, Sir Nayland Smith, aurez le plaisir d'entrer ensemble dans votre paradis chrétien.
It's as neat a case for alienation of affection... as I've ever seen, and we slap it on tomorrow!
L'affaire est dans le sac. Le préjudice est flagrant. On attaque en justice demain.
I sentence you to 31 days in the city jail but I'll suspend 30 days of that sentence if you give me your word that as soon as you get out tomorrow you'll go back to your folks in Kansas.
Je vous condamne à 31 jours de prison, mais dont 30 avec sursis si vous me donnez votre parole de rejoindre dès demain matin votre famille dans le Kansas.
And so, because of the grotesque situation this new kind of army grows and grows always gaining new recruits who care nothing about tomorrow just so long as money is easy today.
Et cette armée se multiplie, gagnant des recrues sans souci du lendemain tant que l'argent est facile.
They should spend tomorrow as guests of the Lords.
Ils devraient passer le week-end là-bas.
- I shall have the right tomorrow at noon... as head of the family, when I marry the Countess.
- J'aurai tous les droits demain à midi en tant que chef de famille, quand j'épouserai la comtesse.
But as things stand at the present, you will be dead within a very few moments of your landing at Batoumi tomorrow morning.
Mais les choses étant ce qu'elles sont, vous mourrez peu après votre arrivée à Batoumi demain.
I begin my journey tomorrow will you join me, as a captain of cavalry?
M'accompagnez-vous? Vous serez mon capitaine.
Instead of dinner with me tomorrow night How about having dinner with me tonight and tomorrow night and as many other nights as you can spare.
Et si, au lieu de dîner ensemble demain soir, on dînait ensemble ce soir, demain soir et tous les autres soirs, si vous voulez?
As a matter of fact, we've got a luncheon date on tom frazier's yacht tomorrow.
On déjeune sur le yacht de Tom Fraser, demain.
But for the moment, you must try and think of yourself As being in a deep sleep between today and tomorrow.
Mais pour le moment, vous devez essayer de penser à vous-même comme étant dans un sommeil profond entre aujourd'hui et demain.
They want to know if it'd be all right if they deliver the 40 gilt chairs tomorrow afternoon... instead of today... as the reception is not till Wednesday night.
Ils voudraient livrer les fauteuils d'apparat demain plutôt qu'aujourd'hui. La réception n'étant que mercredi.
Her perfume as of a sweet tomorrow
Elle a le parfum d'un doux lendemain
You will have a closed carriage at the corner of McDougal Street tomorrow evening as soon as it gets dark.
Vous allez avoir une voiture fermée à l'angle de la rue MacDougal - demain soir dès qu'il fera noir.
Now, what's the idea of doing something tonight you can do just as well tomorrow?
Qu'est-ce qui te prend de vouloir faire ce soir ce que tu pourrais faire demain?
Tomorrow you have an important appointment with the last of my enemies.
Demain tu as un rendez-vous important avec le dernier de mes ennemis.
Listen to the young voices as they put the strength of their lives into their song. May we live without destruction May we look to tomorrow with hope
Ecoutez la voix de ces jeunes gens qui mettent toutes leurs forces vitales dans leurs chants.
Tomorrow morning I'm leaving for Rome and, in the course of the day I intend to resign as mayor.
Dans la journée, je démissionnerai de mon poste de maire.
As a token of our intentions, look in front of your apartment tomorrow morning.
Comme gage de nos intentions, regardez devant chez vous demain matin.
You have a lot of meetings tomorrow.
Tu as beaucoup de rendez-vous, demain.
As a matter of fact, Louis Bernard, the big buyer from Paris, was going to take us to the marketplace tomorrow. Yeah.
Louis Bernard, un gros commissionnaire de Paris, devait nous y conduire.
I would like you to leave two quarts of Grade A milk tomorrow... and a quarter of a pound of butter... as I am no longer just working off and on... but have accepted a position as an executive.
Je voudrais deux litres de lait pour demain... et une demi-livre de beurre... puisque je travaille à l'extérieur.. et que j'ai accepté un emploi de cadre.
Tomorrow the light of freedom will shine upon us as we go forth from Egypt.
Demain la lumière de la liberté nous illuminera tandis que nous quitterons l'Egypte.
As you know, most of you move on tomorrow to a new camp and new construction.
La plupart d'entre vous partent demain pour un nouveau camp.
As of tomorrow morning, I...
General Alexandre Zagorianski.
As you will learn tomorrow when we start studying the Holy Rule... which governs our life here in the community... one of the first conditions is the rule of silence.
Comme vous l'apprendrez demain en étudiant la règle qui guide notre vie ici dans la communauté, une des premières conditions est la règle de silence,
Nope, you're sleeping in the barn tonight, cuz tomorrow I want cold milk and alot of it, you've been dry lately.
Non, tu dors dans la grange ce soir, car demain je veux du lait froid et en quantité, tu n'as rien donné dernièrement.
Now, you've got till sundown tomorrow, widow woman and I get the 500 or I'm taking him out of these parts forever!
Tu as jusqu'à demain soir pour te décider, Veuve! 500 $ ou tu ne reverras plus jamais Huck!
OK ; early to work tomorrow, and we'll see about some of that food!
Sois prêt de bon matin et on verra bien si tu as droit au couvert.
Not as of three weeks from tomorrow.
Votre bail expire dans 21 jours.
Tomorrow the last of their companions will flight to the death... in the temple of my fathers as a sacrifiice to them.
Les derniers de leurs compagnons se battront à mort demain... dans le temple de mes pères en sacrifice pour eux.
I don't care a tinker's damn about this eclipse of the sun as such. The evening papers will cane it. It'll be dead by tomorrow morning.
Je me contrefiche de l'éclipse en tant que telle, les journaux du soir la traiteront, mais je veux savoir pourquoi elle a eu lieu
Well, I'll be leaving tomorrow before that husband of yours starts making contracts to use all of Japan as extras.
Je partirai demain avant que ton mari ne signe de contrats avec tous les figurants du Japon.
Tomorrow in the Senate, let them offer the sands of Libya as my kingdom...
Demain, qu'ils m'offrent le désert de Libye.
But by 1000 hours tomorrow morning... I'll cut flight orders for this camera you don't have... on the 1900 hours flight to Portland... with a copy of each to COMINT, SHAEF, COMNAVEU, COMLANCRABEU... and Port Commander, Portland, PORLANCRABEAU.
Je le sais mais dès demain 10 heures j'aurai un ordre de mission pour cette équipe que tu n'as pas sur le vol de 19 heures pour Portland.
Mr. And Mrs. Howard Ebbets, and as such, I set the hearing for distribution of the Lagerlof will to take place in probate court tomorrow at 9 : 30 a.m.
M. Et Mme Howard Ebbets, et en tant que tel, la lecture du testament de Lagerlof aura lieu demain à 9 h 30.
I could walk out of here tonight and offer myself as candidate for the presidency and by tomorrow, I'd be at that desk with precisely the mandate you hold so dear.
Je pourrais sortir d'ici et me présenter comme candidat à la présidence. Et demain, je serais assis à ce bureau!
Here you see the home of tomorrow as furnished by Woolfe Brothers.
Voici la maison de demain, meublée par Woolfe Brothers.
As from 0900 tomorrow, we are to receive a total quota of 60,000 evacuees in five priority classes.
A partir de 9h demain matin, nous recevrons 60.000 évacués à répartir en 5 catégories de priorité.
I thought you should know that tomorrow has been chosen as the day of the witches'coven.
J'ai pensé que tu devrais savoir que demain, il y aura une assemblée de sorcières.
as of now 184
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of yesterday 24
as of today 130
as of right now 73
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
tomorrow 4164
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of yesterday 24
as of today 130
as of right now 73
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
tomorrow 4164