As of yesterday traduction Français
293 traduction parallèle
As of yesterday, the New York Yankees are the best-dressed team in baseball.
Depuis hier, les Yankees de New York sont les mieux habillés du baseball.
As of yesterday I had about 7 million cruzeiros.
J'ai pourtant déposé hier 7 millions de cruzeiros.
The stock quotation as of yesterday morning.
Les cours de hier matin...
Je te dirai ce qui s'est passé depuis hier matin, chronologiquement.
You're a member? Fully paid up as of yesterday.
- Cotisation payée, depuis hier.
HARRY : Today is tomorrow. as of yesterday. sucker.
On est demain depuis hier. abruti.
Me too, as of yesterday.
Moi aussi, depuis hier.
Listen... Figure out what we owe Torres as of yesterday afternoon.
Dis-moi... vois combien on doit à Torres jusqu'à hier après-midi.
Yeah, yesterday you got in trouble because you bought the wrong kind of sage.
Hier tu as eu des problèmes car tu avais pris le mauvais type de sauge.
Like yesterday, I couldn't reach you at all all of a sudden. After transforming the rookie actress Sung Min Ah into the goddess of melodramas, you deserted me, leaving as if you were running away.
je n'ai pas pu vous joindre soudainement.
As a-As a matter of fact, I - I think it's yesterday.
En fait, je pense qu'on est hier.
I thought of you at our wedding yesterday... and I hoped yours would be as beautiful.
Hier, à notre mariage, je pensais à vous. Je souhaitais le vôtre aussi beau.
Mr. Cass... yesterday you identified Matt Clay as the killer of Scrub White.
M. Cass, hier, vous avez identifié Matt Clay comme étant le meurtrier.
I was thinking only yesterday... that I don't see half as much of you as I'd like.
Je vous vois trop rarement.
Yesterday the buffalo was many as the blades of grass upon the prairie.
Hier encore, les bisons couvraient nos prairies en nombre suffisant.
Yes, he was. As a matter of fact, I was on the point of telling you about it yesterday.
Oui, j'étais justement sur le point de vous le dire, hier.
As a matter of fact, I was rather expecting it day before yesterday.
- Oui. En fait... je l'attendais même avant-hier.
I wish business were as easy. Yesterday, I had to battle with some grubby little man from noon until 2 : 00 in the morning, and I had one of those idiotic attacks.
Hier, je me suis battu de midi à 2h du matin.
It's as if we were just married yesterday instead of three months ago.
Comme si on s'était mariés hier et non il y a trois mois.
Oh, not that you were a client of his, as you say, you hardly knew him but may I ask what were you going to see him about yesterday morning?
Vous n'étiez pas un de ses clients et le connaissiez à peine, mais... pourquoi teniez-vous à le voir, hier matin?
You kind of like that diamond bracelet on that old girl yesterday, didn't you?
Tu as aimé le bracelet de diamants, n'est-ce pas?
Yesterday Miss Tanizaki said one of her friends was looking for work as a maid
Mlle Tanizaki m'a dit hier qu'une de ses amies cherchait une place de bonne.
Yesterday you took title to a slave of mine for 20 pieces of silver.
Hier, tu as acquis un de mes esclaves pour 20 pièces d'argent.
But then, only day before yesterday, as I was leaving here after lunch... the hall man handed me a carton of cigarettes and said...
Mais voilà... Avant-hier, en sortant d'ici après déjeuner, le portier me tend des cigarettes de la part de Harry, le garçon du billard, parce que je les ai oubliées la veille.
Then yesterday when you ran from me because of what Vance said.
Hier, tu as parlé à Vance, et tu m'as quitté.
Yesterday you ate 27 pieces of sushi.
Hier, tu as mangé 27 pièces de sushis.
All right, now, rapaport... betton... burnett... and the rest of you, the same as yesterday.
et le reste, la même chose qu'hier En position, allez-y les filles
Yesterday's casualties, and others before them, are victims of the shameful private speculation transforming the face of our city more and more as it finds allies among the very men sitting in this room!
Ces morts, d'hier ou antérieurs, sont victimes de la spéculation éhontée qui a bouleversé notre ville et qui s'étend encore, trouvant soutien et complicités jusque dans cette assemblée, parmi les hommes qui siègent ici.
Purely as a matter of routine, you understand I'd like an account of all your movements between 2 : 00 and 4 : 00 yesterday afternoon.
C'est simplement une formalité. Il faut que je sache ce que vous avez fait hier entre 14 et 16 heures.
You might as well burn this along with yesterday's Daily Mail... which I fished out of the garden fire.
Brûlez ça avec le journal que j'ai récupéré dans le feu.
The number of animals to kill is established each time but not one more nor one less so as not to disrupt the prices. up until yesterday tourists came to photograph them.
Le nombre d'animaux à tuer est établi chaque jour basé sur la demande du marché, 100, 200, 1.000, mais pas un de plus afin de ne pas casser les prix. Le reste est laissé en vie pour le jour suivant, en paix, bâillant au bord même de la rivière où, jusqu'à hier, les touristes venaient pour les photographier.
Yesterday, you said you'd go pray at a shrine for my victory. You had Kyusaku wait at the edge of the village.
Hier, tu as dit que tu allais prier pour que je gagne, mais tu as abandonné ton serviteur en chemin.
Yesterday, our government, on behalf of Kuala Rokat, requested that Taggart return the stolen jade to its rightful owners who regard the seal as sacred.
Hier, notre gouvernement, au nom du Kuala Rokat, a exigé la restitution du jade volé à ses propriétaires légitimes pour qui la statuette est sacrée.
What did you see yesterday in the middle of the city?
Redis-nous ce que tu as vu hier devant la Bourse des Valeurs?
- Yesterday, as a matter of fact.
- Je l'ai composé hier.
One of his lower teeth came in yesterday.
- Ouais, ouais. - Et t'as vu, il a percé une dent. - T'as percé une dent, mon petit?
In normal circumstances, execution should take place within 24 hours but as the city entered its annual purification period yesterday, we order the execution to be stayed, until the Holy Ship commemorating the victory of Theseus over the Minotaur
L'exécution, en temps normal, aurait lieu dans les 24 heures mais hier la cité est entrée dans sa période annuelle de purification. Jusqu'au ce que le Vaisseau Sacré commémorant la victoire de Thésée sur le Minotaure soit de retour de Délos, nous ordonnons que soit suspendue l'exécution.
The weather for today, as promised... is a carbon copy of yesterday's :
La météo est exactement la même qu'hier.
Yesterday he charged in on me just as I was getting out of the shower.
Hier soir, il m'a foncé dessus Quand je sortais de la douche.
Caesarian King, by the grace of God, through our Holy Mother the Roman Church, Philip the Second of Castile. We, the undersigned, have until yesterday the seventh day of 1561... regarded ourselves as your servants and subjects.
Roi césarien, par la grâce de Dieu et par notre sainte mère l'Eglise romaine, nommé roi Philippe II de Castille, nous, soussignés, jusqu'à hier, 7è jour de l'an 1561 après la naissance de notre sauveur Jésus-Christ,
As I was saying Professor, yesterday I received a certain telephone call with a proposal of considerable
Comme je le disais, la marquise m'a téléphoné hier et a fait une offre généreuse...
You were at the Ministry of the Interior yesterday, right?
C'est toi qui as conduit Stamatiad hier au Ministère de l'lntérieur?
You caused a lot of trouble yesterday.
Tu as causé bien des ennuis hier.
Yesterday afternoon, not only did I discover the false diamond that Horace Blatt had returned to her... but my excellent wine taster's nose had detected, not as you put it, Madame Castle, a pong... but Souffle de Mer, "the breath of the sea"... which, as you know, messieur Marshall, was her favourite perfume.
Hier, j'ai non seulement découvert le faux diamant... que Sir Horace avait rendu à Arlena... Mais mon nez de tastevin a reconnu... non pas, comme l'a dit Mme Castle, une "puanteur"... mais "Souffle de Mer"... qui était, M. Marshall... le parfum cher à Arlena.
Tu as réfléchi à ce qu'on a dit hier?
Considering, as you said you were in possession of my Rolodex only yesterday.
Surtout quand on sait qu'hier encore vous étiez en possession de mon Rolodex.
As a matter of fact, we were taking on last-minute passengers all the way up to yesterday.
On a pris des passagers de dernière minute jusqu'à hier.
My camp of basis that I saw again yesterday as one red point,... was covered with snow.
Mon camp de base que je voyais encore hier comme un point rouge,... était couvert de neige.
Of failures. Yesterday you failed to collect money for our last transaction,
Hier, tu n'as pas réussi à récupérer l'argent de notre dernière transaction.
As many of you already know, the Adams College chapter of Lambda Lambda Lambda disgraced itself yesterday by being arrested on a charge of grand theft auto.
Comme vous le savez, hier, le chapitre d'A dams Lambda Lambda Lambda s'est déshonoré, en se faisant arrêter pour vol d'automobile.
For yesterday they gathered, drifting hereabout in mourning, wandering, saying much of him, as I was walking this same path.
et allaient çà et là et parlaient beaucoup de lui, quand je venais par le même chemin.
as of now 184
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of today 130
as of right now 73
as of tomorrow 28
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
yesterday 1815
as of yet 18
as of 54
as of today 130
as of right now 73
as of tomorrow 28
as of this moment 110
as of this morning 37
as of last night 20
yesterday 1815