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Bring her here traduction Français

822 traduction parallèle
My poor man. Why do you bring her here to me?
Pauvre homme, pourquoi me l'amènes-tu?
I put in $ 1000, what I was gonna send back for my wife to bring her here.
Je rajoute 1000 $. J'allais les utiliser pour faire venir ma femme.
I'll never bring her here again.
Je ne l'inviterai plus ici.
You can bring her here all you want.
Tu peux l'inviter autant que tu veux.
Achmed, Miss Trowbridge... bring her here.
Achmed, Miss Trowbridge, amène-là ici Maintenant
Bring her here.
Emmenez-la ici.
- Bring her here.
- Amenez-la ici.
Find her and bring her here to me!
Trouvez-la et amenez-la-moi!
By some illusion see thou bring her here.
Par quelque illusion, tâche de l'amener ici.
Did you bring her here?
L'avez-vous amenée ici?
Why did you bring her here?
- Pourquoi elle est ici?
Bring her here or, by Jezebel —
Ou par Jézabel...
Bring her here.
Amène-la ici.
The point is there was no reason to bring her here at all!
Il n'y avait aucune raison de l'amener ici!
So it was a good idea to bring her here, after all.
Finalement, c'était une bonne idée de la faire venir ã la maison.
I've asked you to bring her here to my office.
Je vous ai demandé de l'amener à mon bureau.
Did you know or did you suspect he was going to bring her here Friday night?
Vous doutiez-vous qu'il l'amènerait ici?
I hope it was all right to bring her here instead of the hospital. - But I thought it would save time.
J'ai cru bon de l'installer ici pour gagner du temps.
Go find her, bring her here.
Va la chercher.
Could you bring her here or do you want me to sent the wagon?
Vous me l'amenez ou j'envoie le panier à salade?
If you bring her here, I'm leaving!
Si tu la mène ici, je m'en ira!
Because my friend's brother wanted to bring her here to live with him.
Mon amie devait venir vivre avec lui.
I tell her Santa's a myth and you bring her here.
Je lui dis qu'il s'agit d'un mythe et vous l'emmenez ici.
Did you bring her here so she could be insulted? No. I wouldn't let that happen.
- Non, je ne voudrais pas que ça arrive.
Did you bring her here to get shod?
A-t-elle besoin d'etre ferrée?
What'd you bring her here for?
Pourquoi l'as-tu amenée ici?
- Bring her here.
- Fais-la venir.
You must bring her here.
Amène-la moi.
You had no right to bring her here.
Il ne fallait pas l'amener ici.
Well, then we'll re-route her. Bring her here.
Bien, nous allons la détourner.
Now don't bring her in here.
Ne l'amène pas ici.
Bring her up here.
Portez-la là-haut.
Bring her back here.
Ramenez-la ici.
Bring her in here, Joseph.
Faites-la entrer, Joseph.
I'll bring him here, to the lady's dressing room or to her home. We must find him and bring him here.
Il faudrait le faire venir.
§ And here's the song I'd bring to her §
Et voici la chanson queje lui chanterais
- I must bring her out here some time.
- Je devrais l'amener ici.
But there's no place for your mother to go, now that Nellie's backed out. And Rhoda positively refuses to bring her friends home while she's here.
Mais elle ne peut plus aller nulle part et Rhoda n'invitera pas ses amis si elle est là.
Find Connie and bring her back here!
Trouver Connie et la ramener ici!
Then she started to bring her friends down here.
Elle a ramené ses amis ici.
Perhaps you could bring her over here.
Peut-être vous pourriez la faire venir.
She had given the bird to Jacoby to bring here for her.
Jacoby lui rapportait l'oiseau.
Let's bring her in here.
- Emmenons-la ici.
Bring her out here at 8 : 00.
Amenez-la ici à 20h.
Here it is, bring it to her.
Ici, il est, apporter.
That's what I thought, too. But in this situation, it will be crazy to bring her to live here with me.
Oui, mais vu les circonstances, qu'elle vive ici serait une folie.
However, I did bring her a present, and here it is.
Je lui ai porté un cadeau. Le voilà.
Bring Mara here, they can guard her well.
Faites venir Mara. Surveillez-la bien.
- Bring her in here.
- Amenez-la ici. - Souriez.
Bring her in here.
Faites-la entrer...
Go, David, and bring Bathsheba here to face her judges.
Fais comparaître Bethsabée devant ses juges.

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