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Come back to bed traduction Français

309 traduction parallèle
Yes, it's you. Come back to bed.
Reviens te coucher.
You'll catch cold, come back to bed.
II fait froid, viens te coucher.
Come back to bed, now, quick.
Venez au lit, vite.
Emiliano, come back to bed.
Viens, Emiliano!
Then come back to bed.
Alors reviens te coucher.
- Come back to bed.
- Reviens te coucher.
Come back to bed!
On se recouche.
- Come back to bed immediately.
- Reviens au lit tout de suite. - Écoute.
Come back to bed. Come on, now.
Reviens te coucher.
Come back to bed.
Reviens te coucher.
Come back to bed and go to sleep.
Retourne te coucher.
Come back to bed.
Viens te coucher.
Don't worry. Come back to bed.
On verra ça demain.
Then come back to bed.
Alors, reviens au lit...
I wish you could come back to bed with me.
Si tu revenais te coucher.
Darling, do take off that wretched shirt and come back to bed.
Chéri, enlève cette misérable chemise et reviens au lit.
Come back to bed, sweetheart.
Reviens au lit, mon Lulu.
Come back to bed now.
Reviens te mettre au lit.
Come back to bed, darling.
Reviens, chéri.
Why don't you come back to bed?
Pourquoi ne vous couchez-vous pas?
- Come back to bed.
Reviens au lit.
Come back to bed.
Reviens au lit!
Now, you must go to bed and you must get well quickly before I come back.
Tu dois te coucher et te rétablir avant que je revienne.
Come, darling, you must go back to bed.
Viens, chérie, tu dois retourner au lit.
Put Droopy to bed and come back here and wait for me.
- Couche Droopy et reviens. - Oui, Madame.
Be able to know that you'll come back to your own bed at night.
Savoir que tu pourras coucher à nouveau dans ton lit le soir.
Yes, darling. I'll come right back and put you to bed.
Oui, ma chérie je reviendrai Et je vous mettrai au lit
Come on, back to bed with you.
Allez, retournez vous coucher.
Yes, when they come back from Dr. Knock, they go straight to bed and start taking the treatment.
En revenant de chez le Dr Knock, ils se dépêchaient de.. .. se mettre au lit et suivaient le traitement.
Go back to bed! - And why did you come down?
Pourquoi m'as-tu embrassée?
Come on, back to bed.
Viens te recoucher!
If you can't lick the Vandamms of this world without asking girls to bed down and fly away with them and probably never come back perhaps you should learn how to lose a few cold wars.
Plutôt que d'éliminer les Vandamm en obligeant des femmes à coucher avec eux et à se sacrifier, vous devriez la perdre, la guerre froide!
She'll come back.. Go to bed.
Ils devraient pas tarder.
Come on back to bed.
Reviens te coucher.
I will wallop you if you don't come on back to bed.
Je te battrai si tu te recouches pas!
Go back to bed or you'll get a cold. Go! Come on.
Alors, si tu ne t'enfuis pas, pourquoi prends-tu l'auto?
Go back to bed! Come here!
Retourne au lit!
Yeah, we're just going to tuck him in bed, and get him into a hotel, and then we're going to come right back.
On le met au lit, dans un hôtel, et on rentre illico.
I'm gonna go back to my bed, I'm gonna put away the best part of a bottle of Scotch and under normal circumstances, you being normally what I'd call attractive, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might have come.
Je vais aller m'allonger et siroter ma bouteille de whisky. Dans des circonstances normales, comme vous êtes plutôt attirante, je vous aurais invitée à me rejoindre et vous auriez peut-être accepté.
Meantime, you get back to bed, and... Daddy, could you come to New York soon?
en attendant, retourne te coucher, tu ne peux pas venir bientôt?
Come on, back to bed.
Viens te recoucher.
come on back to bed.
Viens te recoucher.
Come on back to bed, honey.
Reviens te coucher, chéri.
Back to bed - I'm working. Come on!
Va au lit, je travaille.
I let you go to bed I come back at 10 tomorrow morning
Maintenant, au lit. A demain, dix heures.
I go to bed at 1 : 00, sleep for an hour and a half and come back.
Je me recouche à 1 h, je me relève une heure et demie plus tard.
Then he'll come slinking back, pretending nothing happened, and we'll go to bed, and nothing will happen.
Il reviendra tout penaud, comme si de rien n'était. Puis on se couchera et il ne se passera rien.
Now, come on, back to bed.
Retourne te coucher.
- Back to bed. You wanna come?
Tu veux venir?
Come on, Jamie. Let's go back to bed.
Allez, Jamie, retourne te coucher.
When I come back, I don't want to see that hat on the bed.
A mon retour, je veux plus voir ce chapeau sur le lit.

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