Could be anybody traduction Français
436 traduction parallèle
Could be anybody.
ça peut être n'importe qui.
Who do they think they're fooling? Shot up that way, could be anybody.
Ça peut être n'importe qui.
Could be anybody's race.
N'importe qui pourrait gagner.
This could be anybody. Any of a thousand German pilots.
Il y a des milliers de pilotes allemands.
He could be anybody.
Ce peut être n'importe qui.
It could be anybody, of course, but what crossed my mind was suppose Bill's having us watched, huh?
Ça pourrait être n'importe qui, mais une pensée m'a traversé l'esprit. Imagine que Bill nous fasse surveiller, hein?
The way they did the Court Martial it could be anybody You know, I kept forgetting they was talking about me.
Là-bas, ça aurait pu être n'importe qui.
I could be anybody. Even a queen if I wanted to be.
Je pourrais être une reine, si je voulais.
Could be anybody.
Ca pourrait être n'importe qui.
She- - He could be anybody's.
ll- - ll pourrait appartenir à n'importe qui.
Could be anybody.
Ça ne m'avance pas.
They could be anybody.
Ça pourrait être n'importe qui.
You have to reckon it could be anybody until we know for certain who it is.
Ça peut être n'importe qui.
Anybody sitting next to you could be the murderer. "
Est-ce votre voisin? "
Oh, she's more loving, more adorable than I ever dreamed anybody could be.
Elle est plus aimante et adorable que quiconque ne saurait l'être.
Anybody with half an eye could see... that you wouldn't be party to any action like that.
En vous voyant, on sait que vous ne feriez jamais ça. Je vais prendre ça.
Look, if I could feel sorry for anybody right now, it would be for myself,
Si je pouvais m'apitoyer, ce serait sur mon sort,
I was as certain as anybody could be of anything... in this uncertain world that Consolidated would renew.
J'étais aussi certain que quiconque peut l'être... dans ce monde incertain, que Consolidated renouvellerait.
How could I be mad at anybody for doing what I would have done myself?
Comment l'être contre quelqu'un qui a fait ce que j'aurais fait?
She was as near crying as anybody could be without crying.
Elle était à deux doigts de pleurer.
It struck me as rather peculiar why anybody like you could be... - attracted to Professor Siletsky.
Je me suis demandé comment le professeur a pu... vous attirer.
I don't think they can. I was talking to them last night, Robbie, and I told them that if anybody could lick this case, it would be you.
J'ai réussi à les convaincre que tu étais le seul à pouvoir mener à bien cette enquête.
It's nothing to be ashamed of. It could happen to anybody.
Ça peut arriver à n'importe qui.
But I cannot welcome just anybody. The police could close the boarding house and I would be ruined.
Si je loge n'importe qui, la police fermera ma pension et je mourrai ruinée.
Didn't it ever occur to you that once we started we could never ask anybody for help, even if we were dying, the rest of our lives that we're all alone and always will be?
Une fois dans l'engrenage, on ne peut demander d'aide à personne, notre vie durant. On est seuls, et pour toujours.
You've got your license. I knew it. If there's anybody in London who could do it, it'd be you.
Personne d'autre n'aurait pu réussir.
Could be anybody anywhere.
- Nah!
I am going to be met in San Francisco, but not by the police or anybody else who could get you into trouble.
On m'attend à San Francisco, ce n'est pas la police ou quelqu'un qui vous causerait des soucis.
The only way anybody could get that ring would be to chop off my finger.
Le seul moyen de me l'enlever serait de me couper le doigt.
Do you think anybody could make it up? A guy would have to be nuts...
Comment inventer une telle histoire?
I can't imagine how anybody could be angry on a day like this.
Comment peut-on être en colère par une si belle journée?
You could be as good a man as anybody in town.
Tu pourrais être un homme aussi bien que n'importe qui en ville.
How could I be anybody else?
Comment serais-je quelqu'un d'autre?
Could be almost anybody.
C'est vague.
And to think that for four years... I sat here and waited... and believed that love meant faithfulness... that you loved me the way I loved you... that whatever it might be for others... it could never be anybody else for you or - or for me.
Quand je pense que pendant 4 ans je suis restée à attendre... en croyant que l'amour c'est de rester fidèle... et que tu m'aimais comme je t'aimais!
I am as in as anybody, but one of them himself could be.
Je suis aussi dans le coup que peut l'être n'importe qui... sauf l'un d'eux.
Anybody else could get business conducted and be gone.
Un autre aurait pu régler ses affaires et s'en aller.
Could be. Anybody should with me.
- Normal, tu es avec moi.
I never thought I could be interested in anybody like Eddie. - The way he lives and the way I am.
Jamais je n'aurais cru cela possible... avec son existence, et ce que je suis.
Could that be said of anybody?
Mais qui est dans ce cas?
Anybody could be proud to rest in this coffin.
N'importe qui serait fier de reposer dans ce cercueil.
- As much as anybody could be.
- Autant que faire se peut.
Anybody at this table could be doing these killings.
Une chose est sûre : L'un de nous est l'assassin.
Could be the last anybody sees you.
Ce pourrait être Ia dernière fois que tout Ie monde te voit.
How could anybody be afraid of a cigarette made with glycerin? It takes the hardness out.
- Qui redouterait une cigarette à la glycérine?
It could be anybody.
Il pourrait représenter n'importe qui.
Course, if anybody could budge him, I guess you'd be the one, but, well...
Enfin, si quelqu'un peut le convaincre, c'est bien toi, mais bon...
Anybody could be next...
Qui sait qui sera le prochain...
Anybody could be under suspicion Mr. Boyle.
Nous suspectons tout le monde.
I never had anybody I could be really close to.
Je n'ai jamais été aussi proche de quelqu'un.
If it wouldn't be too much trouble... don't want to put anybody out... do you think I could spend the night here?
Est-ce possible, je ne veux déranger personne, que je passe la nuit ici?
could be more 16
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be 753
could be worse 129
could be better 30
could be anything 68
could be anywhere 25
could be a trap 19
could be fun 50
could be anyone 27
could be nothing 25
could be a coincidence 22
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody in there 17
anybody see anything 16
anybody hungry 26
anybody here 163
anybody 677
anybody home 323
anybody there 124
anybody out there 31
anybody else 178
anybody in there 17
anybody see anything 16
anybody hungry 26
anybody in here 21
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
couldn't agree more 58
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
anybody hurt 34
could 243
couldn't 72
could you give me a hand 26
couldn't agree more 58
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32