Did she tell you traduction Français
1,385 traduction parallèle
Did she tell you what she was doing?
- Elle t'a dit ce qu'elle faisait?
Did she tell you that I beat her?
- Elle vous a dit que je la battais?
Where? Did she tell you that?
Mais qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, c'est elle qui t'a dit ça?
Did she tell you about the walk-through at 11?
Elle vous a averti pour la répétition de 11 h?
Did she tell you that she was banging big, bad Vohland in Palm Springs?
Elle vous a dit qu'elle couchait avec Vohland à Palm Springs?
- Did she tell you anything else?
- Elle vous a dit autre chose?
- What did she tell you?
- Qu'a-t-elle dit?
– What did she tell you?
- Qu'est-ce qu'elle t'a dit?
Did she tell you that maybe I'll try you out? Maybe?
Elle t'a dit que je te prendrais peut-etre a l'essai?
What did she tell you?
Quelle chose?
- Did she tell you when would she be back?
- Elle t'a pas dit quand elle rentrait?
Did she tell you she was married?
Tu savais qu'elle était mariée?
Did she tell you she felt her life threatened?
Vous a-t-elle dit se sentir menacée?
Did she tell you that?
Elle vous l'a dit?
- The hygienist? Did she tell you?
- C'est l'assistante qui vous l'a dit?
What did she tell you?
Elle vous a dit quoi?
When did she tell you?
Elle te l'a dit quand?
She's a very interesting lady. Did she tell you that she was into women?
Elle t'a dit qu'elle préférait les femmes?
Well, the hinky thing, did she tell you that that was her idea?
Cette chose bizarre, c'était son idée.
Did she tell you she threatened to stab me in my sleep?
Elle vous a dit qu'elle a menacé de me poignarder dans mon sommeil?
What did she tell you about herself? She told me that her father was in the British Army, that her mother was German.
C'était un policier appartenant à une brigade antidrogue.
- And what did she tell you, Emma?
Et qu'est-ce qu'elle t'a dit?
Did she tell you that the cop Purcell killed was a friend of hers?
Vous a-t-elle dit que le flic tué par Purcell était un de ses amis?
If she's in some kind of trouble, I can tell you who did it.
Elle avait des embêtements et je peux vous dire qui a fait ça.
Mom didn't- - she didn't tell me that. Did you have a nice time with her?
T'as passé un bon moment avec elle?
Did she tell you how we met?
Elle vous a dit comment on s'est connu?
- Mm. Did Sophie ever tell you she once cooked a fish whole, without cleaning it?
- Est-ce que Sophie vous a déjà raconté qu'elle a fait cuire un poisson entier sans Ie vider?
Did I tell you that she'd make a great secretary?
Je le savais : c'est une pro.
Did Lisa tell you that she had a date with Jim?
Est-ce que Lisa vous a dit qu'elle avait rendez-vous avec Jim?
Did she ever tell you about a guy or someone that didn't like her?
Vous a-t-elle dit si elle se sentait menacée?
Before I tell you the rest, I want you to know that everything Grace did, she did because she loved him.
Avant que je ne vous dise la suite, je veux que vous sachiez que ce que Grace a fait, elle l'a fait par amour.
Did she tell you about the bench?
Elle vous a parlé du banc?
But if she had lunch, and she didn't tell you about it at the time... but, eventually, she did tell you, you should just let it go, right?
Mais si elle déjeunait avec, et qu'elle ne t'en parlait pas sur le moment mais qu'elle finisse par te le dire, tu laisserais couler, c'est ça?
She did tell you, right?
Elle te l'a dit, hein?
Did she ever tell you about the time she was stranded in Istanbul?
Elle t'a déja raconté la fois ou elle était coincée à Istanbul?
Sydney, why don't you tell us what you did this weekend? She look- -
Sydney, raconte-nous ton week-end.
Did you think she wouldn't tell me you two talked?
Tu pensais qu'elle n'allait pas me dire que vous aviez parlé tous les deux?
Did you tell my daughter that she has no academic future?
Avez-vous dit à ma fille qu'elle n'avait pas de futur scolaire?
Did you tell my daughter she has no future?
Avez-vous dit à ma fille qu'elle n'avait pas de futur?
Did Christina tell you where she was going?
Elle vous a dit où elle allait?
The day she tried to suffocate herself, did Christina tell you that the man she'd had an affair with had just dumped her?
Le jour où elle a essayé de s'étouffer, vous a-t-elle dit que l'homme avec qui elle sortait venait de la quitter?
Abby didn't tell you anything, did she?
Elle ne vous a rien dit, pas vrai?
- Did she at least tell you, or -?
- Elle t'en a parlé?
- Did she tell you about that?
Elle vous l'a dit?
Did you see anything that might tell us where she is?
Tu as vu quelque chose qui pourrait nous dire où elle est?
You led her to believe that you have the power to give her control of her life, and I'll bet you did it so she would tell you what you want to know.
Vous lui avez fait croire qu'elle pourrait contrôler sa vie. Vous l'avez fait pour qu'elle vous dise ce que vous vouliez savoir.
'Cause if you did, and she hurt you and... maybe made a mark on your... you can tell me. And come clean before your wife gets here.
Si c'est le cas, qu'elle vous a blessé... qu'elle a laissé des traces sur... vous pouvez me le dire avant que votre femme n'arrive.
Why did you tell Agent Malone that she's the one that dumped you?
Pourquoi avoir dit à l'agent Malone que c'est elle qui avait rompu?
Did she also tell you my dancing got eight people killed?
Est-ce qu'elle t'a dit aussi que ma danse a tué 8 personnes?
Did I tell you she was just named
J'aurais du mal à l'oublier.
Did Kat tell you that she dumped you because of your funky breath?
Kat t'avait planté à cause de ton haleine!
did she tell you that 39
did she 645
did she die 22
did she hurt you 22
did she just say 21
did she say 36
did she cry 17
did she not 19
did she see you 17
did she say that 55
did she 645
did she die 22
did she hurt you 22
did she just say 21
did she say 36
did she cry 17
did she not 19
did she see you 17
did she say that 55