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He got away traduction Français

1,371 traduction parallèle
- He got away.
- Il est parti.
But, that night, he got away from me.
Cette nuit-là, il m'a échappé.
It could be a good sign. It could mean that he got away.
Ça veut peut-être dire qu'il a réussi à leur échapper.
But he got away again?
Mais il s'est enfui?
He got away.
Il s'est échappé.
Oh, he got away from us.
Il nous a échappé.
He got away with it.
Il s'en est tiré.
We chased him, But he got away.
On l'a pas retrouvé.
He fooled me, and he got away with it.
- La vérité. Il m'a trompé.
No, master. He got away.
Non, maître, il s'est échappé.
They tried to kill him like you said, but he got away.
Ils ont essayé de le tuer, comme vous l'aviez dit, mais il s'en est sorti.
- Nothing. It's just a shame he got away so easily.
C'est vraiment dommage qu'il ait pu fuir si facilement.
He cold-cocked me and then he got away.
Il m'a assommé et s'est enfui.
Because ofyou he got away.
- A cause de vous, il a filé!
- No, he got away.
- Non, il s'est enfui.
- The priest, he got away from us.
- Le prêtre, il a disparu.
After we came to Taiwan, he got stomach cancer and passed away.
À Taiwan, il a eu un cancer de l'estomac qui l'a emporté.
Then he got Torg's Syndrome and just kind of faded away.
Puis il a contracté le syndrome de Torg et s'est éteint.
And then he drove away from home at 11 : 30, and since nobody else was ever in the car with him and he didn't smoke, I can't figure out how those ashes got in that ashtray.
Puisque personne d'autre n'a été dans sa voiture et qu'il ne fumait pas, que font ces cendres dans ce cendrier?
Murphy got it and he gave it away.
Murphy, passe.
He only just got away there...
- Il s'est enfui par là.
He got away.
What's the good, keep the stuff in the safe, every time he wants it, he's got to write away to the manufacturer.
Tu le vois écrire à l'usine à chaque fois qu'il ouvre?
Five of them got away. He's got to go soon.
Ils sont cinq à s'être enfuis mais lui, il doit partir au plus tôt.
We got three dead cops, one cop we don't know if he's going to live... and the biggest dope dealer in the city got away in an NYPD car.
On a 3 flics morts, un subclaquant, et le plus gros dealer se barre en gyrophare!
His parents are away for the weekend and he's got satellite.
Ses parents sont partis pour le week-end, et il a le satellite.
He's just this very passionate, incredibly romantic guy... ... that just got a teensy bit carried away.
C'est juste un type très passionné et romantique... qui s'est un peu laissé dépasser.
I tried to get away from him... but he pushed me onto the floor... and then he - he got on top of me... and he -
Il s'est mis sur moi...
Now, under those circumstances, I wanted to make sure... Luke doesn't get used as a patsy Because he's in custody And billy got away.
Je ne veux pas qu'il serve de bouc émissaire parce que Billy est en cavale.
He almost got away. Did you hear me, sir?
Il a failli s'échapper, vous entendez?
- Yeah. He almost got away again.
- Il s'enfuyait.
He got away. That's the point.
Qu'il s'en est tiré!
He shot my father 6 times and got away clean.
Il l'a abattu de six balles et s'est enfui.
If he doesn't come right away, we'll call his mother, got it?
S'iI ne vient pas tout de suite, on va appeler sa mère, vous comprenez?
- And he almost got away with it too.
- Il a failli réussir.
When he got close, I took his life away.
Quand il s'est approché, je lui ai pris la vie.
It's like I pulled out all the stops... but he still got away from me.
J'ai tout essayé et pourtant il m'échappe.
Do you want me to go after the one that got away? No. He doesn't matter.
Non, il n'est pas important.
They locked him up for a long time, but he got out and... he came after me, but I got away.
On l'a enfermé pendant longtemps, mais il est sorti et il s'en est pris à moi. Je me suis échappée.
He almost got away.
J'ai failli le perdre.
Some guy's got $ 0 million... socked away in his house, and he's gonna tell some motormouth he just met in prison about it.
Il a 5 millions planqués chez lui et il va le raconter à un tchatcheur qu'il croise en prison?
I don't know how Chirino got away, but he did.
J'ignore comment Chirino a fui - mais il s'est tiré.
I put it away before he got here.
Je l'ai rangée avant son arrivée.
Then I got busted, and he didn't stick up for me... and I had to go away to that hell hole.
Puis, je me suis tait choper et il ne m'a pas défendue... et j'ai dû passer du temps dans ce trou.
He didn't have enough money to buy me a ring yet so... he got me this instead... the night you took him away from me!
Il n'avait pas de quoi m'offrir une bague. A la place, il m'a donné ça. Le soir où tu me l'as enlevé!
During these years of hiding away, he got married and have kids.
Depuis cette époque, il s'est marié et a eu un enfant.
There's got to be some proof that exists right now something that proves he got that money away from Marion somehow.
Il y a bien une preuve quelque part qui montre qu'il a pris l'argent à Marion.
The last time he got his and away?
La date où iI a tiré un dernier coup?
Aww, he got away!
- Zut!
And you're telling us that he just got up and walked away without a scratch?
Et il se serait relevé sans la moindre égratignure?
He apparently got up and walked away unharmed.
Il s'est apparemment relevé et s'en est allé indemne.

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