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How was your run traduction Français

38 traduction parallèle
How was your run?
Ton jogging?
- How was your run?
- Alors, ce jogging?
- How was your run?
- Tu as bien couru?
So, how was your run?
Et votre course alors?
- How was your run?
- Comment était ton jogging?
Oh, how was your run last night?
C'était bien, ta promenade, hier soir?
Hi, honey. How was your run?
- Bonjour, mon chéri.
Oh, hey, how was your run?
Alors ce jogging?
So how was your run?
Alors? Il était bien ce jogging?
Hey, how Was your run?
Hey, comment était votre course?
How was your run?
- Tu as bien couru?
How was your run?
Bon jogging?
Kenzi : Um - How was your run?
Comment était ta promenade?
Hey. How was your run?
Ton footing s'est bien passé?
How was your run?
Comment était ton jogging?
How was your run?
Tu as bien couru?
- How was your run?
- Comment été ton jogging?
By the way, Tim, how was your run?
Au fait, Tim, comment était ta course?
So how was your run?
Tu as bien couru?
So how was your run?
Comment c'était ton footing?
Oh, how was your run, mate?
Ça a été, votre jogging, "compagnon" ( jargon Australien )?
How was your run?
Comment était ta course?
How was your run?
Comment était ton footing?
Hey. How was your run?
Comment était ta promenade?
- Hey. - How was your run?
Comment a été ton footing?
How was your run?
T'as bien couru?
How was your cargo run?
Comment s'est passée ta livraison?
It didn't matter how hard you trained and how tired you got you would still go out on your own and run the mountain at night which was ridiculous because during the day all you did was bitch and moan.
On avait beau s'entraîner énormément et être très fatigués... on se levait quand même la nuit pour monter Currahee en courant. ça n'avait pas de sens parce qu'en montant durant la journée... on n'arrêtait pas de râler et de se plaindre.
Your father was a nice guy, but he didn't know how to run a business.
Votre père était bien, mais médiocre en affaires.
Here this was supposed to be your big, romantic run back from new york to tell jack how you felt about him.
C'était censé être ton grand retour de New York pour enfin dire à Jack ce que tu ressens pour lui.
How hard could it have been? I mean, nothing was expected of you. All you had to was order the housekeeper around, run your charities and screw your husband every Wednesday night.
Tu n'avais qu'à commander la domestique, gérer tes œuvres de bienfaisance et baiser ton mari.
Hey, um, Cooper was just telling us how you let some asshole run away with your handcuffs.
Cooper nous disait comment un crétin s'est enfui avec tes menottes.
Well, I don't agree with how your run your business, but you paid me the compliment of not assuming I was for sale.
Je ne suis pas d'accord avec la façon dont vous gérez votre entreprise, mais vous m'avez flatté en supposant qu'il était à vendre.
How was your first post-craniotomy run?
Comment c'est passé votre premier jogging post-craniotomie?
How was your coffee run?
Comment était ta corvée de café?

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