I have a boyfriend traduction Français
961 traduction parallèle
Now, Senator, I have a boyfriend.
Allons, sénateur, j'ai un petit ami.
I have a boyfriend.
J'ai un petit ami.
He knows I have a boyfriend.
II sait que j'ai un fiancé.
You're just jealous because I have a boyfriend and you don't.
Tu es juste jalouse, car j'ai un petit ami et pas toi.
Now you have a boyfriend and I have a boyfriend and.... Well, two out of three is not bad.
Donc tu as un copain, j'ai un copain et... 2 sur 3, c'est pas mal.
But I have a boyfriend and I'm really crazy about him.
Mais j'ai un petit ami, et je suis très amoureuse de lui.
I have a boyfriend who I've been going out with for two years now.
Ça fait deux ans que je suis avec mon copain.
- Anyway, I have a boyfriend.
- De toute façon, j'ai un ami.
I have a boyfriend in London that I never see.
J'ai un fiancé à Londres que je ne vois jamais.
I think your boyfriend has behaved like a fool. I have a strong premonition that I'm going to behave like a fool. - It's infectious.
Ton petit ami aussi et moi aussi, si cela continue...
You have a good time with your boyfriend, and I have to wash the clothes, right?
Passe du bon temps avec lui, pendant que je fais la lessive.
I have a respectable boyfriend. So there!
J'ai un petit ami respectable.
I should never have left you alone. A few more moments, and you would have been vacuum-packed along with your boyfriend.
Vous avez failli y passer, votre ami et vous.
Because I have a lunch date with my boyfriend and I'm kind of late.
Je déjeune avec mon petit ami. Bien sûr.
Except I have a date with my boyfriend.
Sauf que j'ai rendez-vous avec mon petit ami.
I did have my boyfriend with me, but we had this terrible row.
Il était avec moi, mais on a eu une dispute terrible.
But then I won't have a boyfriend.
J'aurais plus de petit ami.
I have a wonderful apartment, a beautiful mother, and a great boyfriend.
J'ai un magnifique appartement, une très belle mère, et un petit ami génial.
By that I mean... did she have a boyfriend?
Je veux dire, un petit ami?
Look, you may not believe me, but I don't have a steady boyfriend right now.
Attendez, vous ne me croyez peut-être pas mais je n'ai pas de petit ami pour l'instant.
Anyway, it's because I don't have a boyfriend right now!
De toute façon c'est bien parce que je n'ai pas de petit ami!
- Have I got a boyfriend!
- Et quel copain!
I have a new life, not a new boyfriend.
J'ai une nouvelle vie. Pas un nouveau petit ami.
I do not know. I already have a boyfriend.
J'sais pas, j'ai déjà un petit ami.
You're right, I have blind spots and I'm not a very good boyfriend, but I never tried harder with any woman in my life.
C'est vrai, je ne suis pas malin et je ne suis pas un bon petit ami, mais je n'ai jamais fait autant d'efforts avec personne.
See, I always get rashes like, when I have a fight with Doris or I break up with a boyfriend.
Non. J'ai toujours des plaques, quand je me dispute avec Doris ou que je quitte un garçon.
- I don't have a boyfriend.
- Je n'en ai pas.
Well, here I was in Hutchinson. I had no place to go. I didn't have a boyfriend anymore.
J'étais là, sans savoir où aller, seule, enceinte, et je devais l'avouer à mes parents.
I don't have a boyfriend.
Tu sais que je n'ai pas de petit copain.
In Retrospect, I Think I May Have Overreacted A Little With Agnes'New Boyfriend.
En y repensant, j'ai peut-être exagéré, avec le nouveau copain d'Agnes.
You've been here a year and I have a dead boyfriend and a girlfriend who killed herself!
En un an ici, vous m'avez offert la disparition d'un homme avec qui vous vous êtes battu, et le suicide de votre petite amie.
I'd like to have a child but I don't even have a boyfriend. How can I have a child?
Je voudrais un enfant, je n'ai même pas de petit ami.
If you are trying to ask me if I have got a boyfriend, the answer is no.
Si tu veux savoir si je sors avec quelqu'un la réponse est'non
Well, don't,'cause if you had a boyfriend like I have... you'd make him a cake and he'd love it... and you'd get laid.
T'es libre. Mais si t'avais un homme comme le mien, tu lui ferais un gâteau et il te sauterait
I cut off Heather Chandlers head, and Heather Dukes head has sprung right back in its place, like some mythological thing my eigth grade boyfriend would have known about.
J'ai décapité Heather Chandler et la tête d'Heather Duke a repoussé, comme dans ces contes mythologiques qu'on raconte aux gamins.
I don't have a boyfriend.
Je n'ai pas de petit ami.
Can I come with you, boyfriend? Do I have a choice?
C'est un chien prodige.
- I don't have a boyfriend.
- Je n'ai pas de petit ami. - Vraiment?
And while you were working, I seem to have heard something how you went and got yourself a new boyfriend.
J'ai entendu dire que pendant que tu travaillais, tu as rencontré un nouveau copain.
I don't know if you have a boyfriend.
Je ne sais pas si tu as un petit ami!
I do have a boyfriend.
J'en ai un.
- No. I don't exactly have a boyfriend. If I did, I wouldn't be here.
Si j'avais un petit ami... je ne serais pas ici.
I know there are women, like my best friends... who would have gotten out the minute their boyfriend... gave them a gun to hide. But I didn't.
II y a des femmes, comme mes amies, qui auraient filé dès que leur copain leur aurait donné une arme à cacher.
I don't have a boyfriend.
J'ai pas de petit ami.
I can't believe my little sister is grown-up enough to have a boyfriend.
Dire que ma petite sœur est en âge d'avoir un petit ami.
Marie, I didn't know you have a beau... fr... a boyfriend.
Marie, Je ne savais pas que tu avais un petit ami.
As a matter of fact, I do have a boyfriend.
D'ailleurs, j'ai un copain.
- I don't have a boyfriend.
- Je n'ai pas de copain.
I have a white boyfriend, and I don't have the guts to tell them.
Moi aussi, j'ai un ami occidental, et je n'ose pas le dire à mes parents.
I have a new boyfriend.
- Quoi? J'ai un nouveau copain.
I have powerful enemies out there. Either that... or he was shot in the back by a jealous boyfriend.
C'est soit ça... ou un petit ami jaloux lui a tiré dans le dos.
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23