I have a gun traduction Français
899 traduction parallèle
I have a gun. I also have a plan.
J'ai une arme, et un plan.
Don't move. I have a gun.
Ne bouge pas, j'ai une arme.
Lester, I have a gun.
Lester, j'ai un revolver.
I have a gun
J'ai un revolver.
Couldn't I have a gun in my suitcase?
Je pourrais dire que j'ai une arme dans ma valise.
I have a gun. And I know how to use it.
J'ai une arme, et je sais m'en servir.
I have a gun.
J'ai le pistolet.
I have never forgotten about you, not even for a moment. On that day when we first met at Woo Mi Theater, when we aimed a gun at each other...
pas un instant.
I have never forgotten about you, not even for a moment. On that day when we first met at Woo Mi Theater, on that day when we first met at Woo Mi Theater, even the day when we aimed a gun at each other...
pas un instant.
I have never forgotten about you, not even for a moment. On that day when we first met at Woo Mi Theater, even on that day we aimed a gun at each other.
pas un instant.
- I know. But he didn't have a gun either.
Mais il ne portait pas de pistolet.
I suppose if he told you to pull out a gun and shoot me, you'd have done that, too.
Et s'il vous avait dit de prendre un fusil et de me tirer une balle, vous l'auriez fait.
I shall have a gun tonight.
- ll vaudrait mieux que je sois armé.
I didn't have a gun.
- Je n'étais pas armée.
So you let Horn go out to get me and then you ran on ahead... and warned me, so that I'd have time to draw a gun on him.
Vous avez accouru pour me prévenir, pour que je tire sur Horn.
See, if I woulda had a gun there... why, one of us might have got hurt, and it might have been me.
Vous voyez, si j'avais eu un pistolet... l'un de nous se serait fait blesser... Ç'aurait pu etre moi.
- I didn't have a chance to get my gun out.
- Je n'ai pas pu sortir mon arme.
Listen, maybe I have lost a few battles ; I've never lost a gun.
J'ai déjà perdu des batailles mais jamais mon revolver.
Watch out, men. Be careful! I'd rather have Deadeye Dick than a female with a gun in her hand!
Y a pas pire qu'une gonzesse armée!
- I didn't have a gun.
J'avais pas d'arme.
- Lf I was, I'd have a gun.
- Non, je serais armée.
I love you, Roderigues. I love all of you. But I'm getting me a private room and private bath in Paris... if I have to get it at the point of a gun.
Je t'aime bien, je vous aime tous, mais je vais me trouver une chambre avec baignoire même si je dois sortir mon pétard.
I never saw anyone take to anything the way you have to a gun. A man'd think you'd been shooting all your life.
À te voir, on dirait que tu as tiré toute ta vie.
I'd let you have mine, but you got a gun, Doll?
Tu as un revolver? Non.
I should have used a gun that day, outside the bunkhouse.
J'aurais dû le tuer, ce jour-là, près de l'enclos...
I'll be working around. They have to hold a gun on me to make me start her.
Je ne leverai l'ancre que sous la menace d'une arme.
They took my gun away from me. And I've just gotta have a gun.
Il faut que j'aie une arme, c'est tout.
If I'd had a gun, I'd have blown him in two.
Si j'avais eu une arme, je l'aurais abattu.
Well, I suppose I'll have to get a gun from somewhere.
Je pense que je prendrais un revolver.
" Said a prisoner is going to make a gun in my yard I would have said that he was crazy...
" que je serais confiant pendant qu'un prisonnier fabrique un fusil...
But even I couldn't have imagined how much a gun can change a life.
Mais comment imaginer à quel point ça le changerait?
I have found out how to make a gun 5 pounds lighter than any other gun made before.
J'ai réussi à faire un fusil pesant 2,3 kg de moins que les autres.
I have to beg pennies in my own village from people who never fired a gun!
Je dois mendier, et eux n'ont jamais eu un fusil!
Oh, I prefer to have a drink from that bottle... ... you keep hidden behind your gun cabinet.
Mon colonel, sortez plutôt cette bouteille cachée derrière votre bureau.
Suddenly, I think it may have been you firing the gun. You knew Willie, you had a motive.
C'est vous peut-être qui avez tiré sur Willie.
If I had a gun, I would show them... that the Kanyuksa have at least as much courage as gopher!
Si j "avais un fusil, Je leur montrerais... que les Kanyuksas ont au moins autant de courage qu" une marmotte! Rino, assieds-toi.
If that cap pistol was a real gun and I didn't have a gun, he'd be a kind of a God too and if I wanted my life, I'd worship the ground he walks on and I'd pay him the half a million dollars for my life.
Si ce jouet était un vrai revolver, et si je n'en avais pas, ce serait lui, Dieu le Père, et si je voulais la vie sauve, j'embrasserais le sol sur lequel il marche,
But the squirt doesn't have the gun, I have and I can loose the lightening.
Mais ce n'est pas le gamin qui l'a, c'est moi, et je peux déchaîner la foudre.
Well, next time I go out... I would have a gun.
Eh bien, la prochaine fois que je sortirai... j'aurais un revolver.
Yeah, well now, Sheriff, you might have noticed that I was traveling with a lady. It turned out she was more interested in the gold than she was in me, so she pulled a gun and tried to make me run for it.
C'est que j'étais avec une dame... qui s'intéressait plus à l'or qu'à moi!
And I better get you a gun, because we may have a little trouble.
Je vais te donner une arme, on risque d'avoir des ennuis.
And then I'll kill you in cold blood... whether you have a gun in your hand or not.
Après je te tuerai de sang froid, que tu aies une arme en main ou non.
" This is a gun I have pointing at you.
"Je vous tiens en joue."
" This is a gun I have pointing at you.
" Je vous tiens en joue.
I don't like using a gun, but I can if I have to.
Je n'aime pas les armes. Je ne m'en sers qu'en cas de nécessité.
I don't have a gun, cowboy.
Je n'ai pas de revolver, cowboy.
I don't have a gun, Ringo.
Je n'ai pas d'arme, Ringo.
But I do have a gun, so I'll eat.
Mais j'ai un fusil, et donc je pourrai manger.
I've seen many plays in my time, And jealous lovers always have a knife or gun
Sur scène, les amants jaloux ont toujours une arme.
- I don't have a gun.
- Je n'en ai pas.
Such a good hunter that i not only have a gun but enough bullets to last a lifetime.
Avec beaucoup de vaillance. J'ai aussi un fusil... et des balles pour toute la vie.
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i have a wife 82
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i have a wife 82