If i did that traduction Français
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I mean, I could, but I feel like I would yeah. I would weigh negative pounds if I did that.
Je pourrais, mais c'est comme si j'avais un poids négatif, si je faisais ça.
Actually, would you mind if I did that?
Ça vous dérange si je le fais?
Frank.... what I'm trying to say is that I became a firefighter because of what the bad guys did on 9-11 and if you're telling me that there are other bad guys, and they're our leaders, our people, the people who are supposed to be watching out for everybody,
Je veux dire que je suis devenu pompier à cause de ce qu'ils ont fait ce jour-là. Si tu me dis que c'est d'autres méchants, que c'est nos chefs, les nôtres, ceux censés veiller sur nous.
What the fuck did I tell you? That if I ever caught you calling his scumbag again, I'd fuck you up!
Je t'ai dit que si tu rappelais cette ordure, je te cassais la gueule!
I think it means that if we never did anything, we wouldn't be anybody.
Donc si on ne fait rien, on n'est personne.
If I did, that's not where they're staying.
Ce n'est pas la bonne chambre.
Even if I did know who killed that brother of yours what would make you think I'm gonna tell you?
Même si je savais qui a tué ton frangin, qu'est-ce qui te fait croire que j'irai te le dire?
If I could get my hands on whoever did that to you, you could see mad.
Si je mets la main sur celui qui t'a fait ça, là, tu me verras en colère.
I actually told a bunch of people we did have sex, so if you could go along with that.
J'ai dit à des gens qu'on avait baisé, alors si tu pouvais jouer le jeu...
If that creep did complain about me so I'm informing you, that he abuses me first, I didn't said anything
Si ce fluage se plaignait au sujet de moi ainsi je vous informe, qu'il me maltraite d'abord, je pas dit quelque chose
The lawyer you turned me onto- - shit, I don't know what that motherfucker did, but whatever it was... I wouldn't have won that appeal if it wasn't for him.
L'avocat que tu m'as refilé, je sais pas ce qu'il a combiné, mais sans lui, j'aurais jamais gagné.
If you brought me some of those luscious, juicy mutton chops I saw the officers eating, I could make you very glad that you did.
Si tu m'amène quelques succulentes et juteuses côtelettes de mouton que les officiers mangent, je pourrais te rendre plus heureux que dans tes rêves.
Even though, if he stopped to think about it for a minute he would realize I never did a thing to him that he didn't deserve.
Même si, s'il y réfléchissait un instant, il comprendrait qu'il méritait tout ce que je lui ai fait.
I floated that I might, then I thought I wouldn't, so it'll look convincing if I did.
Y ai pensé, puis j'ai changé d'avis : ça pourrait paraître sincère.
'cause Mr. Stroh, he told me, He said that even though I hadn't done anything as bad as him that I would go to jail for as long as he did if I admitted anything before I got a deal.
Car M. Stroh m'a dit que même si je n'avais pas fait d'aussi vilaines choses que lui j'irais en prison, aussi longtemps que lui, si je reconnaissais quelque chose avant d'avoir passé le marché.
Yeah, but she ain't had enough. If she knows about what I did and how you helped me out and that.
Si elle savait ce que j'ai fait et comment tu m'as aidé...
Does seeing him in this menial job make you think about anything? Well, if a bad-ass O.G. like that could get stuck delivering food, how did I get out? Tracy :
Et le voir faire la basse besogne vous fait réfléchir?
He told me to just lie still while he, you know, did it to me, and that if I didn't follow his every word...
Il m'a dit de rester tranquille, tandis qu'il s'occupait de moi, et que si je lui désobéissais...
What I'm going to tell them is that you did everything you could to help this patient in treatment, and that if you had felt he was in any danger, you would've tried anything to keep him from flying again.
Je vais leur dire que tu as fait tout ce que tu as pu pour aider le patient et que si tu avais senti qu'il était en danger, tu aurais tout essayé pour l'empêcher de voler.
He knows that if he tells his girlfriend I have cancer and if she calls me, I will hang up on her and never speak to either of them again, which is what he did, and what she did, and what I did.
Il sait que s'il parle à sa copine de mon cancer et qu'elle m'appelle, je raccrocherai et parlerai plus aux deux, ce qu'il a fait, ce qu'elle a fait, et ce que j'ai fait.
If I did kill that family, I'll do the time for it.
Si j'ai vraiment tué ces gens, on va m'enfermer.
If you did see me on some footage, you would have also seen that I left that place without bothering anyone.
Si vous m'avez vraiment vu sur les vidéos, vous avez aussi vu que je suis parti sans embêter personne.
But if she did that to me, I can only imagine what she would've done to my dad for cutting her out.
Mais si elle m'a fait ça, j'imagine ce qu'elle aurait pu faire à mon père pour l'avoir rayée de sa vie.
If Edwin's ghost is still here, then that means he saw what I did when he died.
Si le fantôme d'Edwin est encore ici alors ça veut dire qu'il a vu ce que j'ai fait quand il est mort.
In fact, if you did everything on the Murtaugh List, I'd call that a pretty fun weekend.
En fait, si tu faisais tout sur la liste de Murtaugh, j'appellerais ça un week-end sympa.
I mean, we don't know what, if anything, Logan did with the information that he obtained from the system.
Nous ne savons pas ce que Logan a fait des informations.
I did this all subconsciously knowing that Walter was so jealous that if he caught us in bed together, he would call off the wedding.
J'ai fait ça inconsciemment en sachant que Walter était si jaloux que s'il nous attrapait au lit ensemble, il annulerait le mariage. Non, Walter a raison. C'était si délibéré.
I'm telling you, I'm a bigger menace trying to put this thing in while I'm driving than I would be if I just did it without it, and besides that, I'm already here.
Je suis une plus grande menace à essayer de brancher ce machin, que si je t'appelais sans casque. - Et puis, je suis arrivée. - Tant mieux.
It would have been so much better if I had left before I did that.
C'était moins drôle que je l'avais imaginé.
I believe you, miss Blair. And if I didn't, that means Dan Humphrey did.
Et si je ne l'ai pas fait, ça veut dire que c'est Dan Humphrey.
" Remember that time that you asked me if I had ever felt the way Roger did?
" Tu te rappelles quand tu m'as demandé si je m'étais déjà senti comme Roger?
If I ever did it, it definitely wouldn't be like that.
Si je me tuais, ce serait pas comme ça.
if that's what happened to the guy who didn't have the weed, I didn't want to know what would happen to the guy who did have it.
si c'était le sort réservé à un type qui n'en avait pas, je préférais ignorer le sort réservé à celui qui en avait.
Even if I did something like that- - and I am not saying that I did- - I already got busted for it.
Même si j'avais fait ça, et je ne dis pas que je l'ai fait... j'ai déjà été condamné pour ça.
If anything did happen to him, it's important to remember that neither you or I is the one's that did it.
Si quoi que ce soit lui arrivait, il faudra se souvenir que ni vous, ni moi, ne l'avons fait.
You know, I think your father wired the car the way he did...'cause I think he thought... if he was the only one who could fix it, that we'd always need him.
Tu sais, je pense que ton père a imaginé cette installation électrique... parce qu'il pensait qu'il serait le seul... à pouvoir la réparer et qu'on aurait donc toujours besoin de lui.
So if you weren't having a good time why did I get a message that said "something terrific happened"?
Si tu t'amusais pas, pourquoi ton message parlait d'un "truc fantastique"?
And I realized that if we did have a relationship with the Irish...
Et j'ai réalisé que si nous connaissions les Irlandais...
Anyway, the point is that I am sad, and I miss you, and I bitterly regret what I did, and it would be very, very nice if you called or, in fact, if we could see each other.
Bref, le fait est... que je suis triste. Et tu me manques. Et je regrette amèrement ce que j'ai fait.
I did specify that they shouldn't leave it if you weren't home, and I will be suing.
Je leur avais dit de ne pas livrer en ton absence. Je leur ferai un procès.
Well, Congressman Weil still won't admit to anything, so I'm gonna go to the club tonight and see if I can find out what he did there that he's so ashamed of.
Eh bien, le député Weil... ne veut toujours rien avouer, alors je vais au club ce soir... pour voir si je peux découvrir ce qu'il a fait et ce dont il a tellement honte.
I've put my ass on the line for this crazy idea of yours... if this goes bad... it means there will be a terrorist attack that we knew about and did nothing... that makes us accomplices...
J'ai mis mon cul en jeu pour ton idée. Si ca tourne mal. Ce qui veut dire..
If they did, I would have married... that smart fat girl I used to have all those deep conversations with.
Sinon, j'aurais épousé... la grosse intelligente avec qui j'avais de profondes conversations.
That if I did, bad people will come to our house and hurt us.
Que si je le faisais, des gens viendraient nous faire du mal.
I never thought I'd get married, but if I did I was pretty sure that my mom would be there if she was alive.
Je ne pensais pas me marier, mais si oui, j'étais sûre que ma mère serait présente.
But if you think that you could forgive her for what she did then I guess you deserve to have her back.
Mais si tu penses que tu aurais pu lui pardonner alors tu mérites sûrement de la récupérer.
- l've done some research, and I found out that if I did go to court with Lahey, he could actually expropriate my land, and if that happens, I'm fucked.
J'ai fait des recherches puis j'ai trouvé que, s'il fallait que j'aille en cour contre Lahaie, y a des chances qu'il arrive à m'exproprier. Et si c'est ça qui se passe, je suis fourré.
And even if I did, that's not the answer.
Et même si je le faisais, ce n'est pas la réponse.
Or did she have a partner? "Now, if she had a partner, maybe I want to talk to that person too."
Ou avait-elle un partenaire? " Si elle avait un partenaire, j'irais peut-être lui parler aussi.
Miss cas I-I want to ask her what I did wrong in-in the audition, but I'm afraid that if I ask her, she'll think that I tho that I should get the lead, which, which I did not thi and I don't want her to think that I though
Mlle Casey, je veux demander ce que j'ai mal fait pendant l'audition, mais j'ai peur qu'elle pense que je croie que j'aurais dû avoir le rôle pricipal, ce que je ne pense pas et que je ne veux pas qu'elle pense que je croie.
"If I did not win, I'm glad that Debbie has won."
"Si je ne l'ai pas gagné, je suis content que Debbie l'ait gagné."
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i knew 98
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if i do 197
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if i could 203
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if i did 272
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if i win 152
if it's not 54
if it helps 159