If i knew that traduction Français
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If I knew that hustling had such benefits, I never would have gotten into magic.
Si j'avais su que jouer offrait de tels avantages, je ne serais pas devenu magicien.
Whereabouts? I wouldn't call you if I knew that
Et qu'elle appartient au monastére bouddhiste.
But I swear, if I knew that for a fact I never would have agreed to help him.
Mais je le jure, si je savais ce qu'il voulait faire jamais je ne l'aurais aidé.
Well, if I knew you felt that way, I would have shaved my head a long time ago.
Si j'avais su ça plus tôt, je me serais fait raser le crâne depuis longtemps.
She'd probably be mad if she knew that I was, but I feel this is important.
Elle serait sûrement en colère si elle savait, mais je sens que c'est important
Stanton asked me if I'd... if I knew anything about it, and I told him I just heard a rumor. That's all.
Stanton m'a demandé si je savais quoi que ce soit, et je lui ai dit que j'avais juste entendu des rumeurs.
When that cop asked me if I knew about the 7-EIeven thing, I said I didn't. But I did.
Quand ce flic m'a demandé si je savais, au sujet du braquage, j'ai rien dit.
Yeah, I learned those in Miss Carter's class...'cause I knew if I got one right that'd she'd give me a hug.
Ouais, j'ai appris ça dans la classe de Mme Carter... parce que je savais que si je trouvais une réponse, elle me serrerait dans ses bras...
If I knew about something like that, don't you think I would have reported it?
Si j'avais appris une chose pareille, vous ne croyez pas que je vous l'aurais signalé?
But if that's true, then why is she here if she knew I was coming?
Alors, pourquoi est-elle là si elle était au courant de ma venue?
I knew if sarge died they'd blame me. That's why I took Dunbar's dog tags.
On m'aurait accusé de son meurtre, alors j'ai pris les plaques de Dunbar.
"If they knew it was me that took the money, I wouldn't be here talking to you now."
S'ils savaient pour l'argent, je ne serais pas là.
If I knew, I'd explain it. All I know is that the ink is 600 years old.
Je sais seulement que cette encre a 600 ans.
Just please tell me that you don't think that I knew, because if you felt that, I would... I'd wanna die, OK?
Dis-moi que tu ne crois pas que j'aie pu être au courant, parce que... si tu le penses, je préfèrerais mourir.
I'm not sure what happened to Tony Galper, but he is missing. And I was just thinking hypothetically, if something did happen to him, and somehow, Miss Farrow, you happened to be involved, you knew the people that Tony was associated with, you had to assume that if they found out, they'd kill you.
S'il lui est arrivé quelque chose et si vous êtes impliquée, Mlle Farrow, comme vous connaissiez les associés de Tony, vous pensiez qu'ils vous tueraient.
I just thought that maybe you'd tell me if you knew something.
Mais j'ai pensé que tu me le dirais si tu savais quelque chose.
With your dating habits, I knew that even if I was lucky enough to get a regular spot on your rotating schedule I would never have your attention long enough for you to fall in love with me.
Vu le dragueur, je savais que si je décrochais un jour fixe... sur votre agenda en folie... je ne capterais pas assez votre attention pour que vous m'aimiez.
I knew I had to quit my job as your secretary and write an international bestseller controversial enough to get the attention of a New York publisher as well as Know magazine, but insignificant enough that if I went unseen, Know magazine's star journalist would refuse to do a cover story about it.
que je devais quitter mon poste de secrétaire... écrire un best-seller international... assez controversé pour intéresser un éditeur et Know Magazine...
'Cause I knew if I went back to that bar, I'd give that kid a heart attack.
Je sais que si je retourne dans ce bar, le gosse aura une attaque.
What if I told you that I knew the meaning of life?
Et si je vous disais que je connais le sens de la vie?
John : Listen, I knew if I didn't call him that I'd never be able to show my face here in LA again.
Écoute, je savais que si je ne l'appelais pas, je ne pourrais plus me repointer dans le coin.
I knew I probably given some asshole a blowjob for it So really tried to piss me off that if I killed myself without spending it Basically I sucked him off for free
Je l'avais sûrement obtenu en suçant un connard, et ça m'aurait fait chier de me tuer sans l'avoir dépensé, comme si je l'avais sucé pour rien!
I knew that if I met him...
Je savais que si je le rencontrais...
I knew, that the only way out of this is if I could climb up the rope.
La seule façon de m'en sortir serait de grimper à la corde.
Meg, if I had known you, if I knew I was going to know you, I would have wanted you to be the first and you're the only one I ever felt that way about.
Mais, Meg, si je t'avais connue, si j'avais su que j'allais te connaître, j'aurais aimé que tu sois la première et tu es la première pour qui je ressens ces choses.
If i knew who that was, and if i had him, i'd be willing to make an exchange.
Qui est ce? Votre prisonnier, ce que je trouve impardonnable. Si je savais qui c'était, et si je l'avais,
I'd feel a lot better if I knew everything that was happening.
Je me sentirais mieux si je savais ce qui se passe.
You know, the one thing I can say about that is if I knew you then the way that I do now, it wouldn't have happened.
La seule chose que je peux dire pour ça, c'est que si je t'avais connu comme je te connais maintenant, ça ne serait pas arrivé.
And I knew that if I sweet-talk you just right, you'd go see Fisher. And if you did go see Fisher, you'd see that awful truth. 'Cause...
J'ai su que si je savais vous flatter, vous iriez voir Fisher et que vous verriez cette terrible vérité, car c'est votre boulot.
Besides, I think I had this idea that if no one else knew, it would be like the whole thing never happened.
Et puis j'ai pensé que si personne ne le savait, ce serait comme si rien de tout ça n'était vraiment arrivé.
And I knew at that moment that if something so small and unimportant reminded you of me then everything reminded you of me.
J'ai compris que, pour qu'une petite chose si modeste et sans importance te fasse penser à moi, c'est qu'apparemment, tout te faisait penser à moi.
I knew that if I shot you I'd lose Monty anyways.
Je savais que si je te tuais, je perdrais quand même Monty.
Damn. I wish I knew if that was right.
J'aimerais savoir si c'est ça!
And I realized he has to know that I thought Colgate was an insane name, but if I didn't fight him on it, it must be because I knew we weren't gonna have a girl and then he would know we were gonna have a boy, and that would spoil everything for him.
Et j'ai réalisé qu'il devait savoir que je trouvais le prénom Colgate débile et si je ne me disputais pas avec lui, ça voudrait dire que je savais qu'on n'aurait pas de fille et il aurait su qu'on allait avoir un garçon, et ça lui aurait gâché la surprise
If lan knew all along that he was gay, I bet you that the girlfriend did, too.
Si Ian sait depuis toujours qu'il est homo, je te parie que la petite amie le savait.
If I knew someone that could do that, I wouldn't be here. Let me see what I can do. Thank you.
Vous savez, si quelqu'un pouvait lui faire signer un formulaire d'autorisation, vous auriez un accès complet à son dossier.
I was afraid that if I told her I knew Mark, she'd ask a lot of questions...
Je ne voulais pas qu'elle le sache, elle m'aurait assailli de questions.
Probably... if I knew what that meant.
Probablement... si je savais ce que ça veut dire.
I knew that if I had told you, you wouldn't believe me.
Je savais que tu ne l'aurais pas cru.
Even though that isn't my kid in there, I still want to feel connected and I just thought I'd be more hooked in if I knew.
Même si ce n'est pas mon enfant, je veux me sentir impliqué, c'est pour ça que je voulais connaître le sexe.
If I knew, that would make me an accomplice after the fact. No.
Si je le savais, ça ferait de moi un complice.
Nate, I would have come home and taken care of her myself if I knew you were gonna do that.
Je serais rentrée la garder si j'avais su que tu allais faire ça.
"Grace, if you knew that I was in a place where I was unhappy, you'd want me to leave that place, right? And go to someplace where I was happy."
"Si tu me savais malheureux quelque part, tu voudrais que j'aille là où je serais heureux."
So if you go back to Will's and pretend that you never saw me then he'll never have to know that I knew
Donc si tu retournes chez Will et tu prétends que tu m'as pas vu, il ne saura jamais que je savais.
Because I knew if that ever got to Charlie you'd have nothing to lose, and then you'd tell him everything.
Je savais que si ça revenait à Charlie, tu n'aurais plus rien à perdre et que tu lui raconterais tout.
I know, but I really wouldn't enjoy it, if I... knew that that Klingerman report was still out there, you know.
Je sais, mais je ne pourrais pas l'apprecier pleinement, si je... je savais que le rapport Klingerman existait toujours, tu sais.
If he knew that I slept with practically everything wearing a uniform in Great Bear With all the guys he works with, sometimes several at a time
Si il savait... que j'ai couché avec pratiquement tout ce qui porte un uniforme à Grande Ourse, avec tous les gars avec qui il travaille, tous les gars, des fois plusieurs à la fois.
Obviously, they've both got lots of money... but I think that if I knew what they did for a living... that I could find some sort of connection to them being the killer.
Manifestement, ils ont tous deux beaucoup d'argent, mais je crois que si je savais ce qu'ils faisaient, ça m'aiderait à établir un rapport avec le tueur en série.
And I couldn't stand my dad. But I knew that if I went to move with my mum.
Je détestais mon père, mais je savais que si j'allais vivre chez ma mère, je ne te verrais plus jamais.
I couldn't stand my dad, but I knew that if I went to live with my mum.
Je ne supportais pas mon père. Mais si j'avais été habiter chez ma mère, on aurait été séparés.
I have to believe that if you knew that... ... if in yoυr heart'you really, really knew that... ... yoυ wouldn't be getting ready to marry someone now.
Je dois croire que si tu avais su ça... si dans ton coeur, tu en avais été convaincu... tu n'épouserais pas quelqu'un, là... sauf si ce quelqu'un était moi.
if it's meant to be 16
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if i knew 98
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i didn't know better 127
if i were you 923
if it wasn't for you 99
if i knew 98
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if i can 158
if i may ask 88
if it isn't 54
if i may 812
if it was 105
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it was 105
if it's any consolation 226
if it's a girl 43
if it wasn't 30
if i do 197
if it were up to me 123
if i could 203
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if i'm not mistaken 223
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if i don't 193
if it's all right 48
if i did 272
if it's a boy 49
if i do say so myself 43
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if i win 152
if i don't 193