It's about this traduction Français
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Let me learn more about this Angry Video Game Nerd person. Don't worry, son. It's just a flesh wound.
Laissez-moi... en savoir plus... sur cet "Angry Video Game Nerd", et ne vous inquiétez pas, Sam, ce n'est qu'une blessure de chair.
It's about another $ 1.5 million we weren't anticipating for this year. Maybe an extra $ 5.5 million in signing bonus.
Ҫa nous fait autour de... 1,5 million qu'on avait pas prévu pour cette année, plus peut-être un boni de signature de 5,5 millions.
You think this is a big office, Tom, but it's about to get really, really small.
Tu crois qu'il s'agit d'un grand bureau, Tom, mais tu vas t'y sentir à l'étroit.
This is what it's about, man!
Ça, c'est la classe!
I'm not mad about that, it's just, I feel like he's pulling away, and every time I talk about this wedding or your dress or the fact that I'm a bridesmaid, he gets this look on his face where he just looks horrified.
J'ai juste l'impression qu'il s'éloigne et quand je parle du mariage, de ta robe ou du fait que je sois demoiselle d'honneur, il a l'air horrifié.
It's been about Michael and Candace this whole weekend.
Le week-end de Mike et Candace.
In'73, with Billion Dollar Babies, we said this whole album is about extravagance, so take it to the next level, let's use illusion.
En 73, avec Billion Dollar Babies, nous avons dit "L'album entier est au sujet de l'extravagance" Passons donc au niveau suivant. Utilisons l'illusion.
I was wondering what he thought about the claims that this was sort of an unethical way of carrying out this experiment and whether or not it's going to affect the scientific community and the parapsychologists negatively?
... Mais je me demandais... ce qu'il pense des allégations selons lesquelles ces expériences n'ont pas été menées de manière éthique et si elle aura une incidence ou non sur la communauté scientifique, et parapsychologues négativement.
Now, these kids take this shit, and they get laser-focused for about four hours of studying, and then they party like it's goddamn 1999.
Avec cette merde, les gamins sont ultra concentrés pendant 4 heures et après, ils font la teuf comme des tarés.
I hate to bother you at this ungodly hour, but I'd like to ask you some questions about your husband if it's all right with you.
Désolé de passer à une heure aussi tardive, mais j'ai un certain nombre de questions à propos de votre mari, si ça vous gêne pas.
He's made up this story about himself and now he's convinced himself that it's true.
Il a fait cette histoire sur lui-même et maintenant, il est convaincu que c'est vrai.
This company I'm talking about has got sound fundamentals, it's well capitalized, and it's got an excellent board.
Cette start-up a une base saine... assez de capitaux et une excellente direction.
It's about time this family got a little air under our wings.
Notre famille a besoin de déployer ses ailes.
It's not about the car parts this time, okay?
C'est pas la voiture, ce coup-ci.
That's what this is really about then, isn't it?
C'est de ça qu'il est vraiment question, pas vrai?
Oh, that's what this is all about. Is it?
Oh, c'est de ça qu'il s'agit, hein?
The next thing you're about to say is that it's really hard making this work because my job entails running your business out of business! Let me guess.
Laisse moi deviner.
Have you read this article about Google and users'private information, it's... disgraceful, they're too powerful.
Tu as lu l'article sur Google et les données personnelles? C'est... Honteux.
This story is about diamonds it was all about a handful of diamonds.
Cette histoire concerne les diamants... Il s'agissait... d'une poignée de diamants.
It's sailing pretty smoothly down there right now, but we're warning drivers about massive congestion this weekend.
Ça roule assez fluide là-bas en ce moment, mais nous mettons en garde nos conducteurs sur d'énormes bouchons possibles ce week-end
This isn't about our past ; it's about right now
Il ne s'agit pas du passé, mais de l'instant présent.
This is going to need stitches. There's nothing I can do about it here.
Il va avoir besoin de points de suture.
Because if you do this, there's no telling how you'll feel about it later.
Parce que si tu le fais, tu ne sait pas comment tu le ressentiras plus tard.
What are you talking about it, it's for this show!
N'importe quoi, elle a été faite exprès.
If anyone finds out about this, it's not just Dr. Campbell's career on the line.
Si quelqu'un l'apprend, la carrière du Dr Campbells n'est pas la seule en jeu.
But this time it's for toy exportation. The other time was about the industry.
Mais cette fois-ci, il s'agit de nouer des contacts pour les exportations de jouets, alors que la dernière fois, il s'agissait de la production.
This is 4G enabled, mate. I can have this on the Internet in 30 seconds and send it to your wife, see what she's got to say about it.
C'est de la 4G, je peux tout balancer sur Internet et l'envoyer à ta femme.
This play's a drama. It's about...
C'est un drame de Raymond Carver sur...
It's about this guy who loses his job and has to move home with his parents.
Il s'agit de ce type qui perd son travail et doit ré-emménager chez ses parents.
Oh, it's this stupid Sci-Fi thing about eight people who, uh, survive a nuclear holocaust, and they want my hair short.
Ce stupide truc de sci-fi sur 8 personnes qui survivent à l'holocauste nucléaire, et ils veulent mes cheveux courts.
It's gonna be about this book on seasons and migrations... and I know the book pretty well.
C'est le livre sur les saisons et les migrations, et je le connais bien.
and this two kids and how it's my daughter's birthday, and I know... there's nothing I can do about it, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but...
et ses deux enfants et que c'est l'anniversaire de ma fille, et je sais... qu'il n'y a rien que je puisse faire, peut-être pas aujourd'hui, peut-être pas demain, mais...
When you were talking this morning about being free from Noonan, that's what you meant, wasn't it?
Ce matin quand tu parlais de devenir libre. de Noonan, c'est ce que tu voulais dire, n'est-ce pas?
Dad, we could sit here and just have this conversation about plans... but for now, let's call it a night.
On pourrait parler de mes plans, mais restons-en là.
I used to do this. It's where it all starts. Thinking about them.
j'avais l'habitude de faire ça ou tout commence. penser à eux.
And right about now it's dawning on you where this video came from.
Et à cet instant, tu comprends d'où vient cette vidéo.
As much as I'm enjoying this daddy-daughter time maybe it's time to start thinking about heading back to New York?
Bien que j'adore ces moments avec toi, il serait temps de penser à repartir à New York.
- It's very offensive,'cause basically if you think about what you're saying to me, you're saying because I'm a girl, and because I'm attractive, my only use for this agency would be to manipulate men.
- C'est très offensif, parce que fondamentalement si vous pensez à ce que vous me dites, vous dites que parce que je suis une femme, et parce que je suis séduisante, mon seul but dans cette agence serait de manipuler les hommes.
Part of this- - and I'm not talking about the part that's all my fault- - but part of it, it's just life.
Une partie, et je ne parle pas de la partie où tout est de ma faute, mais une partie est due aux aléas de la vie.
And here I am, you know, my whole life is this one expanding, circular fuck-up and I think it's about to close out with me getting clipped in a home invasion.
Puis j'y étais... Ma vie n'était qu'un cercle vicieux et j'allais finir buté lors d'un cambriolage.
See what's happening here, father, in this moment, it's not about land.
Regardez ce qui se passe ici, mon père, en ce moment, ce n'est pas à propos de terrain.
It's like the less human I feel, all this knowledge about everything, quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus.
Comme si, moins je me sentais humaine... plus mes connaissances de tout... la physique quantique, les mathématiques appliquées... la capacité infinie du noyau d'une cellule...
How about in this one cos it's closer to the TV?
Je choisis celui-ci, il est plus proche de la télé.
It's not just about this, is it?
Ce n'est pas à cause de ça, hein?
But that's not what this is really about, is it?
Mais ce n'est pas ce que est vraiment, est-il?
- had told him about this... - Mm. -... cos it was so out of character...
Lui en avait parlé car ça ne lui ressemblait pas et s'asseyant, comme vous êtes assis là, il dit,
The guitar player, who was about 70 or something, picked up his amp, put it under his arm and walked off, like this old amp he must have had since day one, you know, and it was like, that's what it was like about, you know.
Le guitariste, qui avait genre 70 ans, a ramassé son ampli, l'a mis sous son bras et s'est éloigné, Son vieil ampli, il devait l'avoir depuis le premier jour, tu vois, Ca s'est passé comme ça, tu vois.
I think you do but I'll say it again. No, no... And sorry about this, but it's murder, so...
Je crois que si, mais là excuse-moi c'est un meurtre.
What is it about this property that makes you feel it's so integral... that you can't put it off until after all these legal matters are settled?
En quoi ce site est-il si primordial? Pourquoi ne pas attendre que ces histoires soient réglées?
- It's not. - Look we can figure out how we feel about this later.
Écoutez, on peut en parler plus tard.
It's about this doctor that saves this woman's life.
C'est sur ce docteur Qui sauve la vie de cette femme.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about family 16
it's about you 142
it's about him 23
it's about us 42
it's about money 31
it's about her 19
about this morning 24
about this 103
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
it's about us 42
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this is awesome 376
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this is amazing 700
this morning 1627
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