Months old traduction Français
806 traduction parallèle
My father said he was only eight months old.
- Mon père dit qu'il a 8 mois.
But you said he was eight months old and he's ten.
Mais pourquoi avoir dit qu'il avait 8 mois? Il en a 10.
He's two months old.
Il a deux mois.
These records are four months old, but they'll probably be new to you.
Ces disques sont vieux de quatre mois, mais tu ne les connais sans doute pas.
Since I was three months old.
Depuis l'âge de trois mois.
Don't tell me you had the gout when you were three months old.
Ne me dites pas que vous aviez la goutte à cet âge-là.
Oh, Marcus, he's only 6 months old.
Marcus, il n'a que six mois.
You were 10 months old when I came back.
Quand je suis revenu, tu avais dix mois.
Junior's only six months old and they seem about the same size, don't they?
Junior n'a que 6 mois et ils font la même taille, non?
But that's months old.
C'est dans un mois.
Mother brought me to the nest here when I was only three months old.
Ma mère m'a emmenée ici quand j'avais à peine trois mois.
The girl has been living on a mountain top since she was three months old and for no reason at all, suddenly blossoms out with jumping jive.
Elle vit au sommet d'une montagne depuis l'âge de trois mois, et sans raison particulière, elle s'épanouit soudainement et saute de joie.
Are you sure you've lived here since you were three months old?
Êtes-vous sûre que vous vivez ici depuis l'âge de trois mois?
She " s three months old.
Elle a trois mois.
Well, so we bought a few supplies from them, among other things, an axe wrapped in a Caracas newspaper many months old.
On leur a acheté des fournitures. Entre autres, une hache enveloppée dans un vieux journal.
She says, " Yesterday, my son was 8 months old.
" Mon fils vient d'avoir huit mois.
He's 8 months old.
8 mois.
Judy was 8 months old when he got home.
Judy avait 8 mois quand il est rentré.
He's six months old, sir.
Il a six mois monsieur.
Where I found these newspaper clippings. Of course, some of them are three months old but you seem to treasure them so I brought them along.
Certaines datent un peu, mais vous sembliez y tenir.
You know, Junior's going to be six months old tomorrow...
Junior va avoir six mois demain...
He's 9 months old there.
A neuf mois.
How about it? Kay was about nine months old.
Kay n'avait que 9 mois.
Now this stuff is two months old.
Ce truc est vieux de deux mois.
- What? This chimpanzee is only six months old.
Ce chimpanzé n'a que six mois.
Say, she must be about six months old.
Elle doit avoir six mois.
Poor little thing, scarcely three months old.
Pauvre petit, à peine trois mois.
Hey, nine months old, and already she's picking up the boys.
Hé, elle me ramène déjà des garçons.
The last one is only three months old.
- Te v là, toi?
Helen hasn't been bashful since she posed when she was three months old.
Helen n'a pas à être timide puisqu'elle pose depuis qu'elle a trois mois.
When you were 18 months old, could you pick a lock?
A 18 mois. Pouviez-vous crocheter une serrure.
In point of time, they're four months old... but their development and capabilities is that of 18 months.
Ils n'ont que 4 mois. Mais leurs facultés sont celles d'un enfant de 18 mois!
He's 3 months old.
Il a 3 mois.
I used to know your husband back in the good old days of three months ago. Come in, won't you?
- Entrez, je vous prie.
Gentlemen, you see before you a very weary old man who has just ended a chase that lasted nearly 10 months.
Messieurs, vous avez devant vous un homme fatigué qui vient d'abandonner une poursuite qui a duré dix mois.
I tell you now, whoever shot Larry Kinkaid ain't coming back here for you to fuddle with your lawyer's tricks for six months and then be let off because Davies or some other whiny old woman claim he ain't bad at heart.
Ne comptez pas qu'on vous ramène celui qui a tué Larry Kinkaid... pour qu'après vos petites procédures de 6 mois... on le voit relâché parce que Davies dit que c'est pas un mauvais bougre.
I tapped the old man six months ago.
J'ai tapé le vieux, il y a 6 mois.
I've spoken to him on the phone, but I haven't seen the old pirate in months.
Je lui ai téléphoné, mais je n'ai pas vu ce vieux pirate... depuis un mois. Comment va-t-il?
I might take a trip back to the old country for 3 or 4 months to see my relatives.
Je pourrais rentrer au pays voir la famille, pour trois, quatre mois
Three months ago I was 40 years old.
Je viens d'avoir quarante ans.
Two months after that... in February of 1944, during one of Rommel's... rare absences from the Atlantic frontier... his old friend Dr. Karl Strolin sought him out again.
Deux mois après, en février 1944, pendant l'une des rares absences de Rommel du front ouest, son vieil ami Dr Karl Strolin vint lui rendre visite.
Here she was six months old.
À 6 mois, en 1922.
One month, two months and the old music in the jukebox will start all over again.
Un mois, deux mois et la vieille rengaine se fera à nouveau entendre.
"Oh, that I were as in the months of old... as in the days when God watched over me... when his lamp shined upon my head... and by his light, I walked through darkness."
"Oh, que ne puis-je être comme aux mois du passé " comme aux jours où Dieu me gardait " quand Sa lampe brillait sur ma tête
In a couple of months, you're gonna be an old lady sleeping on a couch in your daughter-in-law's house.
Dans quelques mois, tu seras une vieille dame qui dort sur le canapé, chez ta belle-fille.
No, it's all right how old is she only 15 months.
Non, ça va. Quel âge a-t-elle? 15 mois.
For 12 months, i watched my father die when i was 10 years old.
Pendant 12 mois, j'ai vu mon pere mourir, quand j'avais 10 ans.
Anyway, about seven months ago, this so-called lawyer, Mr O'Shaughnessy, asked me how I'd like to cheer up a lonely old man and pick up $ 100 a week at the same time.
Bref, il y a sept mois, ce prétendu avocat m'a demandé si j'aimerais réconforter un vieil homme et me faire 1 00 $ la semaine.
In spite of the fact that most of these rats fork up $ 50 for the powder room like little dolls, I find I have again by actual count $ 9 less in the old bank account than I had six months ago.
En dépit du fait que ces ordures allongent 50 $ pour les toilettes pour dames comme des marionnettes, j'ai 9 $ de moins sur mon compte en banque qu'il y a six mois.
In six months they will smash even my old tower... because it's considered an imminent ruin, as they say.
Dans six mois, ils vont même abattre ma tour. "Des ruines délabrées", comme ils disent,
His master's in his grave in old Greyfriars Kirlyard these many months, and the dog sleeps on the mound.
Son maître est enterré aux Greyfriars, et ce chien dort sur sa tombe. Jim.
older 123
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
old man 1715
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
olds 231
oldman 76
old habits die hard 73
old man 1715
old boy 620
old girl 512
old school 99
old sport 107
old guy 44
old bitch 17
older brother 40
older sister 23
older man 27
old habits 59
old bean 35
old one 16
old pal 51
old buddy 75
old baby 27
older brother 40
older sister 23
older man 27
old habits 59
old bean 35
old one 16
old pal 51
old buddy 75
old baby 27
old son 178
old chap 253
old people 49
old fart 19
old woman 170
old daughter 155
old friends 70
old kid 120
old girls 51
old lady 76
old chap 253
old people 49
old fart 19
old woman 170
old daughter 155
old friends 70
old kid 120
old girls 51
old lady 76