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Quint traduction Français

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And when the Emperor Charles gave the island of Malta to these crusading knights, he made the condition that each year they were to pay him the tribute of one falcon,
Quand l'empereur Charles Quint céda l'île de Malte à ces chevaliers, il y mit une condition : le tribut annuel d'un faucon,
In 1539, these crusading Knights persuaded Emperor Charles V to give them the Island of Malta.
En 1539, ces chevaliers persuadèrent Charles Quint de leur céder Malte.
The Knights were profoundly grateful to the Emperor Charles for his generosity toward them.
Les Chevaliers furent reconnaissants à Charles Quint de sa générosité.
They sent the foot-high jeweled bird to Charles in Spain. They sent it in a galley commanded by a member of the Order.
Ils envoyèrent ce joyau à Charles Quint à bord d'une galère commandée par un membre de l'Ordre.
And a young man living in the year 1695 ought to know the palace of Charles V.
Et il faut qu'un jeune homme de 1695 connaisse le Palais de Charles-Quint.
Camporeal collects the taxes on the 8000, on salt and the 5 % on gold.
Camporeal perçoit l'impôt des huit mille hommes, le sel, le quint du cent de l'or...
And Charles V watching you as you sell his sceptre by the pound.
Et Charles-Quint vous regarde vendre son sceptre au poids.
We must rebuild the empire of Charles V.
Nous devons refaire l'Empire de Charles-Quint.
Oh, it's only Mr. Quint!
Ah, ce n'est que monsieur Quint!
- Good evening, Mr. Quint!
- Bonsoir monsieur Quint!
Please, Mr. Quint!
S'il vous plait monsieur Quint!
Mr. Quint wanted to cast a horoscope for Mr. Leutner...
Mais notre ami Quint voulait seulement avec son horoscope pour monsieur Leutner...
I don't care about the stars, Mr. Quint!
Je ne crois pas aux étoiles monsieur Quint!
How can I help you? - Two sandwiches for Mr. Quint and some red wine, please.
- Deux sandwichs pour monsieur Quint et un quart de rouge.
Dear Mr. Quint, I have lived in opposition for my whole life.
Cher monsieur Quint, j'ai toujours vécu avec un brin d'opposition.
Enough is enough, Mr. Quint!
Cela me suffit maintenant, mon cher Quint!
- I'm afraid not, Mr. Quint.
- Je ne crois pas monsieur Quint.
Well, you might have heard what Mr. Quint said earlier?
Ah, n'avez-vous pas entendu, ce que monsieur Quint a dis?
Mr. Quint, will you excuse us? I have a confidential matter to discuss with Colonel Hudson.
J'ai à parler confidentiellement au colonel Hudson.
- No. But you can go in, Mr. Quint.
Non, mais entrez, M. Quint.
I don't like the way you say that, Quint.
Sur quel ton vous dites ça!
Then our clever Mr. Quint can report to Washington that the rebel spy ring has been smashed and its leader, you, executed.
Quint signalera que le groupe rebelle a été détruit, et son chef, vous, exécuté.
You know him! Quint. Peter Quint, the master's valet.
Peter Quint, le valet du maître!
Yes, but when the master left, Quint was alone with us in charge.
Quand le maître est parti, Quint l'a remplacé.
The steps were icy, and Quint, he came home late after we were all a-bed.
Les marches étaient verglacées. Quint est rentré très tard, complètement ivre.
That poor little boy worshipped Quint.
Pauvre petit, il vénérait Quint.
You didn't know Quint, miss.
Vous ne l'avez pas connu.
Quint took advantage, that's all.
Quint en a profité, voilà tout.
You told me Quint and Miles were always together.
Quint et Miles ne se quittaient pas. Ce n'était pas sa faute.
The master put Quint in charge here.
Quint avait reçu tous pouvoirs.
Besides, no-one could go against Quint.
Du reste, personne n'eût jamais osé le contrarier.
It was hard to believe, her being an educated young lady and Quint being... well, what he was.
Dire que cette jeune fille comme il faut et ce Quint... tel qu'il était...
It's long past their bedtime. Yes, but what did you mean about Quint and Miss Jessel?
Que vouliez-vous dire sur Quint et Mlle Jessel?
Were Quint and Miss Jessel... in love?
Quint et Mlle Jessel étaient-ils amoureux?
But they used to follow Quint and Miss Jessel, trailing along behind, hand in hand, whispering.
Ils suivaient Quint et Mlle Jessel, main dans la main, en chuchotant.
Quint, Miles.
Quint... Miles...
But there was nothing wrong in Master Miles wanting to be with Quint.
Ils ne faisaient rien de mal ensemble.
Quint taught him to ride and took him walking.
Quint lui apprenait à monter. Miles avait tant besoin...
When Quint was found, she went into blackest mourning.
À la mort de Quint, elle sombra dans un deuil horrible.
Peter Quint!
Get on down and tell Quint that they're moving west across the face and that you think you winged one of them.
Va dire à Quint qu'iIs vont vers l'ouest. Tu penses en avoir touché un.
Name's Quint. Preacher Quint.
Je m'appelle Quint, le Prëcheur.
I got Collins up there. I might be able to knock off a quint with her, but no action.
Avec Collins, on a une bonne touche, mais rien ne se passe.
And you can shoot a quint and, you know, it doesn't break...'cause, what the hell, they can shoot the money out there.
Tu peux leur vendre la totale, ils ont un paquet de fric.
i never saw him. you see? he hides!
Où est passé Quint?
You see, he's dead. Quint is dead.
Quint est mort.
Quint is dead.
Quint est mort.
Peter Quint! Where? Where?
Où est-il?
Get on, Quint.
au pied, Quint.
and the late gentleman's valet--mr., uh, quint?
Et M. Quint, le valet de chambre de feu M. Tyrell?

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