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She left him traduction Français

461 traduction parallèle
He hadn't finished it when she left him. He never finished it.
Son palais n'était pas fini quand elle l'a quitté.
Maria said she left him with you. Didn't he come home with you?
Maria a dit que vous étiez ensemble Il n'est pas là?
After she left him, he died.
Il semblait mort après son départ.
I couldn't hear what he said to her, but it looked like she left him. The husband.
J'ai pas entendu ce qu'il lui a dit, mais c'est elle qui l'aurait quitté.
She left him and she married his friend
Elle l'a quitté et elle a épousé son ami
She left him for a gigolo.
Elle a tout plaqué pour partir avec un gigolo.
She left him, of course.
Elle l'a quitté, bien sûr.
She left him one day.
Un jour, elle l'a quitté.
She left him in a cruel way.
Elle l'a quitté en toute cruauté.
Was this force more important than sacrificing herself for a man who lived at her side, who suffered, who thought, who loved and who needed her and who chose death when she left him?
Ou se consacrer à cet homme qui souffrait, qui l'aimait, qui avait besoin d'elle, cet homme qui a choisi la mort lorsqu'elle l'a quitté?
- She left him.
- Elle l'a quitté.
At the time of her splendor, she was his lover and left him when his decline began, without ever turning back. "
"Au temps de sa splendeur, elle fut sa maîtresse. " Quand vint son déclin, elle le quitta sans se retourner. " Et cætera...
He left four years ago and she still thinks about him!
Un fiancé! Quatre ans à voguer et il est encore'fiancé'!
So was I, before I got fired. Left. That's how she met him.
C'est là qu'il l'a connue.
She opens the left side of the blanket and takes him into it.
Elle ouvre la partie gauche de la couverture.
Had she not been so devoted to him, she certainly would have left him, and indeed it would have been better for her had she done so.
Mais elle l'aimait trop pour partir, ce qui eut mieux valu pour elle.
Drunk or sober, Marl would have left him anyhow... she was that kind.
Alors, il vous plaît? Servez-le.
Look what he's done already. She's left home, sold her business and married him, all in two weeks.
Il lui a déjà fait abandonner son foyer et sa famille, vendre son affaire et l'épouser en 2 semaines.
Anyway, I told him that she had been here with me and had just left
Je lui ai dit qu'elle partait à l'instant.
She's been with him ever since he left here.
Elle le suit depuis qu'il est parti d'ici.
You don't know who she left him for, do you?
Pour qui elle l'a plaqué?
She left with him each time?
Elle repartait avec lui?
She just up and left one night and I, I didn't see him since.
Elle est partie comme ça une nuit, et moi, je l'ai jamais revu depuis.
She betrayed my father a hundred times... and when she finally left him for a young, rich Frenchman... - my father killed himself.
Cent fois, elle a trahi mon père... et quand elle l'a finalement quitté pour un jeune Français, il s'est tué.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
S'il avait appelé sa femme longue distance le jour de son départ, après son arrivée à Merritsville, pourquoi lui envoyer une carte pour lui dire qu'elle était bien arrivée?
She was a good-natured woman... she left those things to him.
Elle laissait mon père s'occuper de ses affaires.
A man who used to work for my grandmother claims she left it to him.
Le domestique de ma grand-mère dit qu'elle la lui avait léguée.
- Well, she married him... a couple of months after we left. - Yeah?
Louis Lapa.
She has left her parents house for him.
elle a quitté Ia maison de sés parents pour Iui.
The moment her husband left, she went and looked... for the bad thing she had threatened him with.
Sitôt que son mari tournait les talons, elle s'empressa.. .. de faire le malheur dont elle le menaçait.
She'd left him and he wanted her back.
Elle l'a quitté et il voulait qu'elle revienne.
One of the girls working on the film was madly in love with him and she never left us alone.
Une fille qui était folle amoureuse de lui ne nous quittait pas d'une semelle.
She was crossed in love and left with an airman he was an impostor and they arrested him so she became a masseuse.
Elle a été amoureuse d'un aviateur... et ils l'ont arrêté... alors elle est devenue masseuse.
As she left she gave him her address.
En sautant sur le quai de la gare, elle lui a donné son adresse.
- She snatched me away from him. Carried me off to my bed and left me alone so she could go back to him.
Elle m'a arrachée à lui, m'a jetée sur mon lit et elle est retournée vers lui.
When she left us, I set him free.
Quand elle nous a quittés, j'ai ouvert la cage.
The young lady left with him. She did, did she?
- Elle l'a envoyé?
She had the dominant personality and when she left him, he went to pieces.
C'était la personnalité forte du couple.
How can we charge him, if she left a note explaining why she did it?
Comment pouvons-nous l'accuser, si elle a laissé une note expliquant pourquoi elle a fait ça?
And this morning, she left with him, without a warning.
Ce matin, elle est partie avec lui, sans me prévenir.
In that case, that Zatoichi guy she was following must have left the highway, or else she lost track of him somewhere.
De deux choses l'une : Soit Zatoichi l'a semée en route, soit Otané ne l'a jamais trouvé.
When my mother died, she had been a widow for years, she left everything to him and made me swear that I'd go away.
Quand ma mère et morte, elle était déjà veuve depuis longtemps, elle lui a tout laissé et m'a fait jurer que je partirai.
Having abandoned me to my mother, she left with him.
M'ayant abandonné à ma mère, elle est partie avec lui.
his wife, although she left, doesn't want to live without him And he's a laughingstock among everyone in town. "
Aujourd'hui absentéiste, moralement détruit, sa femme, bien qu'elle soit partie, ne veut pas vivre sans lui, et lui, comme mari, il est la risée de tous.
His wife left him, she went off in a van with two fellows.
Elle est partie entre deux types en blanc.
But Lord have mercy the worse looking he got, the better looking she got till there wasn't nothing much left of him and she went off back east somewheres and took up with a stone mason.
Mais Dieu m'est témoin, plus il devenait moche, plus elle devenait belle. Quand il n'est plus resté grand-chose de lui, elle est retournée dans l'Est et s'est mise avec un maçon.
Why she ran off and left him to bleed to death, I have no idea.
Pourquoi s'est-elle échappée en le laissant mourir?
He was very handsome so she loved him. So she left with him.
Comme elle l'aimait, elle est partie avec lui.
She stripped half the house, and left him with her portrait.
Elle a dépouillé la maison, et elle lui a seulement laissé son portrait.
Who could've gone in there and killed him when she left the room?
- M. Kittering! - Quoi?
I wonder ifl should go and ask the neighbour if he's seen anything or if she's left a note with him.
Si je demandais au voisin s'il a vu quelque chose... ou si elle a laissé un mot.

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