Some of that traduction Français
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Oh, and the girl wants, she wants canned tuna, so see if you can find some of that uh, dolphin-safe stuff, any organic, you know what to look for right?
Et la jeune fille voudrait du thon en boîte. Essayez donc de trouver... Un truc bio, qui protège les fonds marins.
Look, you really want the day to move, you bust out some of that powder.
Tu veux que ça passe plus vite? Sors ta poudre.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me some of that, yeah.
Vas-y, mets-la-moi.
'Cause I couldn't help but thinking that some of that stuff you were talking about today in that meeting was directed at me.
Car je pourrais t'aider mais les choses dont tu as parlé à la réunion, étaient à mon encontre.
See, that's what he needs... some of that black magic.
C'est ce dont il a besoin, un peu de cette magie noire.
I'll have some of that.
Je sais de quoi je parle.
You need to save some of that luck for your job hunt, dill Pickle. Oh.
On fait une partie de Tonk.
Uh, spyros, if you've locked on to some trail of bread crumbs that leads to Bobby axelrod, that could be a win for everyone.
Spyros, si vous avez bloqué sur la piste des indices qui mènent à Bobby Axelrod, ça pourrait être une victoire pour tous.
It's gonna take some time... these fuckers are not cooperative... before we find that source of the funds, but we know what we're going to find.
Ça va prendre du temps... ces connards ne sont pas coopératifs... avant de trouver l'origine des fonds, mais on sait ce qu'on va trouver.
I'll get him to lay on some of that famous chilli mutton.
Non, mieux que ça.
What is that, some sort of plaid diaper?
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Une sorte de couche en plaid?
The concern with the reveries is that the hosts will remember some of their experiences and act on them.
Les rêveries nous préoccupent car les hôtes ont des souvenirs qui les font passer à l'acte.
No VC will fund that out of fear of being sued, and unless you have some totally different, game-changing idea lying around...
Personne te financera de peur d'être poursuivi. Et si t'as pas une autre idée révolutionnaire sous la main...
So, by our account, just under 50 percent of Hooli employment agreements include a non-compete clause. The same clause that caused us to lose the Pied Piper lawsuit in arbitration and are thus legally invalid, calling into question some of our IP ownership.
D'après nos comptes, près de la moitié de nos contrats d'embauche incluent une clause de non-concurrence, la même qui nous a fait perdre contre Pied Piper en arbitrage.
She said for some time that Banerjee had been bragging of his great plan.
Elle a longtemps répété que Banerjee se vantait de son grand projet.
Alice, I don't know you..... but I have some experience of my son and there is something..... that is killing him.
Alice, je ne vous connais pas... mais je connais bien mon fils et il y a quelque chose... qui le ronge.
In third form he trained somewhat seriously, cos usain, usain was so talented that he didn't have to train really, really hard, and he put in some semblance of training and then became the man from the west.
En 3e, il s'est entraîné sérieusement. Usain était si doué qu'il ne devait pas s'entraîner très dur. Il a fait semblant de s'entraîner et c'est devenu le mec de la côte Ouest.
She's just basically coming at me and saying, you know, that after 10 years almost, that there's an entire life that she feels like she's missing and that she sort of needed some space, and I responded to that
Elle est venue me dire qu'après presque dix ans, elle trouve que sa vie manque d'un truc et qu'elle a besoin d'espace.
The day that I gave up, I got some of my friends over to my house that I grew up with.
Ce jour-là, j'avais des amis d'enfance chez moi.
And when I talk of unity I'm referring to the fact that this port will not be built if some random lands here and there stand in the way
L'unité dont je vous parle doit être totale. Parce que ce port... n'a aucune chance de voir le jour si une petite poignée de propriétaires campent sur leurs terrains et refusent de vendre.
Thinking that maybe that would give you some sense of identity.
Pensant que ce serait peut vous donner un sentiment d'identité.
I made some pretty wild decisions in my life that a parent would, you know, probably walk away from but she kind of stuck by me.
J'ai pris des décisions assez folles dans ma vie qu'un parent pourrait contester, mais elle est restée à mes côtés.
Though in this case, it was a little too clear you were the victim and not the perpetrator, and that took some of the fun out.
Même si dans ce cas, c'était trop facile de savoir que vous étiez la victime et non le coupable. Vous n'êtes pas si méchant après tout.
And at that time, if you had that kind of money, you paid some of it to the Voi.
À l'époque, quand on avait beaucoup d'argent, on en donnait une partie au Voi.
'Cause of some movements that you fucking hallucinated?
Grâce à des mouvements qui vous sont apparus dans une vision?
Giving you some kind of life that can make this happen.
Je t'ai donné le genre de vie qui a rendu tout ça possible.
Closest place that had one in stock was down in Los Angeles, so I figured I'd make a day of it- - come down, have some tacos.
Endroit le plus proche qui a eu un en stock était en baisse à Los Angeles, donc je pensais que je ferais un jour de it- - descendre, avoir des tacos.
The club must have had some kind of countermeasure that shorted out all of Howard's devices.
Le club doit avoir une sorte de contre-mesure qui a court-circuité tous les appareils d'Howard.
Oh, and from the market, get me some of that cheese I like.
Vous savez lequel?
No. I'm at the whim of... of some dark force that we have absolutely no understanding of.
Je suis à la merci d'une sorte de force obscure dont on ne comprend rien.
If you are implying that I am some sort of chippy toying with two men that I respect, you...
Si vous sous-entendez que je suis une espèce de chipie qui joue avec deux hommes que je respecte, vous...
And maybe... that'll help you get some of your power back.
Ainsi tu pourras récupérer ta force intérieure.
And I know that you believe that you are some fairy-tale, meant-to-be couple, and I... I have tried to stay out of it.
Et je sais que tu crois que vous êtes dans un conte de fée, en temps que couple, et... j'ai essayé de rester en dehors.
As some of you may already know, the five that were expelled this morning were cut from both classes. Why?
Comme certains d'entre vous le savent déjà, les cinq qui ont été expulsés ce matin ont été découpés dans les deux classes.
I trust you understand the sensitivity of some of the information in that letter.
Vous saisissez le caractère secret de certaines informations dans cette lettre.
There are certain irregularities in some of the accounts... that need to be clarified before the merger can be completed.
Il faut rectifier des données dans certains comptes avant de pouvoir procéder à la fusion.
Maybe you just had some sort of agreement with them, like, "You be this, and I'll be that."
Peut-être que tu as une sorte d'arrangement avec lui, du genre, "sois comme ci, et je serai comme ça".
I mean, we may tell ourselves that we're creating something of artistic value, or there's some sort of spiritual dimension to the picture business.
On se leurre en pensant qu'on crée quelque chose d'artistique, ou qu'il y a une dimension spirituelle au cinéma.
When I was at Metallica, I just had this feeling... it was so brief... that there was some other kind of life I could be living.
Quand j'ai été voir Metallica, j'avais le sentiment... c'était si fugace... qu'il y avait d'autres façons de vivre.
Our hope is that the visceral experience of being back there might trigger some memory.
Nous espérons que l'expérience viscérale de retourner là-bas pourrait déclencher sa mémoire.
We'll claw back some of his trades, sure, but we have to assume that the names he gave us, the specifics, all of it... false.
Nous allons récupérer une partie de ses métiers, bien sûr, mais nous devons supposer que les noms qu'il nous a donné, les détails, tout cela... faux.
I thought for a moment that I'd gone blind. But then I realised I had some sort of blindfold on. And you never saw his face at any time?
J'ai repris connaissance et j'ai d'abord cru que j'avais perdu la vue, avant de me rendre compte que j'avais les yeux bandés.
He said that they got into some kind of trouble on their honeymoon?
Il a dit qu'ils avaient eu quelques problèmes durant leur lune de miel?
A million five for LeAnn and some on top of that.
- 1,5 million pour LeAnn, et davantage après ça.
Some of you know that.
Vous le savez.
He must've known that you'd send some of us on the raid.
Il devait savoir que vous vouliez nous envoyer sur le raid.
I had no idea I had some psycho hawk goddess inside of me, and then I meet Carter, and he convinces me to let her out, and now that he's gone...
J'avais aucune idée que j'avais une déesse faucon psycho à l'intérieur de moi, et quand j'ai rencontré Carter, il m'a convaincu de la laisser sortir, et maintenant qu'il n'est plus là...
She was asking after an order book, some sort of carbon pad he used for work. Forensics didn't pick up anything like that, did they? Not so far as I know.
- Elle cherche un carnet de commandes qu'il avait toujours sur lui.
I thought..... when I fell in love... .. that it would be some kind of fresh start.
- Quand je suis tombée amoureuse... je me suis dit que... que... ce serait pour moi comme une vie nouvelle.
And then keep that employment. Some of y'all might be better at getting jobs,
Daniel, c'est maman.
you become humble or... or... or gain some kind of perspective, but that you literally lose your sense of self.
C'est comme si tout ce qui vous reliait à la notion de l'existence avait disparu.
some of them 141
some of it 85
some of us 51
some of you 27
some of the time 21
some of them are 20
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
some of it 85
some of us 51
some of you 27
some of the time 21
some of them are 20
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
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that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
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that's good to hear 161
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that'll be it 25
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that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
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that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
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that's me 2273
that is 2872
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that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20