That's enough of that traduction Français
1,487 traduction parallèle
Marriage is an act of daring, which requires that we be brave enough to promise ourselves...
Le mariage est un défi qui nous oblige à avoir le courage de s'engager...
At the end of the day, that's enough.
Pour remplir la journée, c'est pas mal.
That's enough of that.
Ça suffit.
And a painting of her reading that's gonna be hung in Dad's study... seems just crazy enough to work.
Afficher le tableau d'une fillette qui lit dans une bibliothèque c'est carrément classe.
That's enough of that, ok?
Ça suffit, j'ai compris!
Now, that's enough, both of you. You got out and get some fresh air.
Vous, allez prendre l'air.
It's bad enough to be raped, Detective... but when the rapist has HIV, he leaves you with a daily reminder... that'll last you for the rest of your life.
C'est déjà horrible d'être violée, mais quand le violeur a le HIV, il vous laisse un souvenir pour le restant de vos jours.
C'est assez.
That's it, i've had enough of this.
J'en ai marre de tout ça!
- That's enough of that.
- Ca suffit avec ça.
- Now the Goa'uld think we're no threat. If it gets out that we're at this level of technology,..... we couldn't build this system fast enough.
- On ne menace pas les Goa'ulds. S'ils apprenaient que nous avons cette technologie, on n'aurait pas le temps de construire ce système.
This is the sun that Vorash is orbiting. It's a main-sequence star with a core temperature of 15 million degrees..... and enough hydrogen to burn for another five billion years.
Voici le soleil que Vorash orbite. C'est une étoile d'une température de 8 millions de degrés et assez d'hydrogène pour brûler encore cinq milliards d'années.
I am not. I am in favor of tax cuts for whom it will do the most good. That's a tough enough battle.
Non, je veux l'allègement fiscal... pour ceux qui en ont besoin.
That's not enough to buy me out of the doghouse?
Ce n'est pas suffisant pour que tu m'aies à la bonne?
that they were frightened of was the danger of overproduction, that there would come a point when people had enough goods and would simply stop buying.
Elles étaient effrayées par le danger d'une sur-production qui atteindrait un point de non-retour où les gens ayant tout ce qu'ils veulent s'arrêteraient d'acheter de nouveaux produits.
It is my intention to establish... that Vic Bedford built up enough of a rapport... with your majors Wirtz and Fussel... to engage in the framing of Lamar Archer... conspiring with them in the tent spike incident... which resulted in Archer's death.
Je veux prouver que... Vic Bedford avait une relation suffisamment proche... avec les commandants Wirtz et Fussel... pour arranger un coup monté contre Lamar Archer... avec l'incident du piquet de tente... qui s'est conclu par la mort d'Archer.
Obviously, whatever I do I'm not doing enough of, that's for sure.
Quoi que ça soit que je fasse, j'en fais pas assez, c'est sûr.
Your husband is wearing the uniform of a country that allows a place to say that his laundry's not good enough, when he could die for...
C'est horrible! Ton mari porte l'uniforme d'un pays qui autorise un lieu... qui dit que son linge n'est pas assez bien, alors qu'il pourrait mourir- -
And that's'cause none of us got enough love in our childhoods.
Tout ça à cause du manque d'amour durant notre enfance.
Considering I have yet to dance on Angel's pile of dust I'm imagining that Holtz isn't working fast enough for you.
Etant donné que je n'ai pas encore dansé sur les cendres d'Angel... j'imagine que Holtz ne travaille pas assez vite à votre goût.
It's only the fear that you aren't good enough, that you're not worthy of the power of three.
Ce n'est que la peur de ne pas être à la hauteur, de ne pas être digne du Pouvoir des Trois.
That's enough. You're out of here.
Ca suffit, fichez le camp.
- That's enough both of you.
Ca suffit, tous les deux!
Let's not bust Daddy's hump. I've been getting enough of that.
Faites pas perdre patience à Papa.
That's enough out of you.
J'en sais assez.
I made of our mock debates and I realized that you were not talking fast enough.
Allez, viens, on s'y met. On va dans ma chambre travailler mon M.P.M.
Or i could, uh, fix you up some of that, uh, soup in a cup, Although it's got enough sodium to stiff a horse. Oh, by the way, miguel, you know, uh,
Ou... je peux aussi vous proposer une tasse de soupe mais c'est salé à faire bander un cheval! Oh, à propos, Miguel, vous savez, celui qui vient les mardis et jeudis, il lui a fait lancer une balle aujourd'hui.
Isabel, it's bad enough you married one of them. But remember that you're from a superior race of beings.
Isabel, c'est assez grave que tu en aies épousé un, mais rappelle-toi que tu es d'une race d'êtres supérieurs.
You gotta ask yourself if it's something bad enough to risk that kind of heat.
Il faut être certain que le jeu en vaut la chandelle.
That's enough of you and your stupid fucking remarks!
Ça suffit, avec tes remarques à la con!
Okay. Well, that's enough of that!
Ok, ça suffit!
Tomorrow I'm at Dermy's, pumping my face full of enough Botox to erase any sign that I ever laughed or cried.
Demain, je vais chez Dermato me faire injecter assez de Botox pour effacer tout signe de rires ou de larmes.
All I know is when I said I would get out of there. she's been all happy. and that's good enough for me.
Tout ce que je sais c'est que depuis ça, elle est toute contente et ça me suffit.
That's enough, all of you!
Ca suffit, vous tous :
That's quite enough of you.
Tu m'as assez gonflé comme ça!
I'm gonna pray that God will give you a divine touch the US Department of Agriculture is checking whether state meat and poultry inspectors are good enough to allow the product to go on sale nationally.
Je vais prier pour que Dieu vous envoie un signe le ministère de l'agriculture s'assure de la compétence de ses inspecteurs avant d'autoriser ou non la mise en vente de ce produit.
That's enough to provide a line of cocaine for every man, woman, and child on this planet.
De quoi fournir une ligne de coke à chaque homme, femme, et enfant de cette planète.
No, that's enough of that.
ça suffit maintenant.
And Grace could stop at Ma Ginger's window quite content : to ascertain that only two of the little china figurines remained, and were thus the only two she had not yet been able to save up enough to purchase.
Grace s'arrêta devant la vitrine de Ma Ginger pour s'assurer qu'il restait les deux figurines qu'elle n'avait pas encore pu s'offrir.
- That's enough, snap out of it!
- Allez, secoue-toi!
That's enough of God, Highness, you're not kidding anyone!
Ça fait beaucoup de "Dieu" dans la bouche d'un voleur.
If anyone even has a whisper of a feeling... that's enough.
Si quelqu'un à une once de doute... c'est suffisant.
All right, that's enough of the academics for today.
Allez, tout le monde... Assez théorisé.
I knew I had to quit my job as your secretary and write an international bestseller controversial enough to get the attention of a New York publisher as well as Know magazine, but insignificant enough that if I went unseen, Know magazine's star journalist would refuse to do a cover story about it.
que je devais quitter mon poste de secrétaire... écrire un best-seller international... assez controversé pour intéresser un éditeur et Know Magazine...
There are gajillions of stories of mischief and fun, but to keep things simple, let's start with just one about a mom and two kids and a house and a hat that, oddly enough, was worn by a cat.
Il y a des millions d'histoires espiègles et amusantes, mais pour rester simples, commençons par une à propos d'une maman et de ses deux enfants dans une maison et un chapeau que, curieusement portait un chat.
Now that may not seem like a hell of a lot of money where you come from but we think $ 20 million ought to be enough to secure a jury in the People's Republic of Berkeley, let alone here.
C'est peut-être pas une fortune pour vous... mais 20 millions suffiraient à nous garantir... un jury en République populaire de Berkeley...
And he's not convinced that the slaughter of six million Jews is enough to satisfy the anti-Semitic impulses of the majority of the world.
Et il n'est pas convaincu que le massacre de six millions de Juifs ait suffit à satisfaire les impulsions anti-sèmites de la majorité du monde.
That's enough of that.
Ca suffit comme ça.
That's enough to relieve him of duty right there.
C'est déja suffisant pour le relever de ses fonctions.
That's the last straw. I've had enough of this nonsense.
J'en ai assez de ce délire.
That's enough of that!
Ça suffit avec "le patron".
that's enough 4716
that's enough for today 71
that's enough out of you 29
that's enough for now 47
that's enough for me 56
that's enough now 98
enough of that 96
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that's nice 2129
that's enough for today 71
that's enough out of you 29
that's enough for now 47
that's enough for me 56
that's enough now 98
enough of that 96
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
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that's cool 1334
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that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that'll be me 20
that's true 2989
that's what i meant 145
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that'll be me 20
that's true 2989
that's what i meant 145
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25