That is not right traduction Français
1,109 traduction parallèle
that is not right This is my life, not yours
C " est ma vie, pas la tienne.
That is not right.
Ce n'est pas vrai.
So, everything that's facing the level of the object... that's not right : the picture level is shifted...
Alors, ce qui n'est pas pris de face par rapport au plan-objet, n'est pas à sa place sur le plan de l'image.
Chuckie Loeder is not Aryan Army... and you guys aren't behind this, is that right?
Chuckie Loeder n'est pas dans l'Armée Aryenne... et vous n'êtes pas derrière ça, pas vrai les gars?
It's complicated, but no... I guarantee that what think is not right.
C'est compliqué mais... pas pour la raison que vous croyez.
Let me say right off the bat that I know how valuable your time is, now more than ever, and I appreciate the few minutes you've agreed to give me, and I'm going to try my best not to overstay my welcome.
Je sais que votre temps est précieux, et maintenant plus que jamais. Je ferai tout mon possible pour ne pas en abuser.
Isn't that right? It is not.
Pas vrai, Lilly?
Given the fact that there is a state of armed insurrection in Northern lreland. do you not concede the government has every right to take whatever measure it deems necessary to stem this insurrection?
Étant donné que l'lrlande du Nord vit une insurrection armée, le gouvernement n'est-il pas en droit de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour briser cette insurrection?
AII right, you guys, quit that running! this is a hallway, not a track!
Les garçon arretez de courir, c'est un couloir, pas une piste!
Right or not, that'how it is.
Juste ou pas, c'est comme ça.
Castri sustained my law had not the right characteristics, but the truth is that that law would have disturbed those in the government who prefer blathers to facts.
Castri a dit que tous les documents n'étaient pas en règle, en vérité ma loi dérange ceux qui préfèrent parler qu'agir.
That is not the girl who gave me the clap. No, all right, all right.
C'est pas la fille qui m'a refilé la chaude-pisse.
Not really. It's just that this is your taste, right?
En vérité, c'est parce que c'est plus à votre goût.
Mr. Seinfeld, as it stands right now, you are not covered for that damage and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about that.
Qui donc lit ça? Pour l'instant, vous n'êtes pas couvert. Et nous ne pouvons absolument rien y changer.
That's not right. The initial output spike is inverted.
Le niveau de sortie de l'arme est inversé.
Is that not right, Gloria?
N'est-ce pas, Gloria?
It is important to know the basics, and they're not that hard, right?
Le capitaine Ron veut tout simplement dire qu'il est important de bien connaîître les principes de base.
has remained intact, it means that the Lord is with me. Will you not become pious, right?
Leurs maisons sont en ruine, alors que la mienne est intacte!
Jazz, what Mr. Banks means is that Geoffrey's not feeling well... right now, and it's just not the best time... for us to have houseguests.
Jazz, M. Banks veut dire que Geoffrey est souffrant et que ce n'est pas le meilleur moment pour avoir des invités.
This kid knows that something is not right around here.
Gagné! Cet enfant sait que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond.
Perhaps you must not even be knowing that right now a policeman is standing next to you.
Peut-être ne sais-tu même pas qu'un policier est à côté de toi.
What matters to me, without discussion, is that I have every right to dispose of my family estate as I see fit, and the house's fate should be decided by the rightful owner and not by these usurpers.
Ce qui est clair et sans discussion, c'est que j'ai le droit de disposer de mon héritage familial, et la maison a le droit de voir son nom fixé par son propriétaire légal et non par ces usurpateurs.
I'm sorry, but I think everyone here will agree that wearing the same thing for a week is not good hygiene. Right, fellas?
Désolé, mais tout le monde sait bien que porter les mêmes vêtements pendant une semaine n'est pas hygiénique, non?
- Asking is not pressuring. - Well, up here it is. - That's all right.
On courtise, on courtise, et après, on se dit : "Ca suffit."
Is that not right, Bhindi Bhaji?
N'est-ce pas vrai, Bhindi Bhaji?
I'm going to shave you bald, young man... until you learn that hair is not a right- - it's a privilege.
Je vais te raser la tête. Tu comprendras qu'avoir des cheveux est un privilège.
Am I right in assuming that the damage to the shuttle is not as bad as it seems?
Ai-je raison de penser que les dommages de la navette sont moins graves qu'il n'y paraît?
That man is not my husband. That's right.
Cet individu n'est pas mon mari.
That's right, Ming is not a fucking restaurant.
Exact, c'est pas un putain de restaurant!
Is that right? - I'm not here to judge.
Je ne suis pas là pour juger.
Well, bah, not that I care, is she a bit of all right?
...... Bon après tout... Elle est.. bonne?
Is that not right, Vir?
N'est-ce pas vrai, Vir?
That is not alwavs the same as the right thing.
Ce n'est pas toujours la même chose.
That is right. He is not a prisoner.
Oui, ce n'est pas un prisonnier.
Congress is in session, right? I'm not wrong about that?
Le Congrès est bien en session?
That's right. So this conversation is not taking place, okay?
Donc, cette conversation n'a pas lieu.
Countless missions in Africa and not one air to air kill. Is that right?
D'innombrables missions en Afrique, et pas un seul avion ennemi abattu, je me trompe?
Fighting is not right but have to have a good reason That doesn't mean he's a bad boy
Ce n'est pas bien de se battre même s'il y a une bonne raison, ce n'est jamais justifié
That's right, but it's not the simulation you think it is.
Mais ce n'est pas ce que vous croyez.
That is not your style. That's right...
- "Qui est â l'appareil?" - "Comment avez-vous eu ce numéro?"
Wait a second. It's not how you get there but where you're going that counts. Is that right?
"Ce n'est pas comment on y arrive mais où on va qui compte." OK?
I know this is not the right time to ask this, Joe... but that man that was in this room with us tonight...
C'était de l'ironie, bon sang! Bonjour, Mme Welch.
I suppose this would not be the right time... to mention that Mr. Elton is engaged.
Ce n'est probablement pas le moment d'annoncer les fiançailles de M. Elton.
"To be or not to be. That is the question," right?
Etre ou ne pas être.
I don't know where he's from, but that shit is not right.
Je sais pas d'où iI est, mais c'est pas cool.
Everything is not going to be all right, because once the gangs find out that they can run us out, your life is going to be a living hell.
Les choses e vot pas être e ordre, car... lorsque les gags aurot compris qu'iIs peuvet ous cotrôIer... votre vie va être u efer.
Well, chump, all I need is a prayer because if that reaches the right man not only will George Foreman fall but mountains will fall!
Une prière suffit, car si elle arrive à Dieu, George Foreman va tomber, et les montagnes avec lui!
All right. Then if that's not what it is, you tell me.
- Alors, c'est quoi?
Because the real wrong is that it was not right to know the wrong, And so righting the wrong cannot be right.
Car le vrai délit est de l'avoir vu illicitement et donc, le condamner serait condamnable.
- That's all right,'cause this program is not for everyone.
Ce programme est pour l'élite.
I really don't care that much. I'm just not sure he's right for you, is all.
Je ne crois pas que ce soit le type qu'il te faut.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is not the case 19
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is not the case 19