The family business traduction Français
739 traduction parallèle
Well, growing up, I always thought I'd be a pro football player, but I got a bum knee, so went into the family business... real estate.
Eh bien, en grandissant, j'ai toujours cru devenir joueur de football, mais je me suis blessé au genou, alors j'ai fais comme papa... l'immobilier.
He has been a loving father to his children, he has carried on the family business beautifully!
Bon père et merveilleux chef de famille.
Then there's the family business that you can now run most efficiently.
Nos affaires que tu pourrais diriger.
Go in the family business, I suppose.
Aller dans l'entreprise familiale, je suppose.
Give him a living, but never discuss the family business with him.
On lui donne du travail sans le mêler à nos affaires.
Didn't want to get mixed up in the family business. Now you want to shoot a police captain because he slapped you?
Tu trempes pas dans nos affaires, et là, tu veux tuer le capitaine, pour une gifle!
Don is semi-retired and Mike is in charge of the family business.
C'est Mike qui dirige la Famille.
No, you're out of the family business. That's your punishment.
Tu ne travailleras plus avec nous, voilà ta punition.
I won't work in the family business. I'm a disgrace.
Je ne travaille pas avec vous, je suis la brebis galeuse.
After he died of lung cancer, we realized there were techniques he had developed in the family business that we can now use to stop people from smoking.
Après sa mort d'un cancer du poumon, on a vu qu'il avait créé des techniques au sein de son entreprise familiale qu'on peut utiliser pour empêcher les gens de fumer.
We ain't taking any shit from any outsiders... about the family business... especially from a scummy little pimp like you, Senor Bocca.
On n'admet pas que des cons venus de l'extérieur critiquent nos affaires. Et surtout pas un petit mac morveux comme vous, Senior Bocca!
I mean, there's marriage and there's family and the family business.
Il y a le mariage, la famille... et l'affaire familiale.
As trustee of your estate and your elder brother... I represent the family... in saying that we cannot have you mixed up in this theater business.
Je gère ton patrimoine et je suis ton aîné, et la famille pense qu'on ne peut s'aventurer dans le théâtre.
Last year, 1913... was undoubtedly the most prosperous... this great family business has ever known.
La dernière année, 1913... a sans aucun doute été la plus prospère... que notre entreprise familiale ait jamais connue.
It is inspiring to meet here tonight... 100 years to the minute... since the founding of our great family business in 1825.
C'est édifiant de se rencontrer ici ce soir... 100 ans exactement... après la fondation de notre grande entreprise familiale en 1825.
Leave it to Victor always to get more business in the family bank.
Je fais confiance à Victor, pour toujours réussir à obtenir plus d'affaires pour la banque familiale.
But the citizens of the sun, they pay five pesetas — a whole day's pay, enough to feed a family — to fry on the sunny side of the ring... while they watch a few bulls being butchered — a criminal business.
Le salaire d'une journée pour rôtir... en voyant quelques taureaux massacrés. Mais les autres? Un crime!
Of course, if your business means more to you than the safety of your home and family!
Si tes affaires sont plus importantes que la sécurité...
I had confided to you this business... but the whole family opposes it.
Je t'avais confié cette affaire... mais toute la famille s'y oppose.
The family lawyer told me she was planning to set you up in a garage business.
Elle voulait vous aider à monter votre atelier.
Go back into the family business.
L'affaire familiale.
He kept on about my uncle's death and the curse on the family, and... I asked if he was trying to frighten me and told him to mind his business.
Il a continué à parler de la mort de mon oncle et de la malédiction, j'ai demandé s'il voulait m'effrayer et lui ai dit de se mêler de ses oignons.
Oh, Joe, show some enthusiasm. Well I seem to remember you wanted a girl with no responsibilities and a small family business in the background.
Tu voulais une fille sans charges et possédant quelque bien.
I can't answer for the other gentleman, but as far as I'm concerned, it contains business matters, but relating to Mr. Meyer's family.
Une chemise, des effets de toilette, rien d'urgent pour sa famille. C'est incroyable, M. Meyer a insisté.
In a sense, this is none of my business, but I've come to feel almost like a member of the family where Lolita is concerned.
Ça ne me regarde pas, mais je me sens de la famille en ce qui concerne Lolita.
My family's been in this business since the 15th century.
Mais le lion ignore que la chaise est distincte de l'homme.
They were both in the business. Well, everyone was in my family...
Higher taxes and stiffer death duties have signaled the end of the private family business.
Pour que tout soit révélé, il faudra qu'un parlementaire le fasse hors parti.
I just got out of college where I'm majoring in business administration to prepare me to carry on my family's tradition to the utmost of whatever potential ability I possess.
Je viens de terminer un MBA qui m'a préparé à entretenir la tradition familiale selon les capacités potentielles que je possède.
And he's such a pleasure to do business with that I have decided from now on to make Hinkley's the family store for my entire family.
C'est un tel plaisir de faire affaire avec lui que j'ai décidé de faire du magasin Hinkley le magasin de ma famille.
On the other hand, it was wholly within my province to remind you that you have no business sticking your nose into the affairs of my family.
D'un autre côté, il est de mon devoir de vous rappeler que vous n'avez pas à fourrer votre nez dans mes affaires familiales.
If you keep interfering with the Yano Family's business... I can't fill my obligation with them.
Si tu perturbes encore le clan Yano, tu auras affaire à moi.
About the tax, we, the Tokumasa Family will responsibly go talk to our business partners.
En ce qui concerne le prix du fermage, nous allons traiter avec les grossistes.
We've got nothing against you independents. We're not out to put the family operations out of business.
Nous n'allons pas ruiner votre entreprise familiale.
With the support of Commissioner Jin he, Jau Hai Shan and Shiu Li joined force and merged their family business to be under his control
Maintenant, il a l'appui du commissaire Jin. Il a fédéré les affaires de Xu Li et Zhao Hai-shan. Il contrôle tout.
You've taken over the Shen family business conspired with government officials, forced girls into prostitution
Tu t'es emparé des biens de Shen, tu as prostitué les ouvrières. Tu ne recules devant aucune bassesse!
Il a fallu que tu reviennes avec toute ta famille.
He'd shaved off his beard and gone back to Long Island... to work in the family shoe business.
Il avait rasé sa barbe et était reparti à Long Island... travailler dans la fabrique de chaussures familiale.
I'll do business with you, but the fact is that I despise your masquerade, the dishonest way you pose yourself and your whole fucking family.
J'accepte de traiter avec vous, mais je méprise vos simagrées, l'indécence avec laquelle vous paradez, vous et votre foutue Famille.
Cairo always does business from inside the family compound.
Cairo fait toujours des affaires à l'intérieur du cercle familial.
I just sold a family implement business in the Shonkin range and I'm thinkin'of buying a small ranch.
Je viens de vendre ma boutique familiale dans les montagnes de Shonkin. J'envisage d'acheter un petit ranch.
It would be so sad if this was the old family business
Ce n'est pas un bien de famille.
In addition to further information on Sir Alec Nichols, computers will need programming on business activities of Charles Martin of the French Roffe family.
En plus des informations supplémentaires sur sir Alec Nichols, ordinateurs requièrent programmes sur activités professionnelles de Charles Martin de la famille française de Roffe.
You see, in my business... even the deepest family relationships aren't worth a farthing.
Vous voyez, dans mon métier... même les plus profondes relations familiales ne valent pas un sou.
You see, even in the deepest family relations... My business is not worth a...
Voyez, même dans les plus profondes relations familiales... mon affaire ne vaut pas un...
they claim their father's senile and that they handle all business affairs in the family.
Ils disent que leur père est sénile et qu'ils gèrent les affaires de la famille.
Dr. Kats, my boss, you know, his wife. Her family is in the jewelry business, so he took me over there in the car to get it engraved.
Le docteur Katz, mon patron, sa femme... a de la famille dans la joaillerie, il m'a emmenée...
The Simon family... founded the firm in 1949... and still controls it as a family business.
La famille Simon a fondé l'entreprise en 1949. Elle contrôle l'entiéreté de la société.
I'm the head of the family, but only so long as I take care of business.
Je suis le chef de la famille tant que l'affaire tourne.
- That's the best, family business. - That's the best. - That's what I think.
Moi je dis : y a pas mieux que l'affaire de famille
All I know is that... the cops tell us... the guy who got snatched the day they did the number on the cops wife... was in big business with the Prizzi family.
Je ne sais qu'une chose... Pour les flics, le type qui a été enlevé Ie jour du meurtre faisait aussi de grosses affaires avec les Prizzi.
the family 112
family business 42
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
business partners 16
business is business 82
family business 42
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
business partners 16
business is business 82
business trip 19
business is good 48
business partner 23
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the final frontier 122
business is good 48
business partner 23
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front door was open 16
the front 31
the food 120
the fool 54
the father 151
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front door was open 16
the front 31
the food 120
the fool 54
the father 151
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the four 34
the facts 28
the feds 64
the fire 114
the funeral 36
the fight 31
the fireplace 19
the fear 48
the fuck is this 18
the four 34
the facts 28
the feds 64
the fire 114
the funeral 36
the fight 31
the fireplace 19
the fear 48