The princess traduction Français
4,501 traduction parallèle
Why don't we let the Princess leave, and you and I can visit for a little longer.
Comment? Qu'essayez-vous d'insinuer? Essayez-vous de rejeter la faute sur moi?
Quickly send the princess back.
Raccompagnez la Princesse.
Prepare one for the Princess, that can study together with a person of a similar age, by choosing a daughter amongst the officials.
La Princesse elle aussi se devrait d'avoir une compagne avec qui elle se divertirait et étudierait. Une jeune demoiselle du même âge.
Yes, every 3 days enter the palace and play with the Princess.
Oui. Il te faudra entrer au palais tous les quatre jours et tenir compagnie à la Princesse.
Isn't it just keeping the Princess company?
Ne s'agit-il pas simplement de tenir compagnie à la Princesse?
The Princess will be together with the Scholar Official's family members. It will affect her deeply as well.
La Princesse ne pourra que gagner en maturité au contact de demoiselles renommées pour leur érudition.
If you leave on this trip, we'll see each other after about a month. Yes. But, did you say farewell to the Princess?
je souhaitais simplement vous dire ceci...
Please be advised to remove the Princess
- Puissiez-vous me pardonner.
Help out the Princess at least!
Cesse de faire l'enfant! Sauve au moins la Princesse!
Yes, the princess is scared of heights.
- Oui, la princesse a peur du vide.
Don't hurt the princess!
Ne faites pas de mal à la princesse!
You're the princess and belong in the safety of the palace. And you will marry Roderick.
Tu dois rester au palais.
I was defending the honor of the princess.
Pour défendre l'honneur de la princesse.
- How did you know it was the princess?
- Vous saviez que c'était elle?
I hope you're not putting yourself through all this with the aim of impressing the princess.
Tu comptes impressionner la princesse?
Remember our mission is to find and return the princess.
On doit ramener la princesse.
So no one's useless, least of all the princess.
Donc vous ne servez pas à rien.
Find the princess and bring her home.
On a trouvé la princesse. On rentre.
- The princess is mine.
- la princesse est pour moi.
The Princess Bride is a fairy tale.
Princess Bride est un conte de fées.
The next morning she was asked the princess how she had slept.
Le lendemain matin, on demanda à la princesse comment elle avait dormi.
The princess collection.
Tu le sors de ta collection Princesse?
It is not the horror of landmines that is making a headline back home. Reports of the Princess'romance with Dodi Fayed...
Ce n'est pas l'horreur des mines terrestres qui fait la une, mais les rumeurs sur l'idylle entre la princesse et Dodi Fayed.
One minute everyone's pointing at me because i'm sleeping with the Princess of Wales.
Hier tout le monde me dévisage car je couche avec la princesse.
But I know and love her as Princess Garogflotach of the Kloxnicht Nebula.
Mais je la connais et je l'aime sous le nom de Princesse Garogflotach, de la Nébuleuse de Kloxnicht.
Because the late King treasured Princess Min Hwa so dearly, it seems like something that can be disregarded, but something about it bothers me for some reason.
After the late King visited Sukyeongjae several times, without calling for another selection process, he made the current Queen the Crown Princess.
Où diable étiez-vous donc passée?
Did you say pregnant? Yes, Your Highness. We were just with the physician who confirmed the Princess'pregnancy.
Pouvez-vous... rester auprès de moi jusqu'au matin? je pense pouvoir dormir en paix. je resterai à vos côtés.
I lost the Crown Princess, but I protected your sister, Min Hwa.
Il est possible d'entendre des pleurs de femme venant du Pavillon de la Lune Cachée.
Why did you take part in the curse on the Crown Princess? Why?
que faites-vous?
Eight years ago! The crime of killing the Crown Princess through sorcery!
un esprit libre qui parcourt cette terre.
The Crown Princess who died eight years ago and returned...
Et pourquoi cela? Vous n'avez pas eu de difficultés à mentir durant votre interrogatoire.
But my Princess, why did you come to the palace hall?
Mais pourquoi être venue jusqu'aux appartements du Roi?
If the Crown Princess's death was not because of a simple illness
Seol et Jan Shil... vont-elles bien?
She is probably anxiously waiting for you, quickly go and comfort the Princess.
Vous m'avez sauvée.
The Princess really felt sorry for him, so I ordered him on a vacation to get some fresh air.
Dame Jo!
You hold the power, Princess.
Tu as le pouvoir, princesse.
Of course, the hundredth episode, Blair's princess wedding was, you know,
Bien sûr le 100ème épisode, le mariage de princesse de Blair était, vous savez,
Princess you should cease the futile fire. The whole thing is a core.
Princesse, cesse de gaspiller tes balles.
What's the matter, princess?
- Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, princesse?
It's the end of the line princess.
C'est la fin de la lignée.
The king struck down the law that read : A princess must a noble wed.
Et le roi abolit la loi stipulant qu'une princesse devait épouser un noble.
Can you imagine what his posh pals would say if they found out that his wee princess was riding all the low-life scum he gets paid fortunes for to keep out the nick?
Essaie d'imaginer ce que diraient ses amis snob... s'ils découvraient que sa petite princesse chevauche des cas sociaux... alors qu'il paie des fortunes pour l'en maintenir éloignée?
00 : 13 : 55,500 - - 00 : 13 : 57,755 the prince wanted to marry a princess.
00 : 13 : 55,500 - - 00 : 13 : 57,755 Le prince voulait se marier avec une princesse.
Then the prince took her for his wife, because he knew he had found his princess.
Le Prince la choisit comme femme Car désormais il sut qu'il avait trouvé sa princesse.
I don't want a refund, I want the fairy princess,
Je ne veux pas de remboursement, je veux la fée princesse...
When's the fairy princess coming?
Elle arrive, la fée princesse?
It's the fairy princess! She's coming!
La fée princesse, la voilà!
It is I, Gruzinkerbell, the most magical fairy princess of all!
Je suis... la fée Gruchette, la plus magique de toutes les fées princesses.
You're the best fairy princess ever!
Vous êtes la plus géniale du monde!
The wind blew from the west, my princess proudly flown tracks and it was a perfect combination.
Que le vent soufflait de l'ouest, que ma princesse a fièrement survolé les pistes et que c'était une alliance parfaite.
princess 1275
princesses 24
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the party 90
princesses 24
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the party 90
the plane 59
the police station 24
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the park 61
the policeman 19
the phone rings 24
the point 85
the party's over 96
the people 229
the police station 24
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the park 61
the policeman 19
the phone rings 24
the point 85
the party's over 96
the people 229