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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / We were very close

We were very close traduction Français

121 traduction parallèle
You know, she used to tell me all her secrets. We were very close, Vivian and I.
Vous savez, elle me confiait tous ses secrets.
We were very close, the three of us. We went everywhere together.
Nous étions très proches et allions partout ensemble.
We were very close once.
Nous étions proches autrefois.
We were very close.
C'est ce que je ne comprends pas.
We hadn't seen each other in 14 years, but we were very close at one time, even after high school.
- Nous ne nous étions pas vus depuis quatorze ans, mais nous avons été très liés, autrefois, même après le lycée.
We were very close in a way.
Nous étions très proches dans un sens.
We were very close then, don't you have her address?
Nous étions très proches à l'époque, tu n'aurais pas son adresse?
I placed my hand on her cheek... and for that moment we were very close.
J'appuyai ma main contre sa joue. Cette fois-là, nous fûmes très proches.
We were very close.
Nous étions très proches.
We were very close for many years.
Nous avons longtemps été intimes.
Yes, we were very close once.
Oui, on était très proches jadis.
And we were all asked to sit at the table and to make out our last will and testament. You know, to think about and write down whatever our last words were to the world... or to somebody we were very close to.
On a dû s'asseoir à cette table pour rédiger notre testament... une sorte de dernier message au monde...
We were very close.
On était très proches.
We were very close... [Chuckles] When I was a good deal younger.
On était plus proches quand j'étais beaucoup plus jeune.
You know, your father and I we were very close when we were boys.
Votre père et moi étions très proches quand on était petits.
We were very close.
Nous étions des amis très proches.
- We were very close.
- Nous étions très proches.
We were very close for many years.
On a été longtemps très proches.
We were very close many years ago, but I- -
Nous étions près l'un de l'autre il y a longtemps, mais- -
We were very close.
La mienne est morte, vous le savez. - Nous étions très unis.
We were close. We were very close!
On était proches, très proches!
We could argue a lot amongst ourselves but we were very close
Même si on s'engueulait souvent, on était trés proches
We used to go round London in our cars and meet each other and talk about music with The Animals and Eric and we were very close to The Stones
On se rendait visite les uns aux autres en voiture dans Londres On parlait musique avec The Animals et Eric Burdon et on était trés proches des Stones
We were very close, my father and I partly because we'd lost my mother several years earlier.
Nous étions très proches, mon père et moi. Nous avions perdu ma mère plusieurs années auparavant.
When we were young, we were very close.
Enfants, nous étions très proches.
We were very close, you and I.
Toi et moi étions si proches.
Yes, but, aside from that, we were very close.
Oui, mais en dehors de cela, nous étions très proches.
We were very close, he and I, sir.
Nous étions très proches, lui et moi, monsieur.
His name was Nasedo, and we were very close.
Il s'appelle Nasedo. On est très proches.
It was, indeed. We were very close.
Bien sûr, nous étions très unis.
Look, we were very close friends...
Nous étions très amies.
We weren't all that fond of each other but we were very close.
On... On ne s'aimait pas tant que ça, mais on était très proches.
We were a very close family.
Nous étions très proches.
We were very close friends.
Elle ne m'en a rien dit de précis.
We have double plots here in the Damon and Pythias section for loved ones who were very close.
Des concessions doubles dans la section Damon et Pythias, pour les disparus qui étaient inséparables.
We were very... very close.
Nous etions très... très liés.
We were very good, very close friends. That's all.
C'est vrai, on était de très bons amis, c'est tout.
We were very close in those days.
Nous étions bons amis en ce temps-là.
The last time I saw your father, we were in the library. He was very close to tracking down the knight's tomb.
La dernière fois que j'ai vu votre père, il allait trouver le tombeau du chevalier.
We were all so very close.
Nous étions tous très proches.
Very close we were.
On était très proches.
He loved me and this and that, but... we were never very close, were we?
Il m'aimait et tout ça, mais on n'était pas proches, hein?
Of course not, we were given birth from her ass-hole. Very close, but not exactly correct.
Pas loin, mais c'est pas vraiment ça.
We were... Very close.
On était... très proches.
About a year. Kes was on a nearby planet and, uh, we were getting very close.
Kes n'était pas loin, et nous étions de plus en plus proches.
And we were all very close as a family.
Et nous étions une famille très unie.
We were very close, him and I.
- On était proches.
We were four friends, very close friends.
Nous étions quatre amis très proches.
We were working long hours in very close proximity.
On travaillait beaucoup ensemble.
Once we were all in the basement when a bomb hit very close.
Un jour, on était au sous-sol. Une bombe est tombée tout près.
When Carol was seven or eight years old, we were very, very close.
Quand Carol avait 7 ou 8 ans nous étions très, très proches.

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