While you're there traduction Français
666 traduction parallèle
If you think you can park me out here while you go in there and flirt with some dizzy little bank clerk, you're crazy!
Si tu crois que tu peux me laisser ici pendant que tu dragues une employée écervelée, - tu es cinglé!
Now get in there and give him that quinine and take a little yourself while you're at it.
Retournez près de lui, donnez-lui de la quinine et prenez-en vous aussi.
But I'll be riding down every now and then while you're there.
Mais j'irai vous voir de temps en temps.
Behave while you're there.
Soyez sages une fois là-bas.
Suppose I were to tell Your Highness that while you're sitting here waiting to be third-degreed by a bunch of newspaper hoodlums, that there's life, fun and gaiety to be found in this town of Chicago?
Si je vous disais que pendant que vous attendez ici d'être questionné par des voyous de la presse, il y a de la vie, du divertissement et de la gaieté ici, à Chicago?
And get something for your nerves while you're over there.
Et une fois là-bas, trouve-toi un truc pour calmer tes nerfs.
But outside there, I was just thinking that if, while you're in Paris, you keep remembering that I'm thinking of you, if you just remember that...
Mais j'aimerais te demander, quand tu seras à Paris, de te rappeler que je pense à toi. - Souviens-toi de ça et...
While you're there, give her my, uh...
Dites-lui que...
Miss Libby, ain't y'all gonna have nobody to fix for you while you're up there?
Je me débrouillerai. Laisser votre maison et votre vie!
When they're gone, you can't tell where. Or what the devil you did with them. But I believe I'll say now while there isn't time left for either of us to get any more embarrassed...
Maintenant, je vais te dire, le temps nous est compté
While you're there, will you put in a good word for Robert?
Peux-tu lui glisser un mot pour Robert?
Well if there's anything there they'll find it Mr. Holmes. While you're doing that I'll take a look at the club car.
- Si c'est là, on le trouvera.
There's one thing you must do while you're still in your present form.
Il y a une chose que tu dois faire tandis que tu es dans ton état actuel.
While you're looking us up in the Domesday Book, he's making a getaway. - Door there.!
Pendant ce temps-là, il court toujours!
Check at the bar while you're there.
Interrogez les employés du bar.
While you're there, we'll have the missis.
Pendant ce temps, on va chercher ta femme.
Paint me a little church while you're there.
Peignez-moi une petite église là-bas.
I have to know you're holding the A.F. of L. in there while I sneak the C.I.O. into the other bedroom.
Parlez avec cette délégation tandis que je fais patienter l'autre
While you're busy feeding the world, would there be a loose cup of coffee for me? I've been up three nights running working on that broadcast.
J'aurais bien besoin d'un café, je ne ferme plus l'œil avec cette campagne.
Si tu sors l'aprês-midi, ils sont là le matin...
- Oh, and Taplow... while you're there, you might as well slip into Stewart's and have an ice cream.
- Taplow... et prenez une glace chez Steward.
You sure you're not too, uh, busy? There are a few things, of course, but... If while I'm here, you could let me have a corner of a bench.
J'ai du travail, mais si je peux disposer d'un coin de table...
Les gars, là-bas, vous lâcheront au bout d'un certain temps.
While you're there, you might as well get yourself some sure-enough work clothes.
Achète aussi des vêtements de travail.
While you're out there, will you turn on the gas?
Tu pourras allumer le gaz dehors?
About yourself, there's nothing you can do, not while you're so afraid.
Pour toi, tu ne peux rien faire tant que tu auras peur.
And my glasses while you're there.
Et mes lunettes, par la même occasion.
Sorry. If there's anything I can do while you're around...
Désolé, si je peux... vous être utile?
Yes, dear. And, by the way... unpack it while you're out there, will you?
Oui... et défais ce paquet dehors.
You can say that to me while you're sitting there... with your tail wet in the snow?
Vous dites ça assis par terre, le derrière mouillé dans la neige?
Maurice, while you're there... Take care of Mr. Raphaël, he knows too much.
Maurice, pendant que vous y serez,... occupez-vous de M. Raphaël, il en sait trop!
Steve, while you're up there, see what the antenna damage is.
Pendant que vous êtes là-haut, examinez l'antenne.
And while you're there, you can arrange a passage home.
Et là-bas, tu peux prendre un billet pour le bateau.
While you're looking for the records, I'll go out there.
Pendant que vous cherchez les registres, je pourrais y aller.
Major Carlson will replace you while you're out there.
Le capitaine Carlson vous remplacera ici.
While you're standing there thinking about it, this man just took your life.
Pendant que vous réfléchissiez, il vous a tué.
I told you why I want you back in there, and you're gonna stay there with that cage locked while I'm not around.
Je t'ai déjà demandé de t'enfermer dans la prison tant que je suis dehors.
For a while there, you try kidding yourself that you're going with an unmarried man.
Pendant un temps, on essaie de croire qu'on sort avec un homme célibataire.
And while you're there, fire the furnace.
Et allume la chaudière.
- Oh Don't While's he's in there, you're safe.
Tant qu'il est là-dedans, tu ne crains rien.
If you wanna sit up, if you wanna wait for me is there a law that says you can't have a couple of blasts while you're waiting?
Si tu restes ici à m'attendre... Pourquoi ne prends-tu pas quelques verres en m'attendant?
Well, while I was lying there, absolutely helpless, afraid to move... because you're not supposed to move. It-It makes the poison circulate.
J'étais étendu, impuissant, je craignais de bouger, il ne faut pas bouger sinon le poison circule...
There's a button on the microphone, you have to press it down while you're speaking.
Il y a un bouton sur le micro, appuie dessus pendant que tu parles.
If all goes well, I may bring Shimazo back while you're there.
Si tout va bien, je ramènerai Shimazo quand vous y serez.
Stop talking. You can't take anybody's temperature while they're running around. Don't you know that silly, now sit there.
Comment veux-tu que je prenne ta température si tu cours partout?
Oh, and by the way, is there anything we can do while you're away for that girlfriend of yours, Miss Perry?
Ah, au fait, peut-on faire quelque chose, pendant votre absence, pour votre amie, Mlle Perry?
And while you're there, casually mention...
Et profites-en pour lui parler, en passant,
I know, I know. - While you're there, call the plumber.
Tant que tu y es, appelle le plombier.
How'bout scratching'that left shoulder while you're up there, Mowgli?
Si tu me grattais l'épaule gauche?
While you're here, Miss Barrett, it's come to my attention that there are matters of form which you've neglected to fill out.
Puisque vous êtes ici, Mlle Barrett, j'ai remarqué que vous aviez négligé de remplir certains formulaires.
If there's anything I can do while you're here, please let me know.
Si je peux faire quoi que ce soit pour vous n'hésitez pas à me demander.
while you're at it 123
while you're here 68
while you're doing that 16
you're there 132
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there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
while you're here 68
while you're doing that 16
you're there 132
therese 78
there 14012
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there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
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