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Who wants it traduction Français

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Who wants it?
A qui, à qui le donner?
Who wants it?
- Je vais le manger ici.
Who wants it anyway?
Qui ça intéresse?
- Who wants it!
- J'en ai bien besoin!
I haven't got it and they want it back. - Who wants it back?
Je dois de l'argent que je n'ai pas, et je dois le rendre.
In short, a man who still wants To kiss and is good at it
Un homme qui sache m'embrasser
It's like I'm out in a big boat, and I see one fellow in a rowboat... who's tired of rowing and wants a free ride and another who's drowning.
C'est comme si j'étais sur un grand bateau et je voyais un type sur une barque... qui est fatigué de ramer et veut faire un tour gratuit ou un autre qui se noie.
It was just put in the school mailbox by someone who wants to make it seem that Sorgues left for America.
Elle a été simplement placée dans le courrier de la pension par quelqu'un qui veut faire croire que Sorgues est parti en Amérique.
When I'm in your store between dry fish and wet cheese, it makes me queasy. OK. Discussing potatoes with Mrs Leribouchon, who always wants a penny off, doesn't interest me.
Quand je suis entre la morue sèche et le roquefort humide, ça me donne mal au cœur de discuter de la qualité des patates avec Mme Leribouchon qui veut les payer un sou de moins.
It must be awfully boring, listening to a woman who knows what she wants.
Ça doit être ennuyeux pour vous, une femme qui sait ce qu'elle veut.
Looks like it's her who wants to annoy me!
Vous voulez vraiment m'énerver!
Why don't you peddle your scandal to someone who wants to hear it?
Allez donc baver vos calomnies ailleurs!
It's refreshing to meet someone who wants to laugh.
C'est si rafraîchissant d'être avec quelqu'un qui sache rire.
It's someone who wants you.
On vous demande.
I don't care who runs France or Martinique, or who wants to run it.
Je me moque de qui gouverne la France ou la Martinique.
- Who was it? - A friend of Bill's. Wants me to go down for the weekend.
- Qui était-ce?
What kind of an analyst is it who wants to cure psychosis by taking people skating or to a bowling alley?
Quel est cet analyste qui veut guérir la psychose en emmenant les gens faire du patin ou jouer au bowling?
Who wants to buy it?
Qui l'achète?
That man wants to run California all for himself, but it's us who settled it.
Cet homme veut accaparer le pouvoir en Californie, mais les bâtisseurs, c'est nous.
It's you who wants..
C'est toi qui veux..
- Who wants it?
- Qui la veut?
Tell him the next time that he wants to send someone snooping around here to pick someone who can do it better. Go on go home.
Si Narcy veut me tenir à l'oeil, qu'il choisisse mieux.
Who has a mind of their own when a Vendig wants to make use of it?
Qui t'a donc mis cela dans le crâne?
I was gonna ask the chief to let me off to keep peace at home. - What? - The boss wants a quick conviction... and I'm the guy who can get it for him.
J'aurais préféré en être dessaisi pour la paix du ménage... mais le patron veut sévir.
It's you who wants to argue, every time you lose at cards.
C'est toi qui la cherche...
It ain't like waiting for some human being who wants to kill you.
C'est pas simplement un type qui veut tuer,
I'm not going to sit up and worry about Miss Good Servant Girl who wants to make a night of it someplace.
Je ne m'en fais pas pour une bonne qui a envie de découcher.
Give it to some kid who wants to play an instrument.
Offrez-la à un gosse qui a envie de jouer.
I think it's somebody who wants to see me real bad.
Je crois que c'est quelqu'un qui veut me voir à tout prix.
Too bright... for you who always wants it brighter?
Trop fort? Pour toi qui le voulais toujours plus haut?
Is it Mr. Kusuda who wants to know?
C'est M. Kusuda qui le demande?
The seminary, although I have no faith in it, or M. Moirod, a widower who wants to have you for his children.
Ou le séminaire, je n'y crois plus, ou M. Moirod, le veuf qui veut t'avoir pour ses enfants.
Must a man who wants to wipe out ignorance and crime, sweep across the earth like a hurricane, doing evil however it happens to take place?
Oh! Le mieux, c'est d'être le secrétaire de M. De la Mole.
Anyone who wants to know about the aurora borealis or how the Eskimos live will find it all in there.
Dans ce livre, chacun peut apprendre ce que sont les aurores boréales et les eskimos.
Anybody who wants to know where we were when Mr. McAllister got it we were home in our beds dreaming up a storm. - Our families will guarantee it.
Si on veut savoir où nous étions quand ça s'est passé... nous étions au lit, nos familles en témoigneront.
Who wants to see his farm like a bird sees it?
Qui veut voir sa ferme du point de vue d'un oiseau?
- Who wants to give it to you?
Pourquoi pas! Enveloppe.
It takes much organisation to find out who wants which from whom and who wants who.
Enfin, il faut être organisée pour savoir qui veut quoi de qui.
Who wants to see it?
Qui veut le voir?
Who wants jokes today? Gags to make it swing. Something sophisticated?
On n'aime plus les farces, simples ou sophistiquées.
If the Pentagon ever wants to open up a stupidity division, they know who they can get to lead it.
Si le Pentagone veut ouvrir une unité de la stupidité, ils savent sur qui compter comme chef.
Well, it's all right, I guess, but who wants to read a book about a fish?
- Pas mal... mais ça parle de poissons.
But it's you ; you're the one who always calls me back and wants to start all over again.
Mais c'est toi qui me rappelle toujours pour reprendre tout à zéro.
It has to be someone who wants you at all costs.
Il faut qu'il te veuille à tout prix.
Who wants a number? Buy a lottery ticket! Darn it.
Bientôt le tirage.
Is it someone who wants to marry you?
Est-ce un homme qui désire t'épouser?
Right here. Now, if anyone tries to come through here I want to know who it is and what he wants. Got that?
Si quelqu'un essaie de passer ici, je veux savoir qui et ce qu'il veut.
- What is it, Mrs Pearce? There's a young woman who wants to see you, sir.
Une jeune femme vous demande, monsieur.
The doctor who ordered it can't do it himself, so he wants it on film.
Le docteur qui a commandé ça ne peut pas le faire, alors il le veut en film.
I'm not running this year Costs a lot to rebuild it with little hope That we can find what went wrong If you know of someone who wants buy a boat damaged Very cheap, have to my shop in Miami.
- Enchanté Wilson. - Pareillement M.Burton. Des amateurs pour le ski?
'Boys, who wants to go home to Hungary? 'Was it me?
"Les gars, qui veut rentrer en Hongrie?"

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