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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ W ] / Who wants to know

Who wants to know traduction Français

701 traduction parallèle
- Who wants to know?
- Ça te regarde?
Where ya goin'? - Who wants to know?
- Et qui êtes-vous?
- Who wants to know? Oh.
- Qui veut savoir?
- Who wants to know?
- Où est-il? - Qui le demande?
Who wants to know?
- Who wants to know?
- Ça vous regarde?
Who wants to know?
Qui ça intéresse?
Maybe Miss Lu is in cahoots with someone who wants to know exactly where he can find you tonight, while you're alone.
Mlle Lu est peut-être de mèche... avec quelqu'un qui veut te trouver ce soir... quand tu seras seule.
Who wants to know about her?
Cette pimbêche!
- Who wants to know?
Ça vous regarde?
Who wants to know?
Qui désire le savoir?
- Who wants to know?
- Qui veut savoir? - Moi.
Who wants to know
- Qui le demande?
Among them a lady reporter who wants to know why you conduct with a stick
Une journaliste demande, pourquoi un bâton.
And if there's anyone else who wants to know anything about himself, just let me know.
Et j'en ai autant pour tout le monde.
Who wants to know?
Ça intéresse quelqu'un?
Is it Mr. Kusuda who wants to know?
C'est M. Kusuda qui le demande?
Anyone who wants to know about the aurora borealis or how the Eskimos live will find it all in there.
Dans ce livre, chacun peut apprendre ce que sont les aurores boréales et les eskimos.
Anybody who wants to know where we were when Mr. McAllister got it we were home in our beds dreaming up a storm. - Our families will guarantee it.
Si on veut savoir où nous étions quand ça s'est passé... nous étions au lit, nos familles en témoigneront.
Who wants to know?
Que voulez vous savoir?
- Who wants to know? Promotion.
Qui le demande?
Who wants to know?
Qu'est-ce que ça peut vous faire?
Who wants to know?
Qui veut le savoir?
- Who wants to know?
Qui le demande?
Every once in a while, a young student comes along... with a hungry look in the eye... who's not content just to memorize facts, who wants to know... who has an inquiring mind.
De temps à autre, nous avons un jeune élève au regard avide qui ne se contente pas de mémoriser, qui veut savoir, qui a une certaine curiosité d'esprit.
This is from a lady who wants to know if I wear this outfit to pin tails on donkeys. See?
Une demoiselle voudrait savoir si mes sous-vêtements... sont assortis à ma tenue.
This is from a man who wants to know how much money he has in his pocket.
Cet homme veut savoir combien d'argent il a dans sa poche.
Could be. Who wants to know?
Et votre veste est également très intéressante.
- Who wants to know?
- Ça regarde qui?
- Who wants to know? I do.
Qui le demande?
I know a doctor who wants to have a word with you.
Je connais un docteur qui aimerait vous parler.
How do you know when there's somebody who... who wants something to be hauled, maybe.
Tu n'en sais rien, il y a peut-être quelqu'un qui voudra faire tirer quelque chose.
- Wants to know who the heir is.
- Je veux savoir qui est l'héritier.
Who wants to sleep in tents when they've got their own room with a bath, where they know where everything is?
Tu crois que ça les amuse de coucher sous la tente alors qu'ils ont une chambre, une salle de bain?
My firm wants to know what the police up here are doing, if anything, about the man who robbed our paymaster.
Ma firme veut savoir si la police fait quelque chose... au sujet de l'homme qui a dévalisé notre caissier.
Louie, you know anybody who wants to buy Indian clubs?
Louie, tu as besoin de quilles?
My chief wants to know who Harry is.
On vous l'a déjà dit. Harry est mon taxi.
Who, he wants to know.
Qui va en avoir?
"How are you, Mr. Wilson?" Who in the encyclopaedia wants to know?
"Comment allez-vous, M. Wilson?" Qui veut savoir ça dans cette encyclopédie?
He wants to know where the partisans are, and who gives you orders.
"Où sont les partisans et qui vous a dit de venir en ville?" Ne lui dis pas.
He wants to know who the captain is.
- Il veut savoir qui est le capitaine.
He wants to know who he marries.
Il veut savoir qui il va épouser.
What is the total weight of the Earth? - Who wants to know?
Quel est le poids total de la Terre?
WILL : Ben, he wants to know who we are.
Ben, il veut savoir qui on est.
I just know that I'm the kid who wants to marry you.
Je sais que je veux t'épouser.
I'll ask him. She wants to know who says.
Elle demande qui le dit?
I don't know, probably somebody who wants to pay a little money on the side finding out who Mr. Teddy Bear is.
Sans doute quelqu'un qui veut s'enrichir en démasquant M. Nounours.
When Gene wants to know who sent them, tell him you did.
Quand Gene voudra savoir de qui ça vient, dis-le-lui.
If the Pentagon ever wants to open up a stupidity division, they know who they can get to lead it.
Si le Pentagone veut ouvrir une unité de la stupidité, ils savent sur qui compter comme chef.
- Who wants to know? - I do.
Qui veut le savoir?
Right here. Now, if anyone tries to come through here I want to know who it is and what he wants. Got that?
Si quelqu'un essaie de passer ici, je veux savoir qui et ce qu'il veut.

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