With that attitude traduction Français
327 traduction parallèle
- Now listen, Fred. You won't get anywhere with that attitude.
- Écoute, Fred, tu as tort de le prendre sur ce ton.
It won't help to go in with that attitude.
Ton attitude n'arrange rien.
We're not putting up with that attitude.
Espèce d'impertinent!
I didn't want to get rough, but with that attitude, you leave me no choice.
Écoute, Tayu. Ma patience a des limites.
Don't bother with that attitude.
With that attitude, you could end up on the hog farm up to your ass in pig shit.
Continue et tu te retrouveras à la porcherie.
I'm going to stick around all day with that face, with that attitude?
Il va falloir que je supporte cette expression toute la journée ou quoi?
You'll accomplish nothing with that attitude.
Vous n'obtiendrez rien en ayant cette attitude.
Fine,'cause with that attitude, I don't need you anyway.
- Parfait! Je peux me passer d'un type qui a ton caractère!
You're not gonna get a green card with that attitude.
Vous n'aurez pas de permis de séjour comme ça.
Where do you get off with that attitude?
Tu te prends pour qui?
Sorry. I was just beginning to enjoy myself, now everything's going to be bitter and beastly with mother in that mood.
Je commençais à être heureuse... et tout est gâché par l'attitude de Mère!
- But I'd agree with you. Well, of course, if you want to adopt that attitude.
Bien sûr, si tu veux adopter cette attitude.
It's not that I disapprove of his being a critic but no man with this published attitude should take any man's daughter anyplace, at any time.
Passe encore qu'il soit critique... mais quiconque dénigre ainsi le mariage... Le Mariage est une fumisterie, par M. Brewster... ne devrait pas sortir une jeune fille.
The older people didn't like the idea of them going out with every soldier that came along.
Les gens d'ici n'appréciaient pas leur attitude.
If that's your attitude, I'll have to drown my sorrows with a jigger of rye.
Si c'est votre attitude, je vais noyer mon chagrin avec un verre de whisky.
Your attitude from the outset has been most unpleasant. Some of your remarks have been discourteous in the extreme. And I would like to say, without umbrage... that if you and your husband have been foolish enough to tamper with the unseen... for paltry motives and in a spirit of ribaldry... whatever has happened to you is your own fault.
Votre attitude a été blessante pendant cette soirée et je vous dis tout net, si votre mari et vous pensez tourmenter les esprits par jeu, par perversion... ce qui arrive est bien fait.
I won't get my wings with that attitude.
Je ne gagnerai pas mes ailes avec un tel comportement.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility
Cette histoire m'était inconnue mais, à mon avis, la famille de mon mari a toujours été rétrograde. Elle exalte les droits de la noblesse... point ses devoirs.
Who's bluffing now? It so happens that I was with Lionel less than an hour ago. And it was transparently clear from his demeanour and conversation that he had not the faintest suspicion that you and I had any relationship other than that of, as he would probably put it, old pals who used to roast chestnuts together round the jolly old nursery fire.
J'étais chez Lionel, il n'y a pas une heure et il était évident, d'après son attitude qu'il ne soupçonnait rien entre toi et moi, sinon des relations "de vieux copains" qui ont joué ensemble étant petits.
With that kind of attitude, you'll spoil things.
Avec ce genre d'attitude, tu rends les choses difficiles.
Assuming that the captain's conduct often showed bad judgement. - - Would that be inconsistent with your diagnosis of him?
Si je vous disais que l'attitude du capitaine a été incohérente, douteriez-vous de votre diagnostic?
And since he took that attitude, I didn't want to have anything more to do with him.
Du coup, je n'ai plus rien eu à dire.
I'm going upstairs. Seymour. Do you realize that when you're in a room with a person, you not only get into a position where you can admire yourself in a mirror, but where the person with you can only see what you call your best angle?
Je monte. tu réalises que tu es avec quelqu'un dans cette pièce, tu ne dois pas avoir la même attitude que lorsque tu es seul devant ton miroir,
I only wish to point out that tonight you have thrown away... with your own hand... all the advantages which an interrogation invariably converts on an accused man.
J'attire votre attention sur le fait... que par votre attitude de ce soir, vous avez compromis les avantages qu'un interrogatoire en règle confère... à tout accusé.
For the sake of clarity, I will repeat that our purpose is to investigate the behaviour of the city's administrative bodies with respect to contractors and developers solely in regard to Vico Sant'Andrea.
Pour être clair, je vous répète que cette enquête doit porter sur l'attitude des services administratifs de la mairie envers constructeurs et entreprises, dans le seul cas du désastre de Vico S. Andrea.
In Germany during the last war, it was noticed that, with people who'd suffered personal loss or deprivation, even amongst the so-called decent middle class, there was a tendency to develop indifference towards the law and to indulge in looting, black market and petty theft.
En Allemagne, pendant la dernière guerre, on a remarqué que ceux qui avaient tout perdu, même au sein de la soi-disant classe moyenne honnête, développaient une attitude d'indifférence face à la loi et s'adonnaient au pillage, au marché noir, au vol.
'Now my greatest wish is that with a better understanding'we will find a new attitude between our countries,'
Je souhaite que cette entente instaure de nouveaux rapports entre nos pays.
Imagine going through life with that kind of attitude toward Christmas.
Imagine-toi vivre avec ce sentiment à l'égard de Noël.
So when we created that little misunderstanding about who he was with, he thought that your attitude was out of line and you didn't deserve an explanation.
Alors, quand on a créé ce petit malentendu sur qui l'accompagnait, il a trouvé que votre réaction disproportionnée ne méritait pas d'explication.
The attitude that my daughter had yesterday with you displeased me.
L'attitude que ma fille a eu hier avec vous m'a déplu.
And what about that other guy with the big attitude?
Et l'autre type?
And how dare you come on with that holier-than-thou attitude with me.
Comment oses-tu me parler comme ça?
The male's attitude is that of a well-disposed academician who studied the alleged downfall of the human race with the true objectivity of a good historian.
Le mâle semble être un universitaire bienveillant qui a étudié le déclin présumé de l'homme avec l'objectivité d'un bon historien.
That attitude has given us some real bums to contend with.
Cette attitude a produit quelques drames avec lesquels lutter.
What's with that face?
Quelle est cette attitude?
With a kind attitude like that, I'm sure Nami Matsushima will open up her heart.
Avec une telle attitude, je suis sûre que Nami Matsushima ouvrira son cœur.
[Coughs] Well, if that's your attitude, perhaps Crabs will end up with all the patrols.
Et bien, si telle est votre attitude, Crabs aura peut-être bien toutes les patrouilles.
Everett, with all due respect... I don't think that's a very healthy attitude.
Everett, avec tout le respect que je vous dois, je ne pense pas que ce soit très sain.
- I'm not going down with you! - That's your attitude?
Mais je refuse de sombrer avec toi!
And don't think you can work with that attitude. One of my bad habits Here!
Mais crois pas que tu vas continuer à bosser avec cette attitude.
I'm not surprised that up until now all our attempts have failed... if there are any more like you with such an individualistic attitude.
Je ne suis pas surpris que jusqu'à présent nous n'allions réussi... avec des personnes qui ont des idées aussi individualistes que toi.
It's a valiant of you to say so. You'll go far with that kind of attitude.
C'est généreux, avec ce genre d'attitude, tu iras loin!
Unbutton that button. People with attitude do a little advertising.
Déboutonnez, il faut faire de la pub.
Girls with an attitude don't have a'do like that.
Aucune attitude avec ces tifs-là.
Evidently that's an attitude you're not familiar with.
Apparemment c'est loin d'être votre cas...
When we have a child, we don't want it to grow up with that "winning is the only thing" attitude.
Notre enfant... ne grandira pas avec l'idée qu'il faut gagner à tout prix.
Well, if that's your attitude, then maybe I should just pack my bags and move in with her.
Si c'est ce que tu crois... je devrais peut-être faire mes valises et emménager avec elle. Super.
- Lutz... - Isn't that right? I think I've had it with your abusive attitude.
Lutz, j'en ai assez de vos grossièretés.
The whole reason David was placed here was so that he would grow up with a positive attitude about his homosexuality.
David a été placé ici pour grandir avec une attitude positive envers son homosexualité.
You know, with an attitude like that, you're gonna lose your job.
C'est le genre d'attitude qui va te faire perdre ton job. Et bien je me fous de mon attitude, je me fous de mon job et je me fous de toi. Ah ouais?
with that in mind 45
with that said 19
with that 162
attitude 81
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with that said 19
with that 162
attitude 81
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with men 23
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with this ring 42
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with her 211
with your father 34
with whom 203
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706
with whom 203
with good reason 53
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with it 82
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with what 706