You come in here traduction Français
3,660 traduction parallèle
You come in here once before, didn't you?
Tu es déjà venue une fois, non?
Fry, could you come in here and help me rub on this new scented body oil? In a second.
Fry, est-ce que tu pourrais venir et m'aider à me passer cette nouvelle huile de corps parfumée?
You're telling me how to run my business, you come in here with a baby in a bag. What's that?
Ne me donne pas de leçons, tu fous un gosse dans un sac.
Just so I understand... you come in here and want us to go back to the way things were all those years ago.
Pour que je comprenne. Tu viens ici et tu veux qu'on en revienne aux choses du passé.
If this car performs the way I expect it to, you will get a certified check of 101,000 and change when you come in here tomorrow morning.
Si cette voiture se comporte comme je l'attends, vous aurez un chèque de banque de 101,000 $ sur votre bureau demain matin.
- Don't... - Come on, dude. Why don't you come in here,
Vas-y, mec, viens par ici, si tu l'oses...
Can you come in here?
Tu peux venir?
until you come in here with all your buzzing and your bossing in my ear, and suddenly, suddenly, I'm distracted.
Jusqu'à que tu vienne ici avec tous tes bruits dans mes oreilles et soudainement, soudainement, je suis distraite.
Doreen said she saw you come in here with half the vending machine.
Doreen t'a vu entrer ici avec la moitié du distributeur.
You openly defy my orders and then come in here with half a story- -
Tu remets ouvertement en cause mes ordres puis tu débarques ici avec une demi-histoire...
Rassi's henchman will come here. You and Gina will end up in the lake.
Les sbires de Rassi seront là aussitôt, et toi et Gina finirez dans le lac.
You know, there's a way to give constructive criticism, and if you just think that you can just come in here and just, you know, be just some big jerk.
- Et ce n'est pas fini. Il y a une façon de critiquer et si tu crois pouvoir te pointer ici et jouer le dernier des crétins,
So, you just come in here in and you're dressed in your bracelet and you're trying to butter me up, you didn't send me a thank you card, by the way, I'm starting to feel used.
Tu te pointes ici, en portant ton bracelet, et t'essaies de me flatter. Aucun remerciement, au fait. Je me sens exploité.
You can't come in here and t... yes, she can.
Vous ne pouvez pas venir ici et... si, elle peut.
Who said you can come in here and... And run rampant all over Ashley Schaeffer, in front of his guests, and my beautiful, beautiful sculpture-like wife, Donna?
Qui t'a permis d'entrer ici, d'assaillir Ashley Schaeffer, devant ses invités, et ma sublime et sculpturale épouse?
I want you to come on, get your asses in the house here, before the neighbors start talking. Okay.
Ramenez vos fesses dans la maison, ou les voisins vont jaser.
But I guess I thought you'd come in here and tell them how good it was.
Mais je suppose que je croyais que tu allais entrer ici et lui dire à quel point c'était bien.
Do you know how often people come in here and look at work and feel something?
Savez-vous combien de fois les gens viennent ici et regardent le travail et ressentent quelque chose?
Tom? Can you guys come in here a second, please?
Vous pouvez venir une seconde, s'il vous plaît?
Get in his cab or walk home, but don't come here again, you don't come to my place of work and you don't come to my house!
Prends le taxi ou marche, mais ne reviens plus ici, tu ne reviens plus sur mon lieu de travail ou chez moi!
You can't come in here.
Vous ne pouvez pas entrer.
They told me to come in here and help you find your sister and bring her to see you.
Ils m'ont dit de venir ici et de t'aider à trouver ta soeur, et de l'amener pour que tu la vois.
Gabe, I need you to let me to make a phone call or they're gonna come in here.
Gabe, j'ai besoin que vous me laissiez passer un appel ou ils vont entrer ici.
If they come in here and everybody dies, then you don't get any questions answered.
S'ils viennent ici et que tout le monde meurt, vous n'aurez aucune réponse à ces questions.
I've heard you the past few days, whispering in his ear, telling him how right he was to come here.
J'ai entendu murmurer ton nom ces derniers jours, dire à quel point il avait raison de venir ici.
Yet you dare come in here and wear that goddamned bluebottle jacket, you son of a bitch?
T'as intérêt à venir ici et porté cette putain de veste bleue T'es un fils de pute?
Mr. Phillips, I come here to talk to you, not have a shootout in a damn whorehouse.
Mr Philips, je suis venu ici pour vous parlez, et veux pas de fusillade dans ce putain de bordel.
But I come in here and ask you for the watches, and you just lay down.
Mais je viens ici et je réclame ces montres et tu t'exécutes sans broncher?
Come on, how do I know about the last painting you stole here in town?
Allez, Comment pourrais-je savoir la dernière peinture que tu as volé en ville?
Stay in the cafeteria, or you come back here.
Restez à la cafétéria ou revenez ici.
Uh, well, since you're here, come on in.
Comme tu es là, entre.
In the time I've been here, I've come to know a lot of you.
Depuis que je suis là, j'ai appris à vous connaître.
In the meantime, an officer's gonna come by here, he'll take you and your daughter to a hotel, okay?
En ce temps, un officier va venir ici il vous emmènera vous et votre fille dans un hotel, ok?
Hey, you can't come in here, yo.
Hé! Vous ne pouvez pas rentrer.
You need a fucking mask to come in here.
Tu as besoin d'un putain de masque pour venir ici.
You guys can't just come busting in here without a warrant.
Vous ne pouvez pas rentrer ici comme ça sans un mandat.
... but what's gonna happen is that you've got to come in here, we gotta have a face-to-face. And that's what we're gonna do.
... Mais ce qui va arriver c'est que vous devez venir ici, nous devons avoir un face à face.
I don't know your life, lady, but I do know that I come in here all the time and I've never seen you.
Je ne connais pas ta vie, lady, mais je sais que je viens ici tout le temps et que je ne t'avais jamais vu.
I'm wondering if there's anybody you'd like us to call, anybody you'd like to have come in here to see you.
Tu veux qu'on appelle quelqu'un? Qui que ce soit que tu aimerais voir
♪ you can just come up ♪ ♪ in here and buy me ♪
♪ you can just come up ♪ ♪ in here and buy me ♪
I don't care if you are FBI, you don't have clearance to come in here.
Je me fiche que vous soyez du FBI, Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation de venir ici.
Come in here and you stuff your rich face with naughty cupcakes and then cry, "I have to go for a detox."
Venir ici et tartiner votre tête de riche avec des gâteaux trop gras, puis pleurer "Oh, je dois aller en désintox"
I'll come back in here when you don't have a large kitchen knife in your hand.
Je reviendrais quand vous n'aurez plus un grand couteau de cuisine a la main.
I'm telling you, Poubelle, you can't come in here.
Poubelle, je vous interdis d'entrer!
How come you live way out here in the middle of nowhere?
Comment ça se fait que vous vivez ici?
You "arranged it"? You think can just come in here and arrange everything from my life, right?
Tu crois pouvoir tout arranger dans ma vie?
- You don't just come walking in here...
- Vous ne pouvez pas entrer et... - Il a dit de la fermer!
If you follow me, I promise you, we'll come back here in a few hours, we'll come right back here, we'll, we'll clean up the prints, and you can get home and play with your kids.
si tu me suis, je te promet, nous reviendrons ici dans quelques heures, nous reviendrons ici, nous, nous nettoierons les empreintes, et tu pourras rentrer chez toi et jouer avec tes mômes.
Thank you soldier, it's a big deal that you've come to London, I know this, but that you've come here for me is the biggest thing in my life
Merci! Je sais que c'est difficile pour toi d'être là, mais, qu'en plus, tu sois là pour moi, c'est juste énorme!
You really think your dad's in good enough shape to come all the way here from Atlanta tomorrow?
Tu penses vraiment que ton père est en assez bonne forme pour venir jusqu'ici demain?
Dad, do you think a bad guy's gonna come in here?
Papa, tu pense qu'une mauvaise personne va venir ici?
you come here often 33
you come here 98
you come with me 211
you come back here 58
you come to me 54
you come with us 44
you come too 22
you come 82
you come home 20
you come back 70
you come here 98
you come with me 211
you come back here 58
you come to me 54
you come with us 44
you come too 22
you come 82
you come home 20
you come back 70
you come on 37
you come in 30
you come out 23
come in here 216
in here 1287
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you come in 30
you come out 23
come in here 216
in here 1287
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't go wrong 20
you can't understand 78
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't stop me 130