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And his daughter traduction Portugais

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He said he had heard that the shtetl where... he had left his mother and his daughter had been burned to the ground... and everyone perished. Everyone! - Yes.
Disse ter sabido que a aldeia onde deixara a mãe e a filha havia sido arrazada e que toda a sua gente, morta.
- Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye.
O Rei e a filha não se entendem.
He and his daughter thank you for bringing back his son.
O chefe e a filha agradecem-lhe por ter salvado o filho dele.
Nigel and his daughter are our new neighbours.
O Nigel e a filha são nossos novos vizinhos.
When you and the president and his daughter and 100 other people including me, were met with a hail of.44-caliber gunfire in Roslyn not only were the shooters white, they were doing it because one of us wasn't.
Quando o senhor, o Presidente, a filha dele e mais 100 pessoas incluindo eu, levámos com tiros de calibre.44 em Rosslyn os atiradores eram brancos, e atiraram porque um de nós não era.
You mean, his wife and his daughter?
A esposa deles / delas e a filha deles / delas?
And his daughter.
E a filha dele!
He was ill, and his daughter came to give me the message.
Ele estava doente e a sua filha veio dar-me o recado.
I hereby rule that until there is a significant improvement... in the domestic and financial circumstances of Desmond Doyle... his two sons, Dermot and Maurice... will be placed in care of the Christian Brothers in Kilkenny... and his daughter, Evelyn Doyle... will be committed to St. Joseph's School in Dublin.
Declaro até que haja uma melhora significativa... na situação familiar e financeira de Desmond Doyle... os seus dois filhos, Dermot e Maurice.... ficarão sob a tutela dos irmãos de Christian de Kilkenny... e a sua filha, Evelyn Doyle... será enviada para a escola de São José em Dublin.
I have noted, too, the obvious bonds of love and affection... between Doyle and his daughter, Evelyn... who made a deep impression on me, and I'm sure, on all of us...
Também reparei que, o evidente vínculo de amor e carinho... entre Doyle e a sua filha, Evelyn... o qual impressionou não só a mim, mas tenho certeza, a todos os presentes...
We get Jack and his daughter?
Que levamos Jack e Kimberly?
He said that his daughter had fallen in love with an American soldier and gone with him, against their will.
Disse-me que a filha se tinha apaixonado por um soldado americano e que tinha ido com ele contra a vontade da família.
His daughter and a woman are not the same thing.
A filha dele e uma mulher não são a mesma coisa.
He lives there with the former wife of his deceased brother, Mrs Vera Ackroyd, and her daughter, Flora - vultures, eagerly awaiting his demise.
"Vive lá com a viúva do seu irmão, a Sra. Vera Ackroyd, e a sua filha Flora. - Abutres ansiosos pela sua morte."
He was a college teacher, and one day, boom! He dumps his wife and daughter and becomes a guerrilla.
Professor duma universidade privada até que um belo dia deixa a mulher e a filha, e torna-se guerrilheiro.
Marey was my father's grandfather, which makes him my great-grandfather, and to be more specific, my grandfather was Marey's son-in-law, since... his wife, my grandmother, was Marey's daughter.
Marey era avô do meu pai, o que faz dele meu bisavô. Para ser mais preciso, o meu avô era genro de Marey, pois a sua mulher, a minha avó, era filha de Marey.
She married a man named Bouton and this estate, which used to be in the Bouton family, was bought by Marey, and returned to the Bouton family when his daughter married a Bouton.
Essa minha avó casou com um homem de nome Bouton e esta propriedade, que era dos Bouton, foi comprada por Marey e retornou aos Bouton quando a sua filha casou com um deles.
García's hip is bad and he eats lunch at his daughter's house.
O García sofre da anca e vai todos os dias comer a casa da filha.
I had the chance to speak to him this morning and I convinced him that since his daughter was home safe and sound, he should do everything to keep it that way.
Mas pude falar com ele esta manhã... e convenci-o que a filha estava em segurança em casa. Ele vai fazer tudo o que for possível para que permaneça assim.
All he asked in return... was for his daughter to wear white dresses and go to cotillion... and want the same life that he had.
Tudo o que pediu em troca... foi que a filha usasse vestidos brancos... e quisesse a mesma vida que ele.
That Lothario there has wormed his way into my daughter's heart and mouth...
Aquele conquistador conseguiu entrar, no coração e na boca da minha filha,
He gave his life for his daughter, and I let him die.
Ele deu a vida dele pela da filha, e eu deixei-o morrer.
He disappears for four fucking years. Then he thinks he can come here and take pictures of his perfect Ivy League daughter?
O estupor desaparece durante 4 anos e agora quer vir aqui fotografar a sua prestigiante filha universitária?
In the doctor's house there are three of us now... the doctor, his daughter... who is training to be a doctor... and Lemoni.
Na casa do médico... agora somos três. O médico a sua fi § ilha que estuda para ser médica e Lemoni.
His ex-wife and daughter live in Malibu.
A ex-mulher e a filha moram em Malibu.
I know his wife and daughter.
Conheço a mulher dele, a filha...
His 26-year-old daughter and the pool boy.
por sua enteada de 26 anos e o rapaz da piscina.
Your step-daughter and the pool boy came in... where they saw you standing over the body... covered in his blood.
Ok, sua enteada e o rapaz da piscina entraram... e a viram sobre o corpo... coberta em seu sangue.
His daughter, my goddaughter... now lives with my wife and I.
A sua filha, minha adoptiva... vive agora com a minha mulher e eu.
Brass buys his daughter a get-out-of-jail-free card and her boyfriend ends up on a gurney.
O Brass pagou o cartão para a filha sair da prisão e o namorado acaba na morgue. Boa...
We'd barbecue with his wife and daughter.
Até fazíamos churrascos juntos, com a mulher e a filha dele.
A good cop's in prison, his daughter was... mixed up with scum, and you and Fin are out of control.
Um bom polícia está preso, a filha dele anda com estes vagabundos, e tu e o Fin descontrolam-se.
... from her daughter Betsy and her husband David, her son John and his wife Miranda, her daughter Catherine...
... da filha Betsy e do marido David, do filho John e da esposa Miranda, da filha Catherine...
[But good or bad, he is a father first and foremost and has,.. ] [.. for years, had me watch his daughter who, by the way,..]
Mas mau ou bom, é acima de tudo um pai e tem..... durante anos, a sua filha, já agora, e ele..
And when he came to America, he brought his daughter,..
E qundo ele voltou para a América, ele trouxe a sua filha,..
Fortunately his daughter Catherine, who was hiding, heard and saw everything.
Afortunadamente a sua filha Catarina que estava escondida ouviu e viu tudo.
And to tip it all of... Suzon, his daughter, comes straight from London, to tell him she's pregnant.
A sua filha, a Suzana, veio clandestinamente de Londres, para lhe dizer que está grávida.
I will tell Roncero that his daughter is day and night with a nutter?
Vou dizer ao Roncero que a sua filha está dia e noite com um louco?
Well, she's got her dad and he's got his daughter.
Bem, ela tem o pai dela! E ele a filha, então...
He telephones me every day and treats me like his own daughter
Ele telefona para mim todos os dias, trata-me como uma filha.
He was hidden by the past 2 years and now has returned for his daughter.
Foi para a Suíça, onde tem vivido estes últimos dois anos e agora voltou para reaver a filha.
a man brought his daughter in, saying she'd had fainting spells and had been vomiting.
Esta mesma tarde, um senhor veio com a sua filha a dizer que a filha tinha desmaiado e tinha vomitado.
Your last task will be to kill his wife and daughter, and pull your people out.
A sua última tarefa será matar a mulher e a filha dele, e retirar a sua gente.
Bauer, his wife and daughter. And Rick.
O Bauer, a família e o Rick.
- They've kidnapped his wife and daughter.
- Raptaram a mulher e a filha dele.
His people kidnapped my wife and daughter.
A gente deles raptou a minha família.
And he asked about his daughter, Kim. - Oh... Oh, no.
Ele perguntou pela filha, a Kim.
Gary Matheson, the man Kim works for, beat his wife and was starting to hurt his daughter.
Gary Matheson, o homem para quem Kim trabalha, bateu na mulher dele e machucou a sua filha.
I think the kind of man who'd use his own daughter to frame her mother, who'd test psych experiments when she was six-years-old is the kind of man who looks at his daughter and sees his greatest mistake.
Eu penso que o tipo de homem que usa a sua filha para tramar a mãe, faria experiências psicológicas quando ela tinha seis anos é o tipo de homem que olha para a sua filha e vê o seu maior erro.
His wife and daughter are missing.
A esposa e a filha estão desaparecidas.
31-year-old Jane Redding, his wife, 4 - year-old son and 6 - year-old daughter.
Morreu a esposa de 31 anos, Jane, o filho de quatro e a filha de seis.

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