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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ B ] / Before you came here

Before you came here traduction Portugais

211 traduction parallèle
Where were you before you came here?
Onde estava antes de vir para cá?
- Never saw you before you came here.
- Nunca Ihe vi antes.
- What was your job before you came here?
- O que fazias antes?
What did you do for a living before you came here?
O que fazia para viver antes de vir cá?
You know, before you came here, I was a little frightened.
Sabes, antes de vires para cá, estava um pouco assustado.
If you only knew how lonely I was before you came here.
Se soubesses como estava só, antes de tu vires.
Where did you live before you came here?
Onde vivia antes?
What were you before you came here?
- Que era antes de vir aqui?
You didn't investigate before you came here?
Não investigaram antes de virem para cá?
- Before you came here...
- Antes de cá ter chegado...
What happened before you came here?
O que aconteceu, antes de ter cá chegado?
I'm afraid I don't. It was before you came here. Oh, yes.
- Não, foi antes de você vir.
Before you came here, Twin Peaks was a simple place.
Antes de você chegar Twin Peaks era um lugar simples.
I was doing just fine before you came here.
A vida corria-me muito bem até tu apareceres aí.
Talk to her about before you came here.
Fale com ela de como se sentia antes de vir.
You were supposed to use the bathroom before you came here.
Bom, está bem! Podiam ter pensado nisso antes
You had a lot of problems before you came here, and I know you had some problems after you got here but did I say anything to you about it?
Tiveste muitos problemas antes de teres vindo para aqui, e eu sei... que tivestes problemas depois de teres aqui chegado... mas eu disse-te alguma coisa? Não.
Before you came here, do you remember the last thing your mommy said to you?
Antes de vires, lembras-te da última coisa que a tua mamã te disse?
Before you came here, did you have many girlfriends?
Antes de vires para cá, tinhas muitas amigas?
Would you say that before you came here, your friends consisted mainly of boys, of men?
Dirias que, antes de vires para cá, os teus amigos eram, na maioria, rapazes e homens?
You been chewing'on this before you came here?
Andou a mastigar isto antes de vir para aqui?
That puts us back where we were before you came barging in here.
Isso nos deixa justo onde estávamos antes de que você chegasse.
And he says, "Well, before I came out here to see you," he says, "my first impression was like in Bellevue."
E ele disse : "Bom, Mike, antes de vir aqui ver-vos, a minha primeira impressão foi como em Bellevue".
You're that cute Corporal that was here when I came before, aren't you?
Escrever-lhe? Bem, faça-o você.
Where were you before you came up here?
Onde estava, antes de vir para aqui?
I have nothing personal against Maydew though you know him to be the son of a carpetbagger from Boston Who came here to feather his nest before you game roosters who did the fighting could get back home!
Nada tenho de pessoal contra Maydew, embora seja sabido que é filho de um arrivista de Boston, que aqui se estabeleceu ainda antes que vós, que estáveis lutando, regressassem.
When she came in here, you attacked her before she could scream.
Quando ela entrou, atacou-a antes que ela pudesse gritar.
Should've thought of that before you came crashing in here.
Devias ter pensado nisto antes de apareceres assim de repente.
You know, I never saw a play before I came in here.
Sabes, nunca tinha visto uma peça, até vir para aqui.
If that's all you came here to do... you can clear out of my house fast before I lose my temper.
Se é só isso que cá vieste fazer podes pôr-te a andar antes que perca a paciência.
Before I came here, they told me the Marsh People had spotted bellies and webbed toes. - Do you believe that?
Antes de vir, disseram-me que o povo do pântano tinha a barriga às pintas e os dedos dos pés unidos.
... which we have chosen for our city, Law and Order is the expression of an ideal by which I've lived, well, long before I came to settle here with you.
escolhemos para a nossa cidade, Lei e Ordem... é a expressão de um ideal pelo qual eu já vivia... muito antes de vir viver aqui convosco.
I came here once before, you know.
Eu já cá vim uma vez antes, sabe?
He was just here, before you came.
Ele esteve aqui, antes de tu chegares.
I was going to give it to you before we came up here here, but... things got so hectic and this is really the first chance we've had to be alone.
Ia dar-to antes de a gente vir, mas... as coisas ficaram tão estranhas... que não tivemos tempo de ficar a sós.
Were you guys making it before we came here?
Vocês já dormiam juntos antes de virmos para cá?
You know, Vic, before I came here, I never had anything to do, me being an orphan and all.
Sabe Vic, antes de vir pra cá, eu nunca tinha nada pra fazer, porque eu era órfão e tal.
Pete and I came down here once before you were born.
O Pete e eu viemos cá uma vez antes de nasceres.
I came in here before. I tried to explain the situation to you, you didn't want to listen to me.
Tentei explicar a situação, mas você não quis ouvir.
You see, before he came down here it never snowed.
Sabes, antes de ele vir cá nunca nevava.
So, uh... what'd you do over there before you came over here...'cause I know you sure didn't drive no cab!
Que fazia lá? Com certeza não era taxista.
You know, before I came here, - I worked in the New Orleans coroner's office for two years.
Sabe, antes de vir para aqui, trabalhei na Medicina Legal de New Orleans durante dois anos.
Before / came here today, / was afraid... as /'m sure many of you are. / t seems these days, there's a / ot to be afraid of.
Antes de vir para aqui, tinha medo, tal como muitos de vocês devem ter. Hoje em dia, parece haver muito a recear.
We were here before you even came in and- -
Nós estávamos aqui antes mesmo de entrar e...
You knew I was here before you even came.
Sabias que eu estava aqui antes de vires.
- I told you the DA came down here last night ready to arraign even before they moved him to County.
- Dave, já disse... O D.P. veio cá ontem para o acusar mesmo antes de ir à prisão.
Not before you tell me why you came here.
Não antes de me dizerem por que vieram?
Before I came here tonight, I was discussing you with my sister.
Antes de vir aqui, estive a falar de si à minha irmã.
Maybe you two should have discussed your real feelings before you came out here.
- Sim. Deviam ter falado sobre os vossos sentimentos verdadeiros antes de virem.
Before I came here, when was the last time you assumed another form?
Antes de eu vir, quando foi a última vez que assumiu outra forma?
Before I came here, I heard you were a tough, chauvinistic prick.
Antes de vir para cá, diziam-me que você era um machista insuportável.

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