Bring them in traduction Portugais
853 traduction parallèle
- Tell them to bring them in here.
- Diga para a trazerem para aqui.
- Bring them in, boys.
- Tragam-nos.
- Did you bring them in better?
- Trouxeste-os bem?
Bring them in.
Bring them in!
Say, it'd bring them in in swarms, all right.
Traria uma enchente de pessoas.
If Judge Simmons has papers for us to sign, tell him to bring them in the evening.
Se o Juiz Simmons quiser que assinemos alguns documentos, diga-lhe que venha cá esta noite.
Shall we bring them in?
Não, não será necessário.
Will you bring them in now, please? - Yes, sir.
- Pode trazê-los agora, por favor?
Bring them in from the sticks.
Tragam-nos do interior.
Bring them in.
We won't have to bring them in, Sam. They intend to come in on their own.
Nao temos que fazer nada, Sam, eles vem sozinhos.
Take your first rank up the hill and bring them in. - Yes, si...
Leve a sua primeira tropa colina acima e prenda-os.
- Bring them in.
- Tra-Éa para dentro.
- Coaley, bring them in.
- O Coaley vai buscá-los.
- I'll bring them in myself.
- Eu mesmo os vou buscar.
I said I'd bring them in.
Eu disse que os ia buscar.
You bring them in.
Vai buscá-los.
You don't think if they find them three fellas, they're going to bring them in alive, do you?
Não pensa que, se eles encontrarem aqueles três fulanos, os virão trazer vivos, pois não?
All right, bring them in.
Está bem, manda-os entrar.
- I could bring them in with 500 men!
- Eu trazia-os para cá com 500 homens!
Morrison, you got extra guns at your place, bring them in.
Morrison, tem mais armas em casa. Vá buscá-las!
- Maybe you want to try and bring them in?
Se calhar, queres apanhá-los, Wes.
We're going to have to bring them in first.
Primeiro temos de trazer as espingardas.
Get that big box of chips and bring them in here.
Pegue aquela caixa grande de fichas, e traga-a aqui.
Why don't you bring them in?
Porque não os trazes?
Since that night in the dancehall the Little Fellow hadnt seen Georgia, but an incident was to bring them together again.
Desde aquela noite, o Baixinho não tinha visto a Georgia. Mas um acidente ia voltar a uni-los.
And clap them in chains and bring them to me
E lançam-nos aos meus pés a tremer
Pack the sepoys in their own transport wagons. We'll bring them along.
Ponha os mercenários na nossa carroça, vamos levá-los.
Boys of all creeds, kinds and positions to educate them in American ideals and to promote mutual understanding and to bring about a healthful life to the youth of this beautiful land.
Rapazes de todos os credos, géneros e posições para os educar como americanos e para promover o entendimento e para trazer uma vida saudável à juventude deste país.
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
Só nos livraremos da forca do Rei se conseguirmos as cabeças de Waring e Leech e a Lady Margaret em bom estado para ser sua salvadora.
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Agarrem nesses baldes, deitem fora a areia, encham-nos de gasolina e petróleo, espalhem pela proa e peguem-lhe fogo. O quê?
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tenho de tirar os livros da mesa da sala de jantar e voltar a pô-los na arca, onde estavam.
Bring them to the gate in the garden wall.
Leve-os para o portão da muralha do jardim.
To bring in the cattle and nurse them through the winter?
Conduzir o gado e cuidar dele durante o Inverno?
We bring in the baby fish from the ocean and put them in these little pools.
Trazemos os peixes bebés do oceano e os colocamos nestas pequenas piscinas.
First, that Hungarian countess who only married you to bring her family over, her mother, her father and five brothers, all of them badly in need of costly dental repairs.
Primeiro, aquela condessa húngara, que desposaste para trazer a família. Os pais e cinco irmãos, todos a precisar de reparos dentais caros!
Follow them and bring the cup to me in Rome.
Persegue-os e entrega-me o cálice em Roma.
We are going to bring into the court during the course of this trial a series of substantial, reputable citizens. And I invite you to scrutinize them closely and to determine, in the light of their testimony the guilt or innocence of Christopher Emanuel Balestrero.
Vamos trazer a este tribunal, durante o decurso deste julgamento, vários cidadãos de boa reputação e convido-vos a analisarem-nos minuciosamente e a determinarem, face aos seus testemunhos, a culpa ou a inocência de Christopher Emanuel Balestrero,
Oh, you gonna bring a right pretty price from one of them dandy's in New Orleans.
Como te vão disputar os dandys de Nova Orleans!
No, they didn't bring them back right now, they brought them back while I was waiting for my sister-in-law...
As chaves, não mas trouxeram agora. Trouxeram-mas quando eu ia para casa da minha cunhada.
He's ordering them to bring you in dead or alive.
Instruiu-os a trazerem-te morto ou vivo.
Them dollars they're giving you to bring Billy in.
O dinheiro que vão dar-te por entregares o Billy.
Posey will remain with orders to bring them back here if you don't return in three days. - Is that clear?
Posey ficará no comando com ordens para os trazer de volta se não regressar dentro de três dias.
I'll go look up the Johnsons in a couple of days... and I'll bring them back with me.
Num par de dias irei procurar os Johnson e os trazerei aqui comigo.
Bring in a few calves, some horses, infect them artificially, then wait and see what happens.
Trazemos uns vitelos e uns cavalos, infectamo-los artificialmente e vemos o que acontece.
Sometimes I bring forth the memories and lose myself in them. I feel as if I am gazing at a fire about to be extinguished.
De vez em quando, revivo essas recordações E tenho a impressão... de estar contemplando um fogo que se apaga.
- I was just going to bring them in.
Como vai isso?
Take the boat in the fen, bring them back with you.
Pega no barco que está no pântano e trá-los contigo.
Let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you... ... and do ye to them as is good in your eyes... ... only unto these men do nothing.
Deixai que vo-las traga, e fazei com elas o que achardes melhor, mas não façais nada, a estes homens.
Whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place... ... for the Lord hath sent us to destroy it.
Seja o que for que faças nesta cidade, sai deste lugar, pois o Senhor mandou-nos para a destruirmos.
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