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Crowne traduction Portugais

66 traduction parallèle
Are you still having Lenina Crowne from Educational Conditioning?
Ainda sai com Lenina Crowne a educadora do condicionamento? .
- Miss Crowne?
- Senhorita Crowne?
I'm Lenina Crowne, Bernard wanted to see me.
Sou Lenina Crowne, Bernard deseja ver-me.
It's a hotel, Allerton Crowne Plaza. I knew it.
É um hotel, é o Aliatron Proll Plaza, eu sabia.
Good evening. Welcome to the Allerton Crowne Plaza.
Boa noite, bem-vindos ao Aliatron Proll Plaza.
Larry Crowne to the common break area.
Larry Crowne à zona comum de descanso.
"Larry Crowne to the common break area"?
"Larry Crowne à zona comum de descanso"?
Larry Crowne on deck, as ordered.
Larry Crowne presente, conforme as instruções.
You're forever retarded, Crowne,'cause you didn't go to college.
Ficas atrasado para sempre, porque não andaste na universidade.
So, once again, this is Larry Crowne with an "E" calling in regards to any possible retail sales or management position.
Fala novamente Larry Crowne, com "E", a respeito de qualquer possível vaga nas vendas a retalho ou na gerência.
Mr Crowne, I'm gonna get you some complimentary coffee, and we have a lot of good things to talk about.
Sr. Crowne, vou buscar-lhe um café gratuito e ainda temos muitas coisas boas de que falar.
Larry Crowne, there has been a yard sale at 8642 Derby Court since Lionel Richie was dancing on the ceiling.
Larry Crowne, há uma venda de quintal em Derby Court, 8642, desde que o Lionel Richie ainda cantava "Dancing On The Celing".
Larry Crowne.
Larry Crowne.
Larry Crowne. You've got a lot of money in those albums of yours.
Larry Crowne, os teus álbuns valem muito dinheiro.
Miss Crowne, please.
Miss Crowne, por favor.
Mr Crowne, excuse me.
Sr. Crowne. Desculpe.
- Larry Crowne, with an "E".
Larry Crowne, com um "E".
Mr Crowne.
Sr. Crowne?
Where is Larry Crowne?
Onde está o Larry Crowne?
This is college, Mr Crowne.
Estamos na universidade, Sr. Crowne.
Mr Crowne is first.
O Sr. Crowne é o primeiro.
Mr Crowne?
Sr. Crowne...
I'm sure you and Larry Crowne have your pillow talk.
De certeza que você e o Larry Crowne já tiveram a vossa conversa de cama.
Larry Crowne? Who?
Larry Crowne?
You're a smart man, Larry Crowne.
És um homem esperto, Larry Crowne.
That leaves only Mr Crowne and George Bernard Shaw.
Falta apenas o Sr. Crowne e George Bernard Shaw.
Larry Crowne, you're terrific!
Larry Crowne, és fantástico!
Mr Crowne, you have a grasp of my concepts like few others.
Sr. Crowne... apreende os meus conceitos como poucos.
Larry Crowne, look at you.
Larry Crowne, vejam só.
- Crowne stiffed us?
- O Crowne deixou-nos pendurados?
The Elliots, the Kanes, the Crownes, the Dumas... and the most powerful of them all... the Waynes.
Os Elliot, os King, os Crowne, os Dumas e, os mais poderosos de todos, os Wayne.
Unknown : Crowne Plaza. Room 329.
He broke into the house of a man named Warren Crowne, tried to kill him and his entire family.
- Invadiu a casa de um homem chamado Warren Crowne, tentou matá-lo e a família.
Warren Crowne the philanthropist?
Warren Crowne, o filantropo?
So, I pulled the police file and court records for Shaw's prosecution 20 years ago, and according to this, Shaw's attack on the Crowne family was anything but random.
Tenho o arquivo policial e o registo de tribunal do Shaw de há 20 anos atrás, e segundo isto, o ataque do Shaw a família Crowne foi tudo menos aleatório.
Kramer had been hired to investigate the Crowne family.
O Kramer foi contratado para investigar os Crowne.
After Shaw attacked the Crownes, my husband's reputation was destroyed.
Depois que o Shaw atacou os Crowne, a reputação do meu marido foi destruída.
Looks like they were following this boy, Victor Crowne.
Parece que estavam a seguir um rapaz, Victor Crowne.
Wait, Crowne.
Espera, Crowne.
Warren and Alice Crowne were the parents.
Warren e Alice Crowne eram os pais.
Shaw believed that Victor Crowne was the Antichrist.
O Shaw acreditava que o Victor Crowne era o anticristo.
It... That's why Shaw went after the Crownes.
Por isso é que o Shaw foi atrás dos Crowne.
I'm looking into Victor Crowne.
Estou a procurar o Victor Crowne.
According to this article, in two days, Victor Crowne turns 30 and will gain full control over his parents'empire.
Segundo este artigo, daqui a dois dias, o Victor Crowne faz 30 anos e vai assumir o controlo do império dos pais.
Guys, what if Victor Crowne is the Antichrist and Shaw isn't crazy?
E se o Crowne é o anticristo e o Shawn não é louco?
Castle, by all accounts, Victor Crowne has helped millions of impoverished people by providing them with clean drinking water.
Castle, o Victor Crowne ajudou milhões de pessoas pobres fornecendo-lhes água potável.
Mr. Crowne, we just have some questions about this man.
Sr. Crowne, temos umas perguntas sobre este homem.
- Crowne...
- Crowne...
It's Larry Crowne!
Sou o Larry Crowne!
Thank you, Mr Crowne.
Obrigada, Sr. Crowne.
Hey, thanks, Crowne.
Obrigado, Crowne.

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