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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ D ] / Did you hear

Did you hear traduction Portugais

8,727 traduction parallèle
Did you hear me?
Did you hear anything or didn't you?
Ouviste alguma coisa ou não?
Did you hear about that poor woman that was killed and dismembered?
Soubeste da mulher que foi morta e esquartejada?
No. Abby, where did you hear that?
Abby, onde é que ouviste isso?
How many times did you hear me freaking out because I couldn't remember what happened that night?
Quantas vezes ouviste a passar-me porque não conseguia lembrar-me do que aconteceu naquela noite?
Did you hear what I said?
Ouviram o que eu disse?
Did you hear about Daniel Grayson?
- Já sabes... do Daniel Grayson?
Did you hear that?
Estás a ouvir aquilo?
Ahmed, did you hear me tell my uncle not to retaliate?
Ahmed, você ouviu-me dizer ao meu tio para não retaliar?
Just today, did you hear?
Só hoje, ouviste?
- What do I think? Did you hear my reaction when he asked me if I wanted to do one?
Ouviu a minha reacção quando ele me pediu uma?
Did you hear any of that?
Ouviste aquilo?
Did you hear what I said?
- Ouviste o que eu disse?
Did you hear that from inside your mama's womb?
Ouviste isso, de dentro do útero da tua mãe?
Did you hear that?
Ouviram isso?
did you hear that, too?
Também a ouviste?
Did you hear something?
Ouviste isto?
Well, what daytime talk show did you hear that on?
Em que programa de TV ouviste isso?
What did you hear?
O que é que ouviste?
Did you hear that?
Ouviste isto?
Did you hear?
Já sabes?
Did you hear about Barnes?
Já ouviste falar sobre o Barnes?
Did you hear me ask,
Ouviste-me perguntar
Did you hear that? :
- Ouviram isso?
And who did you hear about these girls from?
E quem é que lhe falou nessas raparigas?
And who did you hear about these girls from?
E quem lhe falou nessas raparigas?
Hey, oh, did you hear that my wife left me for our landscape architect?
Sabias que a minha mulher me deixou pelo nosso arquiteto paisagístico?
Now, did you hear that?
Ouviu aquilo?
Okay, did you hear him?
Did you hear what I said?
Ouviste o que eu disse?
Where did you hear that?
Onde é que ouviste isso?
Did you hear his car drive away? Yeah.
- Porque deixou o pai a porta aberta?
Oh, did you hear about Dillon?
Ouviste falar sobre o Dillon? O quê?
Did you hear about Dhillon?
Soubeste do Dillon?
I did, and I hear you're behind the investigation into the Agency.
E eu soube que está por trás da investigação à Agência.
- Did you not hear what's going on?
- Só preciso que estejas comigo.
Did you not hear the part about English, Harold?
Não ouviu sobre traduzir para a nossa língua, Harold?
Did you hear?
You did hear the part about getting me into bed, right?
Ouviste aquela parte sobre levar-me para a cama, certo?
When did you first hear punk rock?
ESTE MURO AJUDA-NOS A PENSAR? Quando ouviu punk rock pela primeira vez?
The same reason you don't want Henry to hear about all the terrible things you did in your past.
Pela mesma razão pela qual não queres que o Henry saiba das coisas horríveis que fizeste no passado.
Did you hear any of that?
Ouviste alguma coisa daquilo?
I'll send her to voicemail. Did you not hear a word I just said?
Não ouviste nada do que disse?
Wait, you did hear me say she was an alcoholic?
Espera, ouviste-me a dizer que ela era alcoólica?
Didn't expect to hear from me again so soon, now, did you, Clarke?
Não esperavas ter notícias minhas tão cedo, pois não, Clarke?
Did you guys hear?
Será que ouviram?
Did you hear something?
Ouviste alguma coisa?
Did you hear what the doctor said this morning?
Ouviste o que o médico disse esta manhã?
Did you not hear me fighting for you in there?
Não me ouviste a lutar por ti lá dentro?
Did you know that by week 16, your baby's only the size of an avocado but it can hear?
Sabias que na 16ª semana, o bebé é muito pequeno, mas consegue ouvir?
Did you hear what I said?
Ouviste aquilo que eu disse?

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