For all i knew traduction Portugais
163 traduction parallèle
For all I knew he had your gun.
Tirava-te a arma num instante.
For all I knew, you were in on the whole thing.
E ainda não sabes tudo.
It could have been Mars for all I knew.
Para o que eu sabia, até podia ser Marte.
She might have been screaming for a week for all I knew.
Até podia ter passado toda a semana a gritar ;
That, for all I knew, could last forever.
Isso, ao que sei, podia ser para sempre.
We have a security leak, gentlemen, and for all I knew, it was one of you.
Temos uma falha na segurança, senhores. Tanto quanto sabia, podia ser um de vocês.
Yeah, well, for all I knew, you were gonna...
Tanto quanto sabia, podias...
For all I knew, one of them probably pulled the trigger.
Tanto quanto eu sabia, provavelmente fora um deles a matá-lo.
For all I knew he was getting laid.
Pelo que sabia até podia estar a ter sexo.
For all I knew, they were the same person.
Para mim, eram a mesma pessoa.
But since I knew that you were anxious to get rid of the property, and all the memories connected with it, I thought that in my position as Mayor, I would take the liberty of sending for you.
Mas como eu sabia que a Senhora se quer desfazer da propriedade... e das recordações relacionadas com ela, pensei que, como presidente da câmara, poderia tomar a liberdade de a mandar chamar.
I wish I knew of some way to break it off without hurting him... but all I can do is wait for him to get tired of coming.
Oxalá pudesse cortar a relação sem lhe causar problemas... mas só posso esperar que se canse de vir.
I knew that's what you been scratching for all along.
Eu sabia que era isto que andavas a planear este tempo todo.
I knew all about the plans he and Cody Clark had... for taking over Medicine Bend.
Eu conhecia os planos que ele e Cody Clark... tinham para controlar Madison Band.
And the more they reminded me, the more I knew I couldn't come back with the rest of my life all laid out for me. No, Maile.
Quanto mais me lembravam, mais me convencia de que não podia voltar para uma vida toda planejada para mim.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
Grillak, você me enganou por um tempo, mas quando... vi a minha própria perna, soube que estava tudo bem.
Well, I saw you looking around for something and I wondered what it was. And all of a sudden I knew.
Bem... hum... eu vi que procurava algo... pensei o que poderia ser e... de repente descobri.
You could say we knew all this from the start and this is an excuse for me to get rid of you after I knew about your little defect.
Tu podes dizer-me que sabíamos tudo isto desde o início... e que talvez isto seja apenas um pretexto para me libertar de ti, depois de ter sabido... desse teu defeitozinho.
If everybody knew you as I do, I should not have much to fear. I find in you enough to justify all I do for you.
- Não teria nada a temer se todos vos vissem com os meus olhos, e acho em vós razões para tudo o que faço por vós.
I'm here at lunch with you which I knew was the reason you invited me and all I'm sitting here for is to get guilty with you, right?
Estou a almoçar contigo e sabia que me tinhas convidado por isso, e só aqui estou para me sentir culpado, não é?
I had to trade many, many horses to get her back. For I knew that this foal was to be the culmination of all our efforts.
Tive que negociar muitos, muitos cavalos para tê-la de volta, pois eu sabia, que esse poltro, seria o ponto culminante de todos os nossos esforços.
All right, Michael... but it would certainly help if I knew what I was looking for.
- Está bem, Michael mas certamente que iria ajudar se soubesse o que estou à procura.
Amanda, it'd be a lot easier for me to get General back in the house if I knew what these bad dreams were all about.
Amanda, ia ser muito mais fácil para mim trazer o General para casa se soubesse o que esses pesadelos significam.
All I know is that Johnny is running around bumping off everyone he knew. And more and more, it's me who's on the line for it.
Parece que esse tal de Johnny está matando todo mundo... e eu que levo a culpa.
How could you do this to Willie after all the things that he's done for you? I knew you'd finger me.
Viste o programa, fizeste perguntas à Lynn e ao Brian, tiraste conclusões precipitadas e alguém telefonou para o FBI.
Every time I saw it, I'd run like hell, but I knew that one day we'd have to settle this thing once and for all.
Sempre que o via, fugia que nem um louco, mas sabia que um dia tinha de resolver isto.
For all I knew, you were dead.
Para todos os que eu sabia, que estava morto.
For a second, I thought I was dead. But when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops.
Pensei que estava morto, mas ao ouvir o barulho, soube que era a bófia.
For all you knew, I'd drowned.
Aparentemente, tinha-me afogado.
All the good things you've done for me that I never knew.
Todas as boas coisas que fez por mim sem eu nunca ter sabido.
I knew there was a reason for all of this.
Eu sabia que havia um motivo para isto tudo.
So for three centuries I've guarded the house on All Hallows Night, when I knew some airhead virgin might light that candle.
Por três séculos, vigiei a casa na Noite de Todos os Santos... pois uma virgem desmiolada poderia acender aquela vela.
Yeah, after all the cheer leading I've done for you guys, even when I knew you were making mistakes.
Depois de todo o apoio que eu dei a vocês, até mesmo quando eu sabia que estavam a cometer erros.
All these years, I've been trying to convince myself that I knew what was best for our village.
E todos estes anos tentei convencer-me de que sabia que era o melhor para a nossa aldeia.
He forgives me for all that he knew I would do.
Ele perdoa-me por tudo o que sabia que eu faria.
I knew you'd work it all out. Sabrina, we've been goin'out for a long time and I feel like there's something I need to say to you.
Sabrina, nós namoramos à muito tempo e eu sinto que há algo que eu preciso de te dizer.
The minute I met you, I knew inside I'd found... what I'd been searching for all my life.
Assim que o conheci soube logo que era quem eu tinha procurado a vida inteira.
For all the good it'll do. If you knew what I know...
Eu sei o que fiz, só eu sei como me sinto.
He- - he never knew about all that money I saved for our trip to Italy.
Ele nunca soube do dinheiro que poupei para a viagem a Itália.
If I knew you were putting on a show tonight I would've bought tickets for all my friends.
Mãe, se soubesse que ias dar espectáculo, tinha comprado bilhetes para os meus amigos todos.
I knew it was all bullshit, but, hell, I was milking it for all it was worth.
Eu sabia que era tudo asneira, mas, caramba, eu tava a fazer aquilo pra uma coisa que presta.
He passed away in his sleep, so the end came peacefully for Louie... which I'm sure is a great comfort to all who knew him.
Ele faleceu a dormir, por isso teve um fim tranquilo, o que é um grande consolo para todos os que o conheceram.
I knew all about you and your impossible love what are you hoping for?
Sabia tudo sobre si e o seu amor impossível. Do que é que estava à espera?
Considering the fact I'm doing all of this for a man I barely knew.
Tendo em conta o facto de que faço isto por um homem que mal conheci.
All I knew about Robert Burns for sure... was that he was a man who had lost everything.
Tudo o que sabia sobre Robert Burns... é que ele era um homem que tinha perdido tudo.
And he fought all his life for them. You accused me once that I knew what man I rejected And you were right.
Mas se pensa que vim para triunfar sobre ele e eu não sinto a infelicidade deste... sítio vazio... então, não me conhece de todo.
I knew you'd need Scott to hang around for statements and all that... but I'd really like to see him.
Sabia que precisaria que o Scott ficasse para declarações e isso, mas gostaria mesmo de o ver.
So... I slog halfway around the world searching for the book. only to find that you knew where it was all along.
Então... trabalho arduamente ao redor do Mundo em busca do livro, só para descobrir que tu sempre soubeste onde estava.
Once he knew for sure I did, all he had to do was put the pieces in place.
Depois de se certificar, só teve de colocar as peças no sítio.
They all said I was a pushy, opinionated loudmouth, but you knew I was perfect for you.
Todos eles disseram que eu era um insistente, opinioso loudmouth, mas você soube que eu estava perfeito para você.
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all eternity 28
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all of you 34
for all i care 74
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all eternity 28
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all of you 34
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew you'd come 123
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew you could do it 105
i knew it was you 83
i knew you'd come 123
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew that 414
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37
i knew you were gonna say that 36
i knew you'd understand 40
i knew 590
i knew you would 138
i knew it was him 16
i knew you'd say that 47
i knew something was up 41
i knew it was wrong 23
i knew you would come 37
i knew you were gonna say that 36
i knew you'd understand 40
i knew 590