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Had you traduction Portugais

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Not only that, he then had you erased out of the photo.
E depois tira-vos da foto.
You had your bags packed?
Tinhas as malas prontas? Eu era uma criança.
I did lie when I said you had your father's magic in you.
Menti quando disse que tinhas a magia do teu pai em ti.
They were like, " Hey, man, you did what you had to do.
Naquela : " Fizeste o que tinhas de fazer.
You did what you had to do, man. "
Era o que tinhas de fazer. "
It... it's just that, he's had a bit of trouble accepting what's happened, as I'm sure you can understand.
É que, ele teve um pouco de dificuldade em aceitar o que aconteceu, como tenho a certeza que entende.
I thought that, once you had examined the boy, it'd be better coming from you.
Pensei que, quando examinassem o menino, seria melhor vir de vocês.
Listen, we're grateful that you're here, that you came all this way, but our daughter's met dozens of doctors, each one ordering more tests, putting her through more hell, making promises they had no business making.
Olhem, obrigada por estarem aqui. Vieram de tão longe, mas a nossa filha já conheceu dúzias de médicos, cada um a pedir mais exames, trazendo-lhe mais sofrimento, fazendo promessas que não poderiam ser cumpridas.
Seems like she'd have had a better shot if you'd taken her to Grey Sloan.
Parece que ela teria mais hipóteses se a levasses para o Grey Sloan.
You know, your mom says the difference between the two of us is that you were born with money and I had to earn it.
A tua mãe diz que a diferença entre nós dois é que nasceste com dinheiro e eu tive de o ganhar.
You said you had the strength to keep all those investigators next door out of here.
Tu disseste que tinhas a capacidade de manter aqueles investigadores fora daqui.
You're the only set of twins we ever had.
São as únicas gémeas que tivemos.
- You just had a snow cone.
- Acabaste de comer um.
Had a session with Richard, so. You know, it stirred things up.
Tive uma sessão com o Richard, por isso vieram coisas ao de cima.
- Did you have any, like, rituals that you had to do, like, any, like, sex stuff or anything?
Do género, coisas sexuais ou assim?
- You thought you had a big fish reeled in, didn't you?
Pensaste que te tinha saído a sorte grande.
Even though you had to leave early.
- Apesar de teres saído mais cedo.
- You had to do those things.
- eu também não, por causa do que te fiz... - Tinhas de fazer aquilo.
Do they know you were gonna come with me? Did you guys all know your great Guardian of the Light had her fucking bags packed? Did they?
Eles sabiam que vinhas comigo?
Do you know the things I had to do to get by?
Eu era uma miúda. Sabes o que tive de fazer para sobreviver?
Mm-hmm. Have you ever had one of those before?
Já fez uma destas antes?
You had the yogurt?
Comeu o iogurte?
I wish you had told me that you were coming.
Podias ter tido que vinhas.
You would have figured it out if you had walked into OR 2 and found a bowel obstruction. Hmm.
Saberia ao entrar no BO 2 e encontrar uma obstrução intestinal.
It should have at least been fun, but you two were so busy arguing about how to teach or not teach students that you forgot that you had one in here!
Era para ser divertido. Mas vocês estavam tão ocupados a discutir como ensinar ou não, que se esqueceram que tinham um aluno aqui!
I know you thought this program had problems, but it sure as hell has them now.
Sei que achas que o programa tinha problemas, - mas agora tem mesmo.
I mean, you had no reason to suspect bleeding until you did.
E não tinhas razão para suspeitar de hemorragia antes de suspeitares.
You and I had to work for it.
Nós tivemos de trabalhar por isso.
You c... You had it.
Estava aqui.
He figured if he had sons on both sides, there'd be a better chance one would survive because when you fight a war at home, the casualties are your neighbors your friends, your family...
Ele achou que se tivesse filhos dos dois lados, havia mais hipóteses de um sobreviver. Porque quando se luta no nosso lar, as baixas são os nossos vizinhos, os nossos amigos, a nossa família,
Even if Minnick's program was good, the way you two went about implementing the entire thing had zero respect for the history of this institution, certainly no respect for Dr. Webber.
Mesmo que o método da Minnick fosse bom, a forma como vocês as duas o impuseram foi desrespeitosa com a história do hospital - e com o Dr. Webber.
Arizona... You've always had an active love life.
Arizona, sempre tiveste uma vida amorosa activa.
Okay, you were right. They had way more time than most.
Estavas certa, tiveram mais tempo do que muitos.
And then I had to wait for you to write your name on the board because... I just needed to know who you were.
E tive de esperar que escrevesses o teu nome no quadro porque precisava de saber quem eras.
You had to do a thoracotomy?
Teve de fazer uma toracotomia?
I-I know the flight the helicopter had to be expensive, and so I'll write you a check.
eu sei que o vôo... o helicóptero deve ter sido caro, eu passo-lhe um cheque.
You told me you had a working relationship.
Disseste que havia uma relação de trabalho.
So if I had to guess, I'd say you're CIA, working in the continental United States.
Por isso, se tivesse que adivinhar, diria que és da CIA, trabalhando no interior dos Estados Unidos.
You really think Frank had something to do with it?
Achas mesmo que o Frank, teve alguma coisa a ver com isso?
- You had me sign off on that Water Street abortion to cover your ass.
- Sim, por quê? - Tu fizeste-me assinar aquele aborto da Water Street, para safares o teu traseiro.
You had Billy plant that gun on him to protect yourself.
Levaste o Billy a plantar aquela arma, para te protegeres.
Find out that it was you that had Teflon murdered.
Que descobrisse que foste tu, que mandaste assassinar o Teflon.
You're the best crime partner I ever had.
És o melhor parceiro de crime que eu já tive.
You know, I had to interrogate this German hacker.
Sabe, tive que interrogar um hacker alemão.
Tim said what he had to say because of an uncomfortable situation you created.
O Tim disse o que tinha de dizer por causa de uma situação desagradável que tu criaste.
I had to die for an hour to finally get some peace and quiet from you guys.
Tive de morrer para ter um pouco de paz e silêncio.
Answer the question you wish had been asked instead of the one that was.
Responde ao que querias que perguntassem, em vez do que foi perguntado.
I had no idea you were feeling frisky. Hey, shut up, you idiot.
- Não sabia que estavas fogosa.
Speaking of strange, you had no idea that my argument with you was a con, and you said some pretty hurtful things.
Por falar em estranho, não sabias que o meu argumento era contra, e disseste umas coisas dolorosas.
You had no idea.
Vocês não faziam ideia.
You will be the first politician taken down by a never-had-sex tape.
Vais ser o primeiro político derrubado por uma fita de "nunca-fiz-sexo".

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