He could die traduction Portugais
250 traduction parallèle
When she replied rather coldly, he was enraged and begged her not to flirt with him, for he could die at any time, and he was right.
Quando ela responde com alguma frieza a uma das suas cartas ele arrebata-se e suplica-Ihe que não se faça de sedutora porque ele pode morrer de um dia para o outro. E disse a verdade.
- He could die!
- Poderá morrer por aí!
He could die if you don't stop that bleeding fast.
Morrerá se não deter o sangramento.
He could die here!
Ele pode morrer aqui!
Well, leave then! Life will go on without him. Anyway, he could die tomorrow morning and we'd have to replace him.
Como em tantas outras circunstâncias, o "Sim" é um voto de confiança em De Gaulle... e o "Não" é um expressão do desejo de que ele saia.
Leonardo would get a shot every half hour so he could die without pain.
Iam dar-lhe uma injecção a cada meia hora para ele morrer sem dores.
- He could die.
- Ele pode morrer.
He tried to remember that she had sold the laser chips to Vladimir... and because of that he could die.
Louise, por favor. Quero matá-lo agora.
He could die there.
Ele pode morrer ali.
Oh, no, no, no. Look at him, he could die any minute.
Não, ele pode morrer a qualquer minuto.
He could die.
Pode morrer.
But he could die.
Mas ele pode morrer!
If he's not ventilated, he could die.
Se ele não for ventilado, pode morrer.
- He could die in 20 minutes.
- Ele pode morrer daqui a 20 minutos.
If we find him guilty, he could die by lethal injection.
Se o julgarmos culpado, ele pode morrer por injeção letal.
He could die! He's a vampire.
Ele é um vampiro.
So that he could die in peace... but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen.
Para que ele pudesse morrer em paz... mas parece que isso não vai acontecer.
If I give him a blood thinner, he could die in the street.
Se lhe der um anticoagulante, ele pode morrer na rua.
If I don't treat him, he could die of a clot.
Se não o tratar, pode morrer com um coágulo.
If he goes down in the trailer, he could die.
Se cair no atrelado, pode morrer.
But we have to get him back soon, if he doesn't get his antibiotic shot today, he could die.
Mas temos de o trazer de volta depressa, se ele não receber a injecção de antibiótico hoje, pode morrer.
If I don't know what toxin, he could die.
Se não souber o que ele ingeriu, ele pode morrer.
If you overfeed him, he could die.
- Se lhe damos comida a mais, morre. E depois?
Course, there's also a chance he could die.
Claro que também há a probabilidade de ele morrer.
Your husband is wearing the uniform of a country that allows a place to say that his laundry's not good enough when he could die for?
O nosso marido veste o uniforme de um país que permite que um lugar diga que a roupa dele não é digna, quando ele pode morrer por...?
He could die if we don't get it out in time.
Ele pode morrer senão o retirarmos a tempo.
And he told me these things he could never forget and that he only, as I say, now wished to die.
O agente das SS contou-me estas coisas que nunca mais esqueceu e só queria morrer.
Really can meet people in Pittsburgh. Friendly. Fellow could live and die in this town, and he couldn't meet nobody.
Pode conhecer-se gente em Pittsburgh... pessoas amigáveis, uma pessoa pode viver e morrer aqui e não conhecer ninguém.
So if the Colonel, blind, helpless, wanted to die... there was only one person he could turn to, isn't that right?
Então, se o coronel Paradine, cego e indefeso, quisesse morrer, só havia uma pessoa a quem poderia recorrer. Não é assim?
Or you may believe that having once again allowed someone to die, he could not face the tragic result of his own weakness and ran away.
Ou podem acreditar que, tendo mais uma vez deixado morrer alguém, ele não pode encarar o resultado trágico da própria fraqueza, e fugiu.
How could I leave my brother to die, when he was already dead when I left him?
Como podia abandonä-lo a morrer se ele jä estava morto quando o deixei?
But if Jesus was god, how could He be born and die?
Mas se Jesus era Deus, como pôde Ele nascer e morrer?
If Jesus was God, how could He be born and die?
Se Jesus era Deus, como pôde Ele nascer e morrer?
He could die in 30 seconds.
Ele pode morrer em 30 segundos.
It's no plot, it's self-defense. If it wasn't Borowiecki... we could step on him lightly and he'd quickly die.
Mas você sabe o quão importante ele é e como ajudou Buchholtz?
He decided the day I was born, so that in the next war, I could avoid the infantry. It's cleaner to die in water than in mud.
Decidiu-o no dia em que eu nasci para que, na guerra seguinte, eu pudesse escapar-me à infantaria É mais fino morrer na água do que na lama.
If he could not start a fire, he and his would surely die.
Se não conseguisse produzir fogo, ele e os seus certamente morreriam.
If Guzman had stuck a needle in me, Lar would do all he could to clear my name, or die tryin'.
Se o Guzman me tivesse espetado uma seringa, o Lar limparia o meu nome ou então morreria a tentar.
I could show you dozens of poisons! Put it in his food, he'd die in three days. No trace!
Dúzias de venenos que, postos na comida, matam em três dias, sem deixar rasto!
I never thought he could actually die.
Nunca pensei que pudesse morrer.
I gave him my word he could watch you die.
Dei-lhe a minha palavra que podia ver-te morrer.
Neoplatonists believed that the soul... could ascend toward a union with the divine... through the contemplation of earthly beauty... Would he die for you?
Ele morreria por ti?
All he could think about was that he was looking at something... that was gonna die someday.
E tudo o que lhe ocorria era estar a olhar para uma coisa... que um dia morreria.
You saw what he did to Palamedes and the old man at the well, and next time somebody could die.
Está parecendo mais feliz.
He told me I must take the Essence away for it would wither and die... as nothing of beauty could survive in the Outworld.
Ele deu-me uma bolsa contendo a última Essência do nosso Reino outrota lindo.
is he going to die? Yes, he could.
- Ele vai morrer?
Somewhere he might have gone without taking you where he could fall, bang his head and die without us doing it.
Algures onde pudesse ter ido sem ti, caído, batido com a cabeça... e morrido sem ter sido por nossa causa.
'Cause I just met this guy Brett at a furniture store on Montana, and he showed me this great love seat to die for, and I think I could get it wholesale.
Porque eu conheci este tipo, Bret, numa loja de móveis em Montana, e ele mostrou-me um sofá de dois lindo de morrer. Acho que o consigo comprar no grossista.
Well, I suppose he could have let you die.
Bem, suponho que ele podia ter-te deixado morrer.
I could die any day and he can't phone his mother.
Eu posso morrer a qualquer momento e ele não pode ligar à mãe.
Well, if I don't die, tell her she's a tramp and she's living with a guy... the best you could say about him is sometimes he returns phone calls.
Bem, se eu não morrer, diz-lhe que ela é uma vadia e que vive com um gajo... o melhor que podes dizer dele é que ás vezes responde aos telefonemas.
he couldn't have 37
he couldn't make it 32
he couldn't have done it 16
he couldn't do it 17
he couldn't 87
he could have 23
he could 99
he could be anywhere 96
he could be 37
died 275
he couldn't make it 32
he couldn't have done it 16
he couldn't do it 17
he couldn't 87
he could have 23
he could 99
he could be anywhere 96
he could be 37
died 275
diego 372
diesel 55
diet 45
dies 46
dietrich 40
dierdre 28
dieter 50
dietrichson 35
diet coke 34
die young 24
diesel 55
diet 45
dies 46
dietrich 40
dierdre 28
dieter 50
dietrichson 35
diet coke 34
die young 24
died in 24
die hard 66
he comes 28
he comes back 19
he comes and goes 18
he comes in 22
he confessed 108
he committed suicide 39
he collapsed 16
die hard 66
he comes 28
he comes back 19
he comes and goes 18
he comes in 22
he confessed 108
he committed suicide 39
he collapsed 16