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I killed him traduction Portugais

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I killed him.
Eu matei-o.
- I killed him, you know.
- Eu matei-o, sabes?
So I killed him.
Por isso matei-o.
- I killed him in self-defense.
- Matei-o em legítima defesa.
I killed him, and, with the help of the Head Guard, escaped.
Eu matei-o, e, com a ajuda do Chefe da Guarda, escapei.
They think I killed him.
Acho que o matei.
You wanna know if I killed him.
Quer saber se o matei.
What if I killed him?
E se o matei?
No, that's impossible, I killed him.
Não, isso é impossível, eu matei-o.
Because I killed him?
Por eu o ter matado?
Think I killed him for Meredith?
Acho que o matei por causa da Meredith?
He tried to kill me, so I killed him.
Tentou matar-me, por isso matei-o.
I took our our boy... My little baby boy and I killed him. Look at me.
Peguei no nosso no nosso filho no meu pequenino e matei-o.
The police found a dead man at a construction site, and they think that I killed him.
A policia encontrou um morto numa construção, e pensam que eu o assassinei.
I killed him!
Eu matei-o!
I killed him, and I don't like how it feels.
Eu matei-o, e não gostei de como me senti.
He chased me, and I think I killed him.
- Ele perseguiu-me e eu matei-o. - O quê? !
I killed him.
He was scared. Otherwise I would've killed him right there.
Ele estava com medo, senão, eu teria-o matado ali mesmo.
I told him she'll get us killed one day.
Eu disse a ele que ela um dia nos iria matar
I want you to tell me you killed him.
Quero que me digas que o mataste!
I want you to admit that you killed him.
- Quero que admita que o matou.
You killed him. And I want to hear you say it.
E quero ouvi-lo da sua boca.
I could have killed him and put him in my icebox for a few weeks
Podia tê-lo matado e guardado na arca frigorífica umas semanas.
But I think whoever killed him was after something else.
Mas acho que quem o matou andava atrás de outra coisa.
I'm going to go and talk to some colleagues of the late Professor Cage to try and determine why Turner killed him.
Vou falar com alguns colegas do falecido professor Cage para tentar descobrir por que o Turner o matou.
I don't know why he killed him.
Não sei porque é que ele o matou.
I think she killed him.
Acho que ela a matou.
First time Wayne killed somebody, he shot him right in the chest, and I... couldn't move.
A primeira vez que o Wayne matou alguém alvejou-o no peito, e eu... não me consegui mexer.
I've killed boys younger than him in France.
Matei rapazes mais novos do que ele em França.
'I may not have fired the shot that killed Tyler, but I did shoot him...'
"Talvez não tenha matado o Tyler, mas acertei-lhe..."
I should've killed Trinity the first time I saw him.
Devia ter matado o Trinity da primeira vez que o vi.
I'm not going to torture him. Because your fingerprints are on the weapon that killed Claudia.
Eu não vou torturá-lo, porque são as suas digitais que estão na arma que matou a Claudia.
I could have killed him.
Eu podia tê-lo morto.
So I totally killed him for it.
Matei-o para ficar com ele.
If someone else had said this, I would've killed him.
Se mais alguém dissesse isso, matava-o.
Because he shot and killed the Detective Ed Hawkins from the Western division, but before you even think about charging him, I think you want to listen to what he has to say and take a look at what we found in Hawkins'house.
Porque matou o detetive Ed Hawkins da Divisão Oeste. Mas antes de o acusar, acho que tem de ouvir o que ele tem a dizer, e ver o que encontrámos na casa do Hawkins.
I think he killed him.
Acho que ele o matou.
I should have killed him back then when I had the chance.
Devia tê-lo morto quando tive oportunidade.
He came over, he started attacking me, and instead of saying you killed him with a candlestick, I'll say it was me.
Ele veio cá, começou a atacar-me e, em vez de dizer que tu o mataste com o castiçal, digo que fui eu.
So that night, when I saw him creeping around the house, I followed him in, I picked up the candlestick, and I killed that son of a bitch.
Nessa noite, quando o vi a rondar a casa, segui-o, peguei no castiçal e matei o filho da mãe!
I take it you're the one who killed him.
Presumo que tenhas sido tu a matá-lo.
Oh, I didn't say you killed him, only that he deserved to die.
Não estou a dizer que o matou, só que ele merecia morrer.
I mean, whoever killed Wendy most likely came from Wendell's world. So what do we know about him?
Quem matou a Wendy deve ter vindo do mundo do Wendell, o que sabemos sobre ele?
He needed to go away, and if I didn't make this deal, you would've killed him as soon as we were finished with Gaalan.
Ele precisava ir-se embora, e se eu não fizesse este acordo, tu tinha-lo morto assim que tivéssemos terminado com o Gaalan.
If I didn't make this deal, you would've killed him.
Se eu não tivesse feito este acordo tu ias matá-lo.
I don't know if he's off his meds or he's just gone crazy but he thinks a woman he killed in Iraq has cursed him.
Não sei se largou a medicação ou se enlouqueceu, mas acha que uma mulher que matou no Iraque o amaldiçoou.
Now, I could have killed him, But I chose the mission, Scott.
Podia tê-lo morto, mas escolhi a missão.
I know you killed him so we could spend some quality time together.
Sei que o mataste para passares mais tempo comigo.
I thought you killed him.
Pensei que o tinha morto.
I think Cazuli killed her to keep her from turning him in.
Cazuli matou-a para a impedir de divulgar isso.

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