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I looked around traduction Portugais

268 traduction parallèle
I looked around.
Olhei em redor.
- Well, would you mind if I looked around?
Bem, posso dar uma procurada?
I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me.
Olhei à minha volta para ver se alguém me estava a observar.
Suddenly, I looked around and she was gone.
De repente, olhei e não a vi.
I looked around after it was over, but he'd gone.
Procurei-o quando acabou, mas ele tinha ido embora.
When they began to dry up on me, I looked around for another one.
Quando as duas coisas deixaram de funcionar tive que procurar outro rumo.
While she was gone, I looked around the jars and the cupboard for dough.
Quando se afastou, pus-me à procura da "massa".
I looked around and I saw and I'm improving myself.
Eu observei à minha volta, pensei e melhorei-me.
I went inside the fence... and I looked around for some kindlin'to work on, but I didn't see none.
Entrei na cerca... e olhei à volta à procura de alguma lenha para rachar, mas não vi nada.
- Would you mind if I looked around?
- Posso dar uma vista de olhos?
I looked around.
- Procurando.
I looked around and thought, "Oh, dear." Thirty days in this dungeon with nothing to do.
Olhei em volta e pensei : 30 dias nesta masmorra sem nada para fazer?
I looked around but could not see the target.
Olhei em volta, mas não consegui ver o alvo.
Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter.
De cada vez que olho à minha volta, as paredes apertam mais.
I looked around and i thought,
Olhei à volta e pensei :
I looked around.
Eu ainda olhei á volta.
I looked around for anything that belonged to him.
Olhei ao redor procurando algo que pertencesse a ele.
- Then I got lost, I looked around but..
Tomei a estrada circular, - como me perdi, procurei, mas...
I looked around at the audience, for no reason.
Estava distraída a olhar para o publico.
So I looked around, got into real estate.
Procurei e meti-me no imobiliário.
When I looked around I was all she had left.
Quando me dei conta eu era tudo o que ela tinha.
I come out, I looked around.
Saí, e olhei à volta.
I looked around me.
Olhei à minha volta.
As I looked around at all the memorabilia and f amily photographs... the f aces of brides and grooms, children and grandchildren... I realized- -
Enquanto olhava em redor para todas as memórias e fotografias de família, para os rostos de noivas e noivos, filhos e netos, apercebi-me...
I heard Kovin raise his voice and when I looked around I saw that he was holding her arm.
Ouvi Kovin levantar a voz e quando olhei vi que ele segurava o braço dela.
- It's been bugging me... where I've seen something like it, so I came here... I looked around, and that's what I saw.
Bom, deixou-me intrigado, por isso, vim aqui, dei uma vista de olhos, e foi isto que vi.
We were sitting at the table and I looked up and there's my brother and I looked around and every face was black.
Estávamos na mesa, alcei a vista e vi o meu irmão, e vi que todas as caras eram pretas.
I've looked around.
Andei por aí.
You reckon the missus would mind... if I kind of looked around her room?
Acha que ela se importa... se der uma espreitadela no quarto dela?
Then I just looked around.
Depois quis dar uma olhadela.
When I came to and looked around...
Quando voltei a mim e olhei em meu redor...
After I have looked around the world For a mate
Depois de eu procurar pelo mundo Um parceiro
As we left, he took off his coat and put it around my shoulders and then I looked at him.
Á saída, despiu o casaco e pôs-mo pelas costas e foi entäo que olhei para ele.
- I've already looked around...
- Eu já dei uma vista de olhos.
I guess I just looked around me.
- Olhei à minha volta.
Well, I just looked around.
Bem, fui dar uma volta.
I looked up, there's nobody around.
Olhei para cima, mas não vi ninguém.
Do you think your aunt would mind if I looked around for more? I'm sure you don't need a warrant to protect someone from being murdered.
Acha que a sua tia se importaria, se desse mais uma vista de olhos?
So, what brings you around here after all this time? Well, I wondered what became of you, so I looked you up.
Perguntei-me o que seria de ti, por isso procurei-te.
I was just kidding around. It looked like you needed a laugh.
Foi para desanuviar a atmosfera.
I saw her on the show the other night, and she looked to be around 35.
Vi o show dela ontem. Parecia ter 35.
As I recall, you came in and you looked around for a few moments.
Conforme me lembro, você entrou e esperou um momento.
Stephen got quite a bit ahead of me, and he was turning the corner... to go around to his house, but that was on a slope... so I looked up, and I noticed Stephen's wheelchair slowly tipping backward.
Então, o Stephen ia à minha frente e ia numa curva que dava para a sua casa, mas era a subir e eu reparei que a cadeira do Stephen estava a inclinar-se para trás e eu estava a cerca de 10 metros de distância,
- No, I've looked around at other priests- -
- Não, eu conheço outros padres- -
One thing that you do get here in Brooklyn... which I now know from having driven around the country and looked elsewhere for it... you get plastic bags stuck in trees.
Há uma coisa que temos aqui em Brooklyn já viajei pelo país todo e não vi em lado nenhum, temos sacos de plástico pendurados nas arvores.
- I didn't look around, I looked.
- Não andei a olhar, só olhei.
I looked around. Everything seems to be in order.
Parece estar tudo em ordem.
I don't know if you've looked up "goofing around" in the dictionary.
Não sei se já procuraste a palavra "brincar" no dicionário.
I've looked around. I don't see any evidence that warrants that kind of suspicion.
Não vejo provas nenhumas que indiquem isso.
I looked at it as being lucky, not as being disappointed that he wasn't around anymore.
Olho para isto como sorte, não como desapontante por ele não estar por perto.
I thinkJohn looked around him and, you know, saw a lot of misery.
Acho que o John olhava à sua volta e via muita miséria.

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