It was about you traduction Portugais
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Of course - - wouldn't you know it - - he was like, "No, I need to talk to you about something first."
E claro, foi daquelas coisas, "Não, eu preciso de falar primeiro contigo."
And, um, that wall that I was telling you about... I think it's coming down.
E aquele muro do qual falei... acho que está a desmoronar-se.
You think it was about one of his missions?
Achas que tem a ver com uma das missões dele?
Who was it? What are you talking about?
Do que estás a falar?
Mm, and when I tell them it was you and me on the tape, I will also share my outrage About the replaying of our private moment
E quando disser que era eu na gravação, vou mostrar indignação pelo nosso momento de intimidade ter sido divulgado desta maneira vil e irresponsável.
What about all the redundancies? There was a round of budget cuts before you got here, and they cut some of the redundancies... Don't say it.
Houve cortes no orçamento, antes de vires, e eliminaram redundâncias porque...
It was nice of you to offer, - but he should probably think about it.
Foi simpático da tua parte, mas é melhor ele pensar.
I mean, the guy was a solid.300 career hitter, but a real disappointment when you think about it.
O tipo teve uma boa carreira como batedor, mas se pensarmos bem, foi uma desilusão.
You can't make me feel any guiltier about screwing Doug. It was weeks ago.
Sinto-me culpada o suficiente pelo Doug e já lá vão semanas.
Can you describe what it was about?
Podes descrever do que se tratava?
it was never discussed. Whenever I'd see articles about you or anything, I'd say, "Harry, did you see the article?"
Quando eu via artigos sobre ti, perguntava : "Harry, viste o artigo?"
It was really just an afterthought to ask you about my mother's personal life. It just came out of feeling very comfortable with you and thinking, "Why not ask him what he knows?"
Só me lembrei de te perguntar se sabias alguma coisa sobre a minha mãe porque me senti à vontade contigo e pensei :
And I suppose I asked you a few more questions then about it, because it was a tremendous story you were telling me, and so many little coincidences and strange things had happened.
Acho que te fiz mais algumas perguntas sobre o assunto, porque... aquilo era... aquilo que me estavas a contar era absolutamente extravagante, e tinham acontecido imensas coincidências e coisas estranhas.
And what was it about having it published that attracted you?
Que te atraía na ideia de publicar a história?
Yeah. You know, I-I hope it wasn't awkward when Pam was talking about Sam.
Espero não ter sido estranho quando a Pam falou do Sam.
- I know. - Yeah, I was the Detective assigned to that case, but you know, I haven't thought about it in a lot of years.
- Sim, fui o detective designado para esse caso, mas sabe... já há muitos anos que não penso nele.
They want to talk to you. They didn't say what it was about.
Não disserem qual era o assunto.
Thea, it was a mistake to talk to you about girls and stuff.
Thea, foi um equivoco conversar contigo sobre raparigas e outras coisas.
You know, it was always only about the fire.
Sabe, foi sempre por causa do fogo.
You said starting fires was all about you being in control, but is it really?
Disse que iniciar incêndios se tratava de si estar no controle, mas é verdade?
You know, I mean whether he's talking about it or not, when I saw him looking up at me, he was freaked.
Quer ele fale sobre isso ou não, quando o vi a olhar para mim, ele estava assustado.
As I was saying, you should start it about, well, I would say about half an inch away from the centre line. ( ETHEL CLEARS THROAT )
Como estava a dizer, devem começá-lo a cerca de um centímetro do centro.
The deal was you write me a one-page synopsis of it so I know what I'm talking about, and then you get the money.
O combinado é que escreves uma página com a sinopse para saber sobre o que estou a falar e depois recebes o dinheiro.
Look, forget about whether Walker was in it alone or not, don't you even want to know who fucking killed him?
Olha, esquece isso do Walker ter feito tudo sozinho ou não. Não tens vontade de saber quem o matou?
My husband, Nick Brody - who, most of you know... was rescued and returned to us... after eight years as a prisoner of the terrorists - had prepared a speech about the challenges of coming home. But I'm afraid he's had car trouble... and isn't gonna make it here tonight.
O meu marido, Nick Brody, conhecido da maioria, que foi resgatado depois de oito anos das mãos de terroristas, tinha preparado um discurso sobre os desafios de voltar para casa, mas teve um contratempo e não vai poder estar aqui.
No, I did it'cause I was worried about you.
Fiz porque estava preocupado contigo.
He said he was going to ask you about it.
Disse-me que iria falar-lhe sobre isso.
Just come back with a warrant or subpoena or whatever it is you boys over at the U.S. attorneys office normally get, and then all those lawyers of mine I was talking about...
Volte com um mandado ou o que costumam usar na Procuradoria, e todos os meus advogados...
You were thinking about your stomach, as usual. I told you it was a trap.
Como sempre pensavas no teu estomago, mas eu avisei-te que era uma armadilha.
It's about trust, I told you how this was gonna be.
I was about to fetch it to you. Thank you. Sir.
Sr. Burroughs, o Sr. Moray falou consigo?
And when it was time to cook you would do everything, and I would stand next to you and said funny things about my day that would made you laugh.
E quando fosse altura de cozinhar, tu farias tudo e eu estaria a teu lado a dizer coisas engraçadas sobre o meu dia que te fariam rir.
Listen, it was fine when we were friends. You know, but now that we're engaged, it's just the things that you do, they say something about me.
Ouve, não havia problema quando éramos amigos, mas agora que estamos noivos, as coisas que fazes dizem alguma coisa sobre mim.
Yeah, it actually was, and I learned the hard way that, you know, if you act out, you're only hurting yourself, so please just try to care about college and stay involved in your extracurriculars.
Foi. E aprendi da maneira difícil... Se fizeres birra, vais acabar por te magoares.
Okay, you were talking about leaving for a really long time, and it was like I wasn't even a part of the decision.
Tu estavas a falar em ir-te embora por um longo período de tempo, e foi como se eu nem sequer fizesse parte da tua decisão.
Ah, Tedd um, about what you offered, I was touched. I thought it was really quite lovely, and um, you know, I...
Teddy, acerca da tua oferta... fiquei tocada, acho que foste muito querido e sabes, compreendo por completo, mas quero mesmo fazer isto sozinha.
Well, the same can't be said about their old man. How serious was it between you two?
Quão sério foi entre vocês os dois?
And Luke blamed you for his death, that's what the fight was about, wasn't it?
E o Luke culpou-te pela morte dele, por isso lutaram, não foi?
I was not aware of this helium methodology that was used, and my first reaction is that if you want to talk about death with dignity, I don't think that it's going to involve helium tanks that are purchased from Party City.
É muito sério, mesmo se não acreditar em Deus. Há leis neste país. Quem é você para pensar que pode ter o direito ou o poder para fazer isso?
So when you heard me ask about it in the garage, you knew that Raymond was lying about him, and you knew why.
Por isso quando me ouviste a perguntar no estacionamento, sabias que o Raymond estava a mentir, e sabias o motivo.
Let's talk a little bit more about the early beginnings, about the pilot, what that story was, and why you guys thought it was the best way to launch the show.
Vamos falar mais um pouco do início, sobre o piloto, que história era, e por que vocês pensaram que era a melhor maneira de lançar a série.
You had to spend that night at his house the other day. And we never had a chance to talk about it, because, well, all hell broke loose with Fitz and the shooting, so I was wondering, how is your father doing?
Passaste a noite na sua casa há alguns dias, e não tivemos a oportunidade de falar sobre isso por causa dos problemas com o Fitz e o tiroteio.
So what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him?
Então o que tinha ele exactamente que te fez saltar para a cama com ele mal o conheceste?
Well, you were right about Liam- - that pendant I gave him, it was stolen.
Bem, tinha razão sobre o Liam. O pendente que lhe tinha dado, foi roubado.
You know, when I went to see Katie, I thought it was about her, but really, it helped me.
Quando fui ver a Katie, pensei que se tratava dela, mas ajudou-me.
The man you warned them about was questioned, but it wasn't him.
O homem que alertou foi interrogado, mas não foi ele.
So, you completely rejected the guy who's been obsessing about you for 16 years, and he was okay with it?
Então, vocês rejeitaram o tipo que esteve obsecado por vocês nos últimos 16 anos e ele ficou bem com isso?
He was very adamant about wanting us to adopt all three of you and it was just out of the question, you understand.
Ele foi inflexível em querer que adoptássemos todos os três e isso era impossível, compreendam.
Thought it was time you come down to North Carolina, have a discussion about your future.
Achei que era altura de vires à Carolina do Norte falar do teu futuro.
Well, if it was prick size I'd give you a two, but since we're talking about faces,
Bem, pelo tamanho do c..., um 2 mas como falamos em caras
It was in the book, the one that you lied about.
Estava no livro, aquele sobre o qual mentiste.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you 35
it was nice seeing you again 19
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it was great 632
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it wasn't that bad 112
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it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
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it was good 635
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it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
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