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It was funny traduction Portugais

1,191 traduction parallèle
- I think it was funny.
- Eu achei engraçado.
- Uh-huh. - It was funny though, right?
Mas foi divertido.
It was funny till I felt like it was a coffin.
Foi engraçado, até começar a sentir que estava num caixão.
All right! It was funny for a minute. It's not funny any more.
A princípio teve graça, mas agora já não.
Pete, it was funny the first hundred times.
Pete, teve piada as primeiras 100 vezes, mas já chega.
You know, when I did it, it was just £ ­ £ ­ it was funny and cute.
Quando eu as disse, foi... Foi engraçado e espirituoso.
" Yes, it was funny, Andy.
"Sim, foi engraçado, Andy. Isso foi".
Yes, it was funny for a little while, until the audience realized that Tony wasn't you.
Sim, foi engraçado, por um bocado até que o publico percebeu que o Tony não eras tu.
We just thought it was funny.
Mas nós pensámos que isto era engraçado.
But it was funny, though.
Mas foi divertido.
I thought it was funny.
Achei-o cómico.
Well, I just didn't think it was funny, sir.
Bom, não achei piada.
It was funny!
Teve piada!
It was funny, just the other day I was thinking... Wasn't it?
É engraçado, no outro dia estava a pensar...
I thought it was funny.
Mas pareceu um pouco estranho.
It was funny. On that note, I have one so funny -
Sei outra desse género que...
I-I was just thinking,..... wouldn't it be funny some time to see each other when it wasn't a blood thing?
Estava a pensar que seria divertido encontrarmo-nos de vez em quando sem ter de haver uma coisa com sangue.
- It was funny.
- Teve piada.
Oh, come on, it was a little funny.
Oh então! ? Foi um bocado engraçado.
It was super : funny.
Foi super engraçado.
Funny, I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor.
Tem graça, julguei que tivesse sido construída por escravos bajorianos.
Well, it was kind of funny that that rockslide happened just as we came in.
Bem, foi um pouco estranho aquele desmoronamento acontecer só quando entrámos.
- I thought it was funny. - Oh, Ricky. - What?
- E aquela fita chamada G...
It was very funny.
Foi muito engraçado!
It's funny, but I thought Linda was the one that you liked at the ball.
Pode rir, eu achei que você'tava a fim da Linda na festa.
I was never trying to be like you, and when was it funny?
Nunca tentei imitar-te, e quando tiveste graça?
It's funny how you knew that I was talking about Prue and not Piper.
Engraçado como soubeste logo que estava a fala da Prue e não da Piper.
That was pretty funny, wasn't it?
Foi muito engraçado, não foi?
It was so funny when you compared Jane Eyre to Robocop.
Foi engraçado, quando comparaste o Jane Eyre ao Robocop.
It was very funny.
Foi muito engraçado.
It's funny you should ask that question, Bill because there was something a little strange about the way Mr. Nightingale left.
É engraçado que faça essa pergunta, Bill porque, na verdade, havia qualquer coisa estranha na forma como Sr. Nightingale deixou o hotel.
It was pretty funny.
Foi engraçado.
Well, Dr. Loveless, I bet you thought it was pretty funny big metal foot on my face and all.
Ora, ora, dr. Loveless. Aposto que pensou ser divertido... pôr esse grande pé de metal na minha cara.
- That was funny, wasn't it?
Isto foi engraçado, não?
It was pretty funny.
Era engraçado.
Grandma said it was because of his funny manner.
Lamento. A avó dizia que era por causa dos seus modos estranhos.
And this one time, we all lost our music... and we were supposed to play this song, but we didn't know it... so we just made it up and we kept playing and playing... and the conductor didn't know what we were doing, and it was so funny.
E uma vez, perdemos as nossas músicas e tínhamos de tocar uma canção, mas não a sabíamos. Então, inventámos! E tocámos, tocámos...
Everyone laughed at me... but I didn't care because it was so funny.
Toda a gente se ria de mim, mas não me importei. Foi divertido!
It was a compliment Gilligan was a funny guy the Captain was fat, though.
Eu quis elogiar Gilligan era engraçado....... Mas o capitão era gordo.
It's not funny. I was winning.
Não tem piada, eu estava a ganhar.
I mean, it was really funny.
Quero dizer, foi muito engraçada.
It was actually very funny.
Foi muito engraçado.
There's security cameras everywhere. That mad geezer with the one eye and the funny tick said it was impossible.
Aquele gajo só com um olho e com o tique engraçado disse que era impossível.
Actually, I passed the bar the first time I took it, and um, funny story, John-John was taking it the same day I was.
Na verdade, passei no exame na primeira vez que o fiz. É uma história engraçada. O John-John estava a fazê-lo no mesmo dia que eu.
That was stupid. It wasn't funny. All right?
Foi estúpido o tempo que perdemos com isso.
It was... very funny.
Era... muito engraçado.
It was at a funny angle.
Estava num ângulo esquisito.
It's funny, because at the same time, I was thinking, "How could I remember?"
E ao mesmo tempo eu pensava, "Como me fui lembrar?"
He was always complaining that we were too outrageous, and it's a funny thing, but he was always washing himself.
Ele queixava-se muito de nós sermos atrozes, mas o engraçado é que ele passava a vida a lavar-se.
Only junk left lying around. Still, I found this funny piece of rock. Nobody had seen what it was!
Mas encontrei uma pedra esquisita por quem ninguém tinha dado nada.
You know, it's funny, I was always happy until I was nine years old.
Sabe, é engraçado... sempre fui feliz até que fiz nove anos.

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