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It would be fun traduction Portugais

374 traduction parallèle
It would be fun to go with you sometimes.
Gostaria de acompanhâ-lo um dia.
"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper."
Acho que será divertido ter um jornal. "
I think it would be fun to run a newspaper.
"Acho que será divertido ter um jornal!"
I think it would be fun to run a newspaper.
"Acho que será divertido ter um jornal."
- Doesn't she, though? I thought it would be fun to ask her to the party, you know, kind of a welcome home.
Pensei que seria divertido convidá-la para lhe dar as boas vindas.
It would be fun.
Seria divertido.
It would be fun, but I have none.
Seria divertido, mas não tenho um chavo.
Some friends I haven't seen for years... are making a movie there... and I thought it would be fun or at least colorful.
Uns amigos estão rodando um filme. Acho que será divertido ou, pelo menos, colorido.
It would be fun, though, wouldn't it?
Contudo, seria engraçado, não acha?
You're teaching because you thought it would be fun.
Voce ensina porque achou q ia ser divertido.
It would be fun.
Os do andar de cima?
- No, he does not. I thought it would be fun for him to see a live television show.
Pensei que se divertiria a ver o programa ao vivo.
- Well, the kids thought it would be fun.
- Os miúdos acharam divertido.
I thought it would be fun to fight you, Dalton.
Pensei que seria divertido lutar consigo.
I volunteered thinking it would be fun. I never thought....
Ofereci-me como voluntário, mas nunca imaginei...
It would be fun to nail those Argo bastards to the wall.
Seria divertido fazer os desgraçados da Argo pagarem.
- I thought it would be fun to get our picture taken.
- Acho que é engraçado tirarem-nos uma foto.
It would be fun to take your cousin Ashley out sometime.
Seria giro levar a tua prima Ashley a passear.
You didn't believe me... when I said it would be fun, did you?
Não acreditaste em mim... quando eu disse que ia ser divertido, pois não?
Maybe it would be fun to play one on someone else.
Talvez seja divertido fazer o mesmo com outras pessoas.
Still, it would be fun to watch the 5.5 become a zero.
- Ainda assim, será bom ver o 5.5 virar zero!
Some kids thought it would be fun to pour lighter fluid on him and play yule log.
Uns miúdos acharam graça cobri-lo de gás de isqueiro e pegar-lhe fogo.
- Yeah. It would be fun.
- Sim, seria divertido.
I was thinking it would be fun to go with Harvey.
Estava a pensar que seria divertido ir com o Harvey.
Yes, yes, it-it would be fun.
Sim, sim, era divertido.
Look, I just thought it would be fun to get away like this.
Ouve, achei que seria divertido afastamo-nos assim.
It would be just like that Spaniard to surrender and spoil our fun.
Aquele espanhol é mesmo capaz de se render e estragar a nossa festa.
"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper."
Sim e não.
- It would be more fun than travelling with Miss Andacht.
- Seria melhor do que ficar sozinha com Srta. Andacht.
It's just that I thought it would be sort of fun to... Well, to elope.
Mas achei que seria divertido fugirmos para casar.
And I didn't figure it would be much fun by myself.
E pensei que não ia ser muito divertido ir sózinho.
What fun would it be if it never changed?
que piada teria se nunca mudassem?
The boys said it sounded like it would be a lot of fun.
E os meninos disseram que lhes parecia genial.
Don't you think it would be fun to start working?
O que tem de divertido?
Professor... sempre pensei como seria divertido ver como esses dispositivos funcionam.
On the other hand, it would certainly be fun.
Por outro lado, seria, de certeza, muito divertido.
It would be a shame if they had all the fun.
Seria péssimo se os nossos queridos fossem os únicos a divertir-se.
It wouldn't be any fun if the cowboy just walked right into it, would it?
Não tinha piada nenhuma se o Cowboy tropeçasse nela, pois não?
we just thought, instead of going far away, it would be more fun to stay home, where things are not so different... and, do... the things we do every day.
Mas às vezes gosto de ficar em casa e ver a família. Desculpa! Estou a ocupar o teu tempo com a tua família.
It would be more fun, Sir, if he were to change his name.
Com que então!
It would be more fun, Sir, if he were to change his name.
- É um passatempo. Era giro se mudasse de nome.
We thought it would be more fun for you to stay downtown at the Sunshine Inn.
Achamos que seria mais divertido ficarem no centro. No Sunshine Inn.
And if you would like a little fun and games upstairs, it will be 1, 000 francs.
E se gostar de algum divertimento e jogos lá em cima, serão 1, 000 francos.
I just think it would be more fun to party with those guys our senior year.
Apenas acho que seria mais divertido festejar com aqueles tipos este ano.
It wouldn't be any fun if they fell over with their legs in the air, would it?
Não tinha graça se elas caíssem logo de costas.
Maybe it would be more fun to just read about it.
Talvez seja mais divertido ler sobre isso.
It'll be a lot more fun than that red sox dinner would have been. Yeah.
Será mais divertido do que aquele jantar nos Red Sox.
That would be fun for Monopoly, wouldn't it?
Seria giro para o Monopólio, não acham?
How much fun would it be having a brother-type tagging along?
Qual era a piada de ter um irmão a seguir-te?
- It sure would be fun to carpool in one of those, huh, kids?
Puxa, seria muito legal pegar carona em um desses, crianças!
- You're kidding. - No, it would be fun.
- Você está brincando.

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