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Like it was nothing traduction Portugais

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You just go on back to work, like it was nothing.
- Espere que eu acabe. Depois, faça o que estava a fazer.
They took it away like it was nothing.
Eles tiraram-ma como se não fosse nada.
You said it like it was nothing.
Disseste-o como se nada fosse.
He took her oxygen and handed it over like it was nothing.
Tirou-lhe o oxigénio e passou-mo como se nada fosse.
People go about their lives like it was nothing.
As pessoas seguem a sua vida como se nada fosse.
She swore to me there was nothing between them, but — Maybe there wasn't. But Rosie's human like everybody else, and it ain't like we was married, or had a home and all.
Ela jurou que não havia nada entre eles, e talvez não houvesse, mas a Rosie é humana como qualquer um, e nem somos casados.
It's nothing like I thought it was going to be.
Não é nada como eu pensava que pudesse ser.
It was like he kept himself going with nothing but work.
Foi com isso que... ele conseguiu manter-se a trabalhar.
It was like that and nothing else.
Era assim e nada mais.
There was nothing like you're trying to make it sound.
Não houve nada do que o senhor está insinuando.
He don't hold still for nothing like that, So if it was to get out to him,
Ele não ficará parado por nada assim, fá-lo-ia perder a cabeça.
It was nothing like this.
Não era nada parecido com isto.
Yeah, it was nothing like yours.
Sim, mas não se compara com a tua.
It was nothing like that, penis breath!
Não era nada disso, hálito de pila!
That's what they're gonna do, Boy, I wish I was out there to run, to throw, tackle, touchdowns, There's nothing like it,
Isso é o que eles vão fazer. Garoto, eu gostaria de estar lá. Para correr, jogar, atacar... touchdowns.
It was nothing like it happened in the movie.
Não foi nada parecido com o filme.
Falkor, it's like the Nothing never was.
Falkor, é como se o Nada nunca tivesse existido.
Well, at first, it was like nothing had changed.
No princípio era como se qualquer coisa tivesse mudado.
It was nothing. We just felt like relaxing.
Um momento de descontracção no campo, no día do almoço.
Oh, no, Colonel, it was nothing like that.
Oh, não, Coronel, não foi nada disso.
He's just some stripper named Zorro, and I'm sure it was nothing- - you know, no affair that was important or anything like that.
É só um stripper chamado Zorro. Decerto não foi nada. Não foi um caso importante.
Alf, it was nothing like that.
Não Alf, não é nada disso.
Nothing like this, but it was fun.
Não se comparava com esta... mas era divertido.
'Course it was nothing like the big war 100 years ago down here.
claro que não foi comparável à guerra de há 100 anos, aqui.
For me, there was nothing to like about it.
Para mim, não havia nada para gostar nisso.
There was nothing like it.
Era do melhor.
Oh, it was nothing I'd say that looks like about twelve and a half million each
Oh, não foi nada. Diria que dá 12,5 milhões a cada um.
She said there was nothing like it in the Rue de la Paix.
Disse que na Rue de la Paix não havia nada igual.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sim, eu sou Daniel", e começa, eh? , "muito prazer", e começa o que pode chegar a ser... bom, sempre e quando se chame Esther, se chama Alicia segue caminhando, tampouco percebe, por mais que lhe diga Esther....... uma vez vinha caminhando uma, lhe disse "Esther" se deu volta e me disse "eu me chamo José Luis", e não começou nada porque não me dou com esse tipo de, esse tipo de nem esse tipo nem nenhum tipo, quero dizer, não é o meu, meus padres me educaram de uma maneira e eu sempre soube responder a essa educação, honrando, honrando-a, digamos, me educaram com libertade de poder pensar em qualquer coisa,... .. mas se, as coisas eram de outra forma ; também tinhaa que respeitar os outros, porque cada um podía fazer de sua vida o que tivesse vontade, não?
It was nothing like that.
Não foi nada disso.
There was nothing like it!
Nunca vi coisa igual!
He was very kind, very gentleman-like..... but he made it very clear he wanted nothing more than to be out of my sight.
Foi muito simpático, muito cavalheiro, mas deixou claro que o seu maior desejo era afastar-se de mim.
The ad said this pool was lagoon-like. There's nothing lagoon-like about it.
O anúncio dizia a piscina do tipo "lagoa" e esta é tudo menos isso.
It was nothing like that.
Não era nada disso!
I always expected something like this was going to happen, but nothing prepares you for it.
Sempre esperei uma coisa destas, mas nunca estamos preparados.
He had a lot more in the suitcase, like, but it was better than nothing.
Ele tinha muito mais dentro daquela mala, mas era melhor que nada.
Look, Skipper, I know this shit sounds weird, but, I mean, there was like nothing, and then Justin appeared, and it was liquid, and the whole core just turned solid.
Skipper, aquilo era esquisito, mas parecia não ser nada, e depois apareceu o Justin, e só se via líquido e depois o núcleo tornou-se sólido.
- If anything was stolen, I should know. - No, it's nothing like that.
Se roubaram alguma coisa...
But when I was on that stage it was like nothing I ever felt before.
Mas, quando estava naquele palco nunca senti nada assim antes.
No, it was nothing like that.
Não foi nada disso.
The abductor had them perform sexually. It was nothing like this.
O raptor obrigou-os a praticar actos sexuais.
Well he sunk all those baskets and it was like it meant nothing to him.
Bem, marcou aqueles cestos todos... e foi como se não significasse nada para ele.
It was developmental, nothing like what we and the Russians have now.
Era desenvolvente, não era como a que nós e os russos temos agora.
It was nothing like you said it would be.
Não foi nada como disseste que seria.
It was like nothing made sense any more.
Nada mais fazia sentido.
- It's not OK for one guy to like another guy,..... just because he was in the locker room with him and nothing happened?
- Não é OK um tipo gostar de outro tipo, só porque estava no balneário com ele e não aconteceu nada?
When that woman grabbed me after I saved her life and thanked me, it was like nothing I ¡ ¯ d ever felt before.
Quando aquela mulher me agarrou depois de eu a ter salvo e me agradeceu, senti algo que nunca tinha sentido na vida.
It was one of those awkward relationship moments... where you feel like you know nothing about the person... you thought you knew everything about.
Foi um daqueles momentos estranhos de um relacionamento... quando se sente que não sabemos nada sobre a pessoa... sobre a qual pensávamos saber tudo.
Well, no, we did get involved, but it was nothing like this.
Bem, não. Nós nos envolvemos, mas não foi nada assim.
It was like nothing I`ve ever felt before.
Eu nunca senti nada assim antes.
It was like drowning in darkness... and then... there was nothing.
Foi como me afogar na escuridão... e depois... não havia nada.

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