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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ L ] / Lt was

Lt was traduction Portugais

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Lt was lost in the bombings.
Que se perdeu com os bombardeamentos.
Lt was a big move from Damon Avenue to Lake Forest.
Foi uma grande mudança de Damon Avenue para Lake Forest.
Lt was a terrible accident.
Foi... um terrivel acidente.
- Lt was just a fight at school.
- Foi uma rixa na escola.
Lt was at Kalvin's Square where I saw them.
Foi na Praça Kalvin que os vi.
Lt was cold.
Estava frio.
Lt was so cold.
Estava tanto frio.
Lt was programmed to annihilate the character of those living in the West enemies of socialist state, by means of falsified documents.
Estava programado para aniquilar o caracter daqueles que viviam no Ocidente... inimigos do Estado Socialista, através de documentos falsificados.
Lt was an Einsatz commander identification card.
Era um Cartão de Indentificação como um Comandante no Activo.
- Lt was you, Papa.
- Foste tu, Papá.
Lt was you, Papa.
Foste tu, Papá.
Thanks a lot. lt was delicious.
- Nem fales nisso.
Scored the winning run. lt was two out, in bottom of the ninth.
Marquei o ponto que ganhou o jogo.
- lt was kind of big.
- Era meio grande.
This is just- - lt was just for fun, Mom.
Foi só... Foi só uma brincadeira, mãe.
I mean, I used to work. lt was okay.
É que sempre trabalhei, então ok.
- lt was that kid!
- Foi aquele!
- lt was an accident.
- Foi um acidente.
- lt was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
- Foi uma decisão não premeditada.
Well... we were in Paris... lt was our fifth anniversary.
Bem, estávamos em Paris... Era o nosso quinto aniversário.
- lt was out.
- Estava fora.
- lt was nothing. I could see.
- Não foi nada. Eu estava a ver. - Estavas a ver.
" lt Was No Fucking Picnic :
" Não Foi Nada Fácil :
Instead of changing numbers, I let it ride. lt was unbelievable!
Em vez de mudar de número, deixei estar. Foi inacreditável!
He grabbed me by the throat, so I cut him on the.... lt was the jugular.
Ele agarrou-me pelo pescoço e eu cortei-lhe a a veia jugular.
- Yeah, we went. lt was good.
- Sim, foi bom. Conversámos.
- lt was either this or Home Ec.
- Era isto ou Economia Doméstica.
" lt was a test of one man's ideals.
Foi um teste aos ideais de um homem.
- lt was a little off.
- Um pouco desviado.
Look, lt was either go along with Holliday or spend the next thirty years of my life in hell!
Olha, era alinhar com o Holliday ou passar os próximos 30 anos da minha vida no inferno!
Oh, you're so handsome and you were - - - a very decent fuck but you fall in love way too easily I'm trying to remember what I loved about you lt was my ass
Oh, tu és engraçado e és... uma foda decente, mas apaixonas-te muito facilmente. Estou a tentar lembrar-me do que é que eu gostava em ti.
I know lt was supposed to be for couples.
Eu sei, supostamente era pra ser par.
- lt was bright and sunny that day!
- Era um dia claro e iluminado!
It was.... lt was fun, so....
Foi... Foi divertido, portanto...
Help me. lt was the dragon.
Ajudem-me. Foi o dragão.
- lt was Holli Would.
- Foi a Holli Would.
Rope. lt was a masterpiece.
"Rope". Foi uma obra-prima.
It's nice of you to say that. lt was nice of you to come.
É simpático da sua parte ao dizer isso. Foi bom ter vindo.
- lt was my fault.
A culpa foi minha.
- lt was a long time ago.
- Já foi há muito tempo.
Yo, Marge, you should have seen me. lt was dope.
Marge, devias ter visto. Foi fantástico.
- lt was a classy neighborhood.
- Zonas chiques...
Lt feels like Tibor Zoldan was blackmailing your father.
Parece que Tibor Zoldan estava a cantagear o teu pai.
Cmdr Riker has also reminded us that Lt Cmdr Data was created by a human.
O Comandante Riker também nos lembrou que o Comandante Data foi criado por um humano.
- lt sure was!
- Com certeza, era!
- lt ´ s ´ cause he was first. - Hmm?
- É porque foi ele o primeiro.
Lt Worf is in sickbay. The wound was not severe.
O Tenente Worf está na Enfermaria.
Lt. Dobbs, the other American... was with Captain Mendez. Between the 2 Cobras was a Black Hawk helicopter... with a support team of American... and South American D.E.A. agents.
O Tenente Dobbs, outro americano... voava com o Capitão Mendez... entre os 2 Cobras estava o helicóptero Blackhawk... com a equipa de apoio aos Americanos... e Sul-Americanos, eram agentes do D.E.A.
"lt was difficult living all alone"
Isso é tudo o que sei.
Lt. Kendrick says he told you nothing was to happen to Santiago.
O Tte Kendrick diz que os avisou para nada acontecer ao Santiago.
You've said your assault on Santiago was ordered by Lt. Kendrick in your room at 16.20, right?
Disse que o ataque ao Santiago foi ordenado pelo Tte Kendrick no seu quarto às 16 e 20. Certo?

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