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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Was it you

Was it you traduction Portugais

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You know, I have this eBay thing, which I think is pretty cool, but... I know that he would just find a way of making it seem like I was doing it all wrong and...
Tenho uma loja no eBay, e acho isso muito fixe, mas sei que ele arranjaria forma de fazer parecer que estou a fazer tudo errado e...
It was gonna get picked up and then you two had to be all nice and fun and loving...
Depois, vocês os dois tinham de ser simpáticos e divertidos!
- It was super cool of you.
- Foste muito fixe.
- Oh, Sophia. It was a pleasure and an exhilaration to be you for a day and see art through a non-artist's eyes.
- Sophia, foi um prazer e uma emoção ser tu por um dia e ver arte através dos olhos de um leigo.
It's'cause I was having sex on you.
Porque estava a fazer sexo em cima de ti.
I would see a skirt or a jacket, and I would ask my dad, you know, "Where did she get this? Can you remember the last time she wore it? Was it her favorite?"
Via uma saia ou um casaco e perguntava ao meu pai onde é que ela os tinha comprado, se se lembrava da última vez que ela os usou, qual era o preferido dela?
But only thanks to you, because it was this close to going sideways until you pulled out that dumb music anecdote.
Mas foi graças a ti, porque estava quase a dar para o torto até àquela tua anedota idiota sobre música.
I know it was you.
Eu sei que foste tu.
When was the last time you two did it?
Quando foi a última vez que o fizeram?
And for your information, the initial program was vanilla bean and an Enya CD, but it learned from you.
Fica sabendo que a ideia original era baunilha e um CD da Enya. Mas aprendeu contigo.
That is an agreement to co-counsel and I was just gonna come tell you about it.
Um acordo para ser adjunto e vinha dizer-te...
You said it was a great pairing and I was just wondering- -
Disseste ter sido ótimo e fiquei a cismar...
I learned a lot about your father while I was there and I'm telling you, it was all good.
Aprendi muito sobre o teu pai. Tudo coisas boas.
Well, you went to therapy and said it was a date.
Tu foste à terapia e disseste que era um encontro.
It was you.
Foste tu.
You know? It just kept coming up every morning, like it was any other day and the world hadn't completely changed.
Voltava sempre, todas as manhãs, como se fosse um dia normal e o mundo não tivesse mudado.
- Are you okay? - It was pretty weird.
- Foi muito estranho.
It was great to see you, sweetie.
Foi óptimo ver-te, querida.
You're saying it was an OD?
Está a dizer que foi uma overdose?
I told you, it was those two black kids.
Eu disse-lhe, foram aqueles miúdos negros.
Just tell me you think saving these people was worth it.
Diz-me apenas que achas que valeu a pena salvar estas pessoas.
This way, both ladies now feel like it was their decision, which tends to be better for everyone, don't you think?
Estas senhoras pensam que eram suas escolhas, O que é melhor para todos. - Você não pensa?
How did you know it was me?
Como você sabe que fui eu?
Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?
O que você queria me dizer?
It was you that delivered the plate of food to Madame de Reynaud?
Foi você quem trouxe o prato para Madame Reynaud?
Did you know it was poison?
Você sabia que era veneno?
I knew it was you.
Ned! Sabia que eras tu...
- it was keeping the program from you. - Fitz, let's not.
- Fitz, não vamos...
Realizing your brother was infected and had to die because of it or realizing... you have the same blood coursing through your veins?
Perceber que o seu irmão estava infectado e que teria que morrer por isso ou aperceber-se... que tinha o mesmo sangue a correr-lhe nas veias?
You thought it was me?
Pensou que tivesse sido eu?
It was just... good science to model you on someone... real.
Foi apenas... boa ciência, moldar-te a partir de alguém... real.
Now you mention it it was pitch-dark when we left.
Agora que falas nisso... estava muito escuro quando saímos.
But it was you that got it wrong.
Mas... foi você que se enganou.
I was gonna take it back myself so you wouldn't get in trouble.
- Eu ia devolvê-lo... para que não te metesses em problemas.
It was their world's version of you.
Era a tua versão no mundo deles.
She'd laugh that you assumed it was a guy.
Ela iria rir-se por você achar que foi um homem.
Hydra told you that it was an act of terrorism.
A HYDRA disse-vos que foi um acto de terrorismo.
It was learned behavior, programmed into you by an
Foi um comportamento aprendido. Programado em ti por uma figura paterna demasiado autoritária.
It felt right, but now I'm not sure how much was you and how much was programmed.
Pareceu-me bem, mas não tenho a certeza quanto eras tu e quanto é que era programado.
But whatever it was that made you do that... we got it out. Okay?
O que quer que te tenha obrigado a fazer isso já não está dentro de ti.
What would you do if it was...
O que farias se fosse...
My buddies said it was the best thing that ever happened to me, and, you know, it probably was... until it wasn't.
Os meus amigos disseram que era a melhor coisa que já me tinha acontecido, e, sabes, provavelmente foi... até já não ser.
It was nice to finally meet you.
Foi bom conhecer-te, finalmente.
And it was about, you know, capturing terrorists.
E era para capturar terroristas.
It was hard to keep faith but here you are.
Foi difícil manter a fé, mas aqui estás.
Wish it was under different circumstances, but we're happy to have you here.
Preferia que fosse em circunstâncias diferentes, mas estamos felizes por a ter aqui.
♪ I'm waking, I'm waking, I'm waking I'm waking up ♪ It was not your job to make me happy today. But if it was, you'd be rehired.
Não te cabia alegrar-me hoje mas, se assim fosse, estarias contratado novamente.
But, you know, we let it slide because it was a vacation, so...
Mas deixámos passar por estarmos de férias.
And you got to do it twice and I only got to go once, even though it was my idea.
Andaste duas vezes e eu só andei uma, muito embora a ideia tivesse sido minha.
I wasn't addressing you, I was digesting it.
Não te estava a chamar. Estava só a dizer.
You got out of bed before it was light out. - Mm. - And you never came back.
Saíste da cama antes de apagar a luz e não voltaste.

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