She got pregnant traduction Portugais
249 traduction parallèle
She got pregnant, and they sent her away.
Ela engravidou e mandaram-na embora.
I met this girl, she got pregnant and went back home to Alabama.
Conheci uma rapariga, ela engravidou e voltou para o Alabama.
She got pregnant, so this morning, she made me marry her, and this afternoon, we had seven kids.
Está grávida, por isso esta manhã, tive de casar com ela, e esta tarde, tivemos 7 filhos.
Not even after she got pregnant.
Mesmo depois dela engravidar.
You think that's how she got pregnant?
Achas que foi assim que engravidou?
Yeah, she got pregnant, we had to get married...
Sim, ela engravidou, tivemos que casar...
And the very next week she got pregnant.
E, na semana seguinte, ela engravidou!
She got pregnant.
Ela engravidou.
She got pregnant.
Ficou grávida.
They met, fell in love. She got pregnant, they got hitched.
Conheceram-se, apaixonaram-se, ela engravidou e casaram.
Showed the Soma bars, when she got pregnant, he dumped her back here.
Sem Soma e grávida.
If she got pregnant, that would mean they could be married.
Se ela engravidasse, então seria permitido eles casarem.
And what if she got pregnant?
E se ela engravidar?
My mom's not really into cooking much since she got pregnant.
A minha mãe não cozinha muito desde que ficou grávida.
You'd rather she got pregnant?
Preferias que ela estivesse grávida?
She was 19 when she got pregnant.
Ela tinha 19 quando engravidou.
There's no wonder she got pregnant.
Não admira que ela tenha engravidado.
She got pregnant with Katie and locked me up good.
Engravidou da Katie e conseguiu agarrar-me.
Think Greene developed that brain tumor after she got pregnant?
Achas que o Greene ficou com aquele tumor depois da gravidez?
Do you think your mom is sorry she got pregnant so young?
Achas que a tua mãe está arrependida de ter ficado grávida tão nova?
They fucked, the pilot left... she got pregnant... only she never caught the pilot's name.
Foderam, o piloto foi-se embora, ela engravidou, mas não soube o nome dele.
Then she got pregnant and he moved to Moscow.
Depois ela engravidou e mudou-se para Moscovo
But she's been handling demons ever since she got pregnant.
Mas ela tem lidado com demónios desde que engravidou.
Nora and I met when we were in high school. That's when she got pregnant with Dena.
A Nora e eu conhecemo-nos no liceu e ela engravidou da Dena.
Which helped double productivity and billing hours... but then she got pregnant, and here we are.
Que fez duplicar a produtividade e as horas facturadas, mas depois ela engravidou, e aqui estou eu.
I'm not saying that she got pregnant on purpose, but...
Não digo que ela tenha engravidado de propósito, mas...
And when you think about it, when she got pregnant in college, her life changed a lot like your mom's did.
A Deb é fixe. E, se pensares nisso, quando ficou grávida na universidade, a vida dela mudou tal como a vida da tua mãe.
What's camomile tea got to do with it, she says she's pregnant?
Está grávida?
She married a general in 1918, and his aide-de-camp got her pregnant.
Ela se casou com um general em 1918, e seu ajudante - de-campo engravidou.
She said I got pregnant that first time with Emilia... because I wanted to prove to everybody... that you weren't gay.
Que fiquei grávida da primeira vez, de Emilia, porque eu queria provar a todos que não eras gay.
Oh, come on, so she got a little pregnant.
Oh, então, ela ficou um pouco grávida.
You know, I never told you but... when your mom told me that she was pregnant and we were having you, I went out and got roaringly drunk.
Sabes, eu nunca te contei, mas... quando a tua mãe me disse que estava grávida de ti, saí e apanhei uma bebedeira.
My mother got pregnant with me when she was 17.
A minha mãe ficou grávida de mim aos 17.
I was already pregnant when she got married, But not abandoned my parents Never would have made me surrender dispelled my saário A man who needed it.
Eu já estava grávida quando me casei, mas não abandonei os meus pais, jamais lhe teria feito a desfeita de me entrega o meu saário a um homem que não o necessitava.
I don't know, whatever, she got herself pregnant.
Não sei, fosse como fosse. Ela estava grávida.
She's got pain in her lower left side and she's not pregnant?
Está com dores do lado inferior esquerdo do abdómen e não está grávida?
She's got pain in her lower left side and she's not pregnant?
Sente dor no lado esquerdo do baixo abdômen e não está grávida?
If she's pregnant, we got to get to her before she gives birth.
Se ela estiver grávida, temos de a apanhar antes do parto.
Did you also know that Isabella was pregnant when she got shot?
Também sabia que a Isabella estava grávida quando foi atingida?
Since my mom's been pregnant, she's been too busy to shop for me, so I got to buy my whole winter wardrobe alone.
Queres dizer que tens mais? Fixe. O que é isto?
He said she must have gotten pregnant right... right after Alex got back.
Disse que ela deve ter engravidado quando o Alex regressou.
Yeah, they got married, but she's no longer pregnant.
Esqueci-me do nome dela.
Then one day, she became pregnant and we got married.
E um dia, ela engravidou, e nós casámo-nos.
Well, hell, you're the one that got pregnant. She's the one got pregnant.
Tu é que engravidaste!
- Was she pregnant when she got here?
Quando cá chegou estava grávida?
When the dog got pregnant, I was the first one she called.
Quando a cadela ficou prenha, fui o primeiro a quem ligou.
People are saying that you got her pregnant and she had an abortion and tried to kill herself. Uh-huh.
Dizem que a engravidaste, e que ela fez um aborto e tentou suicidar-se.
She got pregnant.
She got caught shoplifting, was sent to a young offenders institution, became pregnant at 14 and had the baby taken into care, but... she's turned her life around.
Foi apanhada a roubar numa loja, foi enviada para uma instituição para jovens delinquentes, engravidou aos 14 anos e deu o bebé para adopção. Mas...
She'd got herself pregnant to him.
Ficou grávida dele.
Unless she's got a 5'3 " very pregnant friend who filled it for her.
A menos que tenha uma amiga grávida de 1,60 m que a aviasse por ela.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
pregnant 250
she goes 59
she gone 24
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got out 26
she got it 33
she got away 43
pregnant 250
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17