She got away traduction Portugais
409 traduction parallèle
She got away, sir.
Ela fugiu.
She got away.
Ela fugiu.
She got away.
- Ela fugiu.
- Sir "She Got Away"?
- Sir "Ela fugiu"?
She got away.
Ela foi-se embora.
Even if she got away with it in court... crime of passion, temporary insanity... those headlines would kill her.
Mesmo que ela se safasse em tribunal... crime de paixão, insanidade temporária... Esses cabeçalhos iriam matá-la.
She got away?
Ela fugiu?
She got away.
Ela conseguiu fugir.
- Ela fugiu.
She got away with it all.
Foi-se embora com todos.
She got away and he's searching for her.
Ela fugiu e ele anda à procura dela.
He tried to get at Cassie, only she got away.
Ele tentou apanhar a Cassie mas ela fugiu.
- She got away.
- Ela fugiu.
I don't know, neither, but she got away.
Eu também não, mas ela fugiu.
It's lucky that she got away from Murdoc.
Teve sorte em o Murdoc a deixar ir.
Josie told me she got away from him.
A Josie disse-me que fugiu dele.
- She got away.
- Ela conseguiu fugir.
Find out right away if she's got a friend.
Descobre já se ela tem uma amiga.
Miss Harding knew him well. She's worried about whether he got away.
A Menina Harding conhece-o muito bem e está preocupada com a fuga dele.
She's got away again.
Ela fugiu de novo.
She was glad he got away, Father.
Ela ficou feliz por ele ter escapado, pai.
When she was my age, she put a little away each week... and got herself a license.
Quando tinha a minha idade, punha um pouco de lado a cada semana... e conseguiu uma licença.
Well, she tipped me off the police were coming, And Gus got away.
Avisou-me que a Polícia viria e o Gus foi-se embora.
She's generous, sensitive... a little high-strung, maybe. Once you get her... get her away from her father's influence, she's got the makings of a wonderful wife.
Conheço a Paty, ela é generosa... sensível, um pouco voluntariosa também, mas quando ela... quando ela se afastar da influência do pai... terá tudo pra ser uma esposa maravilhosa.
She just got up one fine day and just gave away my future.
Ela acordou num belo dia e destruiu meu futuro.
Well let's hope she was safely away last night before these men got into her room.
Espero que tenha estado fora ontem.
Yuri, when they got away to Moscow, she left something here.
Ela deixou cá uma coisa, quando foram para Moscovo.
Do you think a girl could get away with murder just because she's beautiful and got nice legs?
Acreditas que uma rapariga poderia matar e saír impune só porque é bonita e tem umas pernas jeitosas?
She got called away by a sick friend.
Espero bem que sim! Não voltemos a falar nisso!
She got scared and she ran away.
Ela assustou-se e fugiu.
What do you mean she got away?
Como assim, ela fugiu?
She could have killed me out there, got away on a sub, but she didn't.
Ela podia ter me matado lá... e fugido num submarino, mas não fez isso. - Ela ainda...
When I got a new coat, for example, she used to put in my pocket a clove of garlic to keep the evil spirits away.
Quando eu tenho um novo casaco, por exemplo, Ela costumava colocar no meu bolso. Um dente de alho para manter os maus espíritos longe.
She got pregnant, and they sent her away.
Ela engravidou e mandaram-na embora.
She got away clean.
Ela fugiu.
She got to see you right away.
- Ela quer falar contigo já.
What matters is, she got the hell away from him.
O que importa é que se afastou dele.
Well, she made the Retreat here sound so peaceful and intellectually stimulating... that, well, I guess I got carried away and followed her here.
Bem, ela fez da Retirada um lugar tão calmo e intelectualmente estimulante... bem, achei que fosse posto de parte e a segui.
And despite all your aunt says, I'm sure she's got hundreds of photographs of you all tucked away.
E apesar do que diz a vossa tia, estou certa que tem centenas de fotografias guardadas.
She got away.
- Não vais encontrar a tua irmã!
When you strip away every ounce of humanity, every shred of pride she has, just when she's bending down to kiss your feet, tell her you got the ring... from Al Bundy.
Quando lhe tirares todos os pingos de Humanidade, toda a réstia de orgulho que tiver, quando for a baixar-se para te beijar os pés, diz-lhe que quem te deu a aliança foi aqui o Al Bundy.
I told her we were to be married and she got well right away!
Disse-lhe que estávamos para casar e ela melhorou logo!
She just got away?
Ela apenas fugiu?
She must have used him, and then when she got tired of him, she blew him away in Rio.
Ela deve ter usado ele, então ela se cansou dele, e o matou no Rio.
She'd never have got away with it, of course.
- Ela nunca iria conseguir escapar...
She's got enough on this to lock us both away for life.
Ela tem suficiente sobre esta o bloqueio para nós tanto de distância para a vida.
[Tires Screech] It's not their fault she got away. It's not, huh?
Não é sua culpa que ela tenha escapado.
She was trying to get away, and her head got caught in the spokes.
Ela estava a tentar fugir, e a cabeça foi apanhada nas rodas.
It got that she was taking away the belt, with which it was strangled.
Conseguiu que ela tirasse o cinto, com o qual foi estrangulada.
She got into his car, and they just drove away.
Ela entrou para o carro dele e arrancaram.
She set me up to take the fall... and she almost got away with it.
Armou-me uma cilada e quase se safou.
she got 31
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
got away 26
away 568
away from home 17
she got sick 23
she got married 26
she got what she deserved 16
she got pregnant 32
she got out 26
she got it 33
got away 26
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
she goes 59
she gone 24
she gave me 22
she gets 19
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17
she gets it 55
she gave it to me 33
she good 16
she gasps 38
she gave me this 22
she groans 17